The evolution of 5S
"Man-made environment, the environment nurtures people", stepping into the new century, the competition between hospitals appear all-round, hospitals in the emphasis on quality-centered at the same time, and gradually realized the importance of people-oriented. Hospital people-oriented, through the creation of a good environment, training and attracting first-class talent, to create a first-class hospital, which eloquently summarizes the true meaning of 5S management.
As early as 1955, Japan's 5S is still in a kind of family, for the ground put forward "safety begins with organizing and reorganization, finally organized and reorganized" publicity slogan. At that time, only the first two S, its purpose is only to ensure that the workspace and safety. Later, with the development of the economy, the slogan "Sweeping, Cleaning, and Cultivation", also known as 3S, was gradually put forward, thus further expanding the concept of management. Japan's 5S work to 1986, gradually came out, and thus the entire site management model played a role in the impact, and thus set off the factory management 5S model of the boom. 5S management model has also been gradually improved.
5S development
After the Second World War, Japanese hospitals will be the 5S movement as the basis of management, and the implementation of a variety of other advanced on-site management methods and quality control techniques, such as: TPM, TQC, etc., so that the quality of products can be rapidly improved, and laid the Japanese position as the dominant manufacturing industry. And later Toyota advocated the implementation of 5S gradually in many aspects of the role of the role played more and more: shaping the image of the hospital, reduce costs, on-time delivery, safe production, a high degree of standardization, to create a pleasant workplace, on-site improvement, etc., and gradually be recognized by the management community of all countries. With the development of the world economy, 5S has now developed into a mature site management model and brought about a worldwide 5S boom.
Later, with the need for further development of hospitals, in the original 5S on the basis of the emergence of 7S, 10S, etc., but all the changes are the same, but the following a few S:
Save: Save
Safety: Safety
Shiukanka: customized
Service: Service
Shikoku: Persistence
Second point. Meaning of 5S
5S is the Japanese word SEIRI (repair), SEITON (reorganization), SEISO (cleaning), SEIKETSU (cleanliness), SHITSU KE (recuperation), which is collectively called "5S", because the pronunciation of the front of these five words is "S". "5S",
The specific meanings are as follows:
Chinese Japanese English Remarks
Organize SEIRI Organization Empty the garbage, long unused things to put in the warehouse
Rectify SEITON Neatness Within 30 seconds you can Find what you are looking for in 30 seconds
Cleaning SEISO Cleaning Whoever cleans
Cleaning SEIKETSU Standardisation Openness and transparency of management
Cultivation SHITUKE Discipline and Training Strict adherence to standards, teamwork
It is to distinguish between necessary and non-essential items.
No non-essential items are placed on site.
ü Tidy up the chaos into a well-organized state.
5S management is about improving the physical condition of the hospital.
Tidying up is also about improving the physique of the hospital.
※ Tidying up
is to be able to find what you are looking for in 30 seconds, reducing the time spent looking for necessary items to zero.
Being able to take it out quickly.
Can be used immediately.
Handling can save the state.
※ Sweeping
Keep the post in the state of no garbage, no dust, clean and clean, the object of sweeping:
Floor, ceiling, wall, tool rack, window, etc..
Machines, tools, measuring utensils, etc.
※ Cleaning
To the end of tidying up, reorganizing and cleaning, and institutionalized; management is open and transparent.
※ Cultivation
Everyone is required to follow the rules.
A typical example is the requirement to strictly adhere to standards, emphasizing the team spirit.
Develop good 5S management habits.
5S is the basis for the effective implementation of on-site management activities. 5S activities not only improve the living environment, but also improve productivity, reduce waste, and improve the quality of products and service levels. Tidying up, straightening up and cleaning up to the end, and standardizing them to the point of forming part of the hospital's culture, these will bring new transformations and enhancements to the hospital.
5S is also the basis for the effective use of equipment, reducing unnecessary waste. In the absence of the implementation of "5S" of the factory, each post may appear a variety of irregular or untidy phenomena, such as garbage, paint, rust, etc. are all over the floor, parts, cardboard boxes haphazardly resting on the floor, the personnel, vehicles are in the narrow aisles through the line, such as the effective management of it, even the most advanced equipment, will soon join the defective equipment. Will soon join the ranks of bad equipment and waiting for repair or scrap.
In the absence of the implementation of "5S" in the factory, employees in the chaotic and unclean and unmanaged environment, of course, is unstable, the more the more work, either to muddle through, or to find another job.
Think about it, for this kind of factory, how many around us! Even if the introduction of a lot of advanced and excellent management methods will not see any significant results, in order to completely change this situation must start from the basics, from the simple and practical 5S to start.
The above explains the basic meaning of 5S. However, we all know that in the actual implementation of the 5S process, we often confuse the concept of which, especially the concept of organizing, reorganizing, cleaning and cleaning, in order to make 5S enjoyable, to quickly promote the dissemination of our predecessors came up with many ways to help understand the memory, such as cartoons, jingles, or kanban boards and so on.
To make it easier for you to remember, you can use the following jingle to summarize:
※ Organize: to be and not to be, a stay a discard.
※ Rectification: scientific layout, take Chung quickly.
※ Cleaning: remove garbage and beautify the environment.
※ Cleaning: clean the environment to the end.
* Clean: clean up the environment and follow through.
The third point of the relationship between the 5S
A. 5S internal relationship
1. 5 S relationship
Organization, reorganization, cleaning, cleaning, cultivation, these five S is not independent of each other, unrelated. Between them is a complementary, indispensable relationship.
Tidying up is the foundation of rectification, rectification is the consolidation of rectification, cleaning is to show the effect of organizing, rectification, and through cleaning and cultivation, the hospital to form a so-called overall improvement of the atmosphere.
2. The relationship between the 5 S's can be expressed in a few phrases
●Only organizing without reorganization, items are really hard to find,
●Only reorganizing without organizing, can not be taken out of the mess,
●Only organizing, reorganization, no cleaning, the use of items is unreliable,
●The 3S of the effect of how to ensure that cleaning out of the offer a trick,
●The 3S of the effect how to ensure that cleaning out of a trick,
●Only organizing and reorganizing, cleaning out of a trick,<
●Standard work practice training, high level of company management.
The fourth point 5S and other activities of the relationship
In practice, perhaps many people will ask, 5S since it is so important, what is the relationship with TQM (Total Quality Management), and TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and what is the relationship? And how is it related to other management activities?
The answer is that 5S is the foundation of management, a prerequisite for Total Productive Maintenance, the first step of TPM, and, if we go one level deeper, it is the crystallization of the implementation of ISO9000 in hospitals. Any hospital improvement and management activities, if there is a 5S to promote, can receive twice the result with half the effort, on the contrary, 5S can not implement the hospital, to successfully carry out other activities is much more difficult. 5S and other activities of the relationship between the following:
1. to create a holistic atmosphere
For a hospital, if there is no first 5S, or the implementation of 5S, but the first introduction of a comprehensive system of institutionalization, and the implementation of 5S. Rather, the first to introduce comprehensive institutional management, or to promote ISO certification, TPM management, or the implementation of other methods of activities, it is difficult to play a good role in promoting. The implementation of a comprehensive 5S management model can create an overall hospital atmosphere, so that the organization or the hospital in each person has developed a habit and actively participate in, and so that everything has a strict standard and a good atmosphere of cooperation, when the hospital then go to the implementation of ISO, TQM, or to promote the TPM, it will be very easy to obtain the support of the staff and cooperation, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff to form a strong The driving force and cohesion.
2. Embody the effect, enhance confidence
Promote 5S, which reflects an immediate effect, can enhance the confidence of the staff of the hospital. The implementation of ISO, TQM or TPM activities, its effect is a hidden and long-term, difficult to see, if the implementation of ISO, TQM, TTM activities in the process of the first introduction of the 5S, you can get a significant effect in the short term to enhance the confidence of the hospital staff to stimulate their participation and enthusiasm.
3. 5S for related activities to lay a solid foundation
5S for related activities to lay a solid foundation in the implementation of ISO, TTM, TQM hospitals in the implementation of the activities of 5S is equivalent to the activities of the relevant activities to provide fertile soil, provides a strong and powerful protection. Because 5S is the foundation of on-site management, the level of 5S represents the level of on-site management, and the level of on-site management constrains the ISO, TTM, TQM activities can be successfully promoted or implemented. Therefore, only through the implementation of 5S and activities, from the site management, from the fundamental to improve the hospital system and hospital atmosphere, can play a multiplier effect.
5S and other activities are organized as follows:
1. create an overall atmosphere
For a hospital, if not first set off 5S, or the implementation of the 5S, but first imported into the overall management of the system, or to promote the ISO certification, TPM management, or the implementation of other methods of activities, it is difficult to play a good role in promoting. The implementation of a comprehensive 5S management model can create an overall hospital atmosphere, so that the organization or the hospital in each person has developed a habit and actively participate in, and so that everything has a strict standard and a good atmosphere of cooperation, when the hospital then go to the implementation of ISO, TQM, or to promote the TPM, it will be very easy to obtain the support of the staff and cooperation, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff to form a strong The driving force and cohesion.
2. Embody the effect, enhance confidence
Promote 5S, which reflects an immediate effect, can enhance the confidence of the staff of the hospital. The implementation of ISO, TQM or TPM activities, its effect is a hidden and long-term, difficult to see, if the implementation of ISO, TQM, TTM activities in the process of the first introduction of the 5S, you can get a significant effect in the short term to enhance the confidence of the hospital staff to stimulate their participation and enthusiasm.
3. 5S for related activities to lay a solid foundation
5S for related activities to lay a solid foundation in the implementation of ISO, TTM, TQM hospitals in the implementation of the activities of 5S is equivalent to the activities of the relevant activities to provide fertile soil, provides a strong and powerful protection. Because 5S is the foundation of on-site management, the level of 5S represents the level of on-site management, and the level of on-site management constrains the ISO, TTM, TQM activities can be successfully promoted or implemented. Therefore, only through the implementation of 5S and activities, from the site management, from the fundamental to improve the hospital system and hospital atmosphere, can play a multiplier effect.