Why is Thailand's medical standard high despite its underdeveloped economy? Do you know why?
Many people think that economic level and medical level should be linked, but Thailand is an exception. In recent years, Thailand has been the world's number one medical tourism destination country. As a major tourism service provider, Thailand has been developing its medical tourism services since it started to build a tourism powerhouse.
We can see that Thailand's medical level has been certified by world authorities. In the whole of Southeast Asia, Cuming, Thailand's Sammy Thai and Bangkok Hospital, among others. These international hospitals were the first to receive Zc accreditation and qualification and represent the highest level of medical care in the world.
Currently, more than 30 hospitals in Thailand have received this certification. These hospitals are open to foreign tourists, attracting them with the same medical environment and services as a five-star hotel. That's why people say Thailand has first world medical services but a third world pricing system.
Many major surgeries cost a fraction of what they do in the US. It is no longer an ordeal for wealthy people from other countries to come to Thailand to experience medical care, but more like a trip, a vacation, and natural medical care in Thailand, which has become the choice of many.
In order to promote medical care in Thailand, Thailand often sends doctors to Europe and the United States to exchange the latest medical technology, and spends money to introduce the world's most advanced medical equipment, and ultimately become the world's No. 1 medical tourism destination. So that's why Thailand's economy is not particularly developed, but its medical standards are comparable to those of Europe and the United States.