What are Stephen Hawking's major accomplishments?

1. A Brief History of Time

A Brief History of Time is a popular science book by British physicist Stephen William Hawking, first published in 1988.

The book **** twelve chapters of cutting-edge knowledge about the nature of the universe, including: images of our universe, space and time, the expanding universe, the Uncertainty Principle, black holes, and the origin and destiny of the universe, with in-depth knowledge of distant galaxies, black holes, particles, and antimatter, and ancient propositions such as the origin of the universe, space and time, and relativity. elaboration.

In the book, Hawking explores the unresolved conflicts that exist in existing theories of the universe and points out the problems that exist in unifying quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and general relativity, and the book is positioned to make his theories and the mathematics therein accessible to general readers who are interested in cosmology.

2, The Large-Scale Structure of Space and Time

The Large-Scale Structure of Space and Time, by Stephen Hawking. The book focuses on general relativity, the curvature of spacetime, and the causal structure of spacetime. To show how these predictions came about, the author gives a comprehensive treatment of general relativity.

Starting with the precise form of the theory and the necessary background in differential geometry, the book discusses the significance of the curvature of spacetime, examines the overall nature of a large number of exact solutions to Einstein's field equations, develops the theory of the causal structure of spacetime in general and uses it in the study of black holes, proves a series of theorems, and establishes that a singularity is bound to exist under certain conditions.

Those conditions hold at the end of the nuclear evolution of the halo of a star with a mass originally twice that of the sun, or of the universe as a whole in the sense of time-reversal. In the former case, the 'singularity appears inside the black hole; in the latter, it is the initial singularity of our past.

The book also discusses the Cauchy problem of general relativity, which is of great scholarly value.

3. The Grand Design

The Grand Design is Hawking's pre-1988 summary of theoretical physics and cosmology.

Now that the wheel of history has turned for more than 20 years, mankind has made new discoveries and understandings of the universe, and he himself has made many new reflections on the universe and the Unification Theory, with many predictions and outlooks for the future.