Wuhan University of Science and Technology Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a fraudulent company , we must be careful not to be cheated, the patent is true, buy back production can not

Wuhan University of Science and Technology Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a fraudulent company , we must be careful not to be cheated, the patent is true, buy back production can not buy the original At least one of them is a company, there are also some companies more blatant fraud, and cheating method is more clever, Wuhan Sheng Yuan environmental protection technology is an example. Most of these companies are cheating these tricks.

The first move: Wuhan Sheng Yuan labeled factory, in fact, is a combination of processing studio, all the accessories are bought from Jiangsu and Zhejiang factories, and even has been thought of as Ao's computer boards are bought and processed, there is absolutely no core products of their own. Drinking water project host is bought back from Shanghai Garnett labeling. A two-ton host offer more than 20,000, the actual buy only 10,000 in Janet, the profit at least 10,000 or more, home reverse osmosis machine, not to mention.

The second trick: the company's purpose is to fool customers to the company, trying to do everything to make you pay, do not pay the attitude immediately changed, want to give the information are not (just coping with the color page to give a point), and the other one does not give. Let you go home to fend for yourself. Paid money on the miserable, paid 20,000 of the payment, you can only get 10,000 of the goods, the remaining 10,000, so that you pay to send you, the next goods and then deduct your payment, so many agents still dream of how much money in the company, in fact, simply will not come back. The promised how much money how many goods always have money buckle there is swallowed.

The third trick: once the campus project home on the horse, the machine did not fail all happy, if there is a problem, can only listen to God's fate, Macheng, Sichuan, Henan partners are crying. A lot of places where the machine failure to call Wuhan Shengyuan consulting, construction of the master directly hang up the phone simply do not answer.

The fourth move: bridge over the river, a serious case is: Mianyang, Sichuan, because of a good job, Wuhan ShengYuan directly find a reason to cancel the first unauthorized access to agents in Mianyang agent, authorized to the new agent.

Additionally, Wuhan Sheng Yuan company's so-called factory address in the Han Huang Road, No. 12, 5th floor, the company only paid the money of the people who are determined to see will take to see, in fact, is the assembly workshop, do not pay the determined not to see. If you want to be an agent or a friend of the school project, it is recommended to be responsible for their own investment, must go to see the factory, even if they go over to see if the above is true.

Remind everyone to do campus drinking water must visit the factory. Look at the reputation