Low frequency transformer working principle and design process

Low-frequency transformer is a device that transmits electrical energy through electromagnetic induction, which comes with an impedance that can change the transmitted electrical energy. It is mainly to ensure that the equipment in different voltages under normal operation, to maintain not excessive waveform and frequency, low-frequency transformer is widely used in electronic products.

Working Principle of Low Frequency Transformer

Low frequency transformers are manufactured using the principle of electromagnetic induction. The most basic low-frequency device is two winding coil core, in a stream of AC voltage through the coil, the coil current alternating magnetic flux, it follows the core in the line to produce another voltage, this voltage and the core of the original transmission of the voltage to form a collision, so that the original transmission of the voltage occurs a number of losses, so as to make the voltage lower.

Low-frequency transformer design

Selection of the core is the first step in the manufacture of low-frequency transformers. The selection of the iron core is related to the actual power required. First calculate the power consumed by the transformer's secondary, when the actual need for power below 30W, the secondary consumption of power accounted for 50%, when the actual need for power the larger, this part of the consumption of the ratio is smaller, the minimum is 10%. Then calculate the power consumption of the transformer itself. These two can be added together to get the actual power of the primary, according to which the size of the core can be selected.

Setting the number of turns per volt is the second step in designing a low-frequency transformer. Different qualities of varistor material have different values, and in order to ensure that the LF transformer has the right excitation current, the number of turns per volt is calculated using the formula. Then use the number of turns per volt multiplied by 220V to derive the number of primary turns, and then multiply the primary turns by the secondary actual power to derive the number of turns of the secondary winding coil group. General wire also has a certain resistivity, will reduce the actual voltage, so the secondary winding coil turns need to be added to the 5-10% or so, in order to ensure that the voltage output.

The third step in the manufacture of low-frequency transformers is to determine the coil winding method. Currently the main use of lacquer coils with high insulation, the actual need for power in the 50W transformer can use the skeleton stack winding method, and winding by turn, do not produce a large slope, to avoid increasing the potential difference between the coils. The actual need for power in the transformer more than 50W, each layer to increase the insulation paper to avoid the upper and lower layers of coil confusion, resulting in potential difference.

Through the above description we see that the low-frequency transformer working principle and design is simple, but the low-frequency transformer in daily life is widely used, from the daily use of laptop computers to electrical measurement, electronic access, large power plants power transmission. With the smart home industry and digital mobile device innovation and development, the future demand for low-frequency transformers is growing.