What qualifications are needed to sell protective clothing

A positive answer

Need Class II medical device filing credentials, necessary medical masks and surgical gowns are categorized as Class II medical devices. The sales of Class II medical devices need to apply to the local Drug Administration for the business registration of Class II medical devices and obtain the right to sell Class II medical devices. Business Record Certificate. If a company wants to sell masks and other products on an online platform, it will need to apply for a certificate of registration to sell medical devices online, in addition to a certificate of registration to operate as a Class II medical device.

Two, analyze the details

Criteria for choosing protective clothing need to be considered based on the assessment of single or multiple hazards that may occur in the premises, the removal and control of hazardous situations, and the main factors related to the purchase that should be taken into account are: a single exposure, several exposures, or prolonged and repeated use, the impact of contaminants, whether it is possible to cost-effectively convert contaminants on the protective clothing into harmless by-products, and whether there is a way to demonstrate that the contaminants have been removed, and whether there is an environmental impact or hazard to the person sterilizing the suit when it is sterilized. Whether the suit has lost its protective properties after exposure to dry contaminants or disinfection, and the cost per use, Repeated-use suits are usually expensive, and maintenance costs, including disinfection, inspection, and storage, are also high for loss or damage; however, they have a long service life. Protective clothing for limited use is usually relatively inexpensive and has a relatively short life span.

Three, buy protective clothing how to use

1, protective clothing to be safe to take off the protective clothing, do not cause pollution to the human body and the environment. Before taking off the chemical protective clothing must be necessary to clean and decontaminate to avoid contamination;

2, wear before checking the overall integrity of the protective clothing. Such as the surface of the protective clothing with or without pollution, stitching with or without cracking. Remove sharp objects, the unnecessary keys, sharp objects of the pendant from the body, so as not to cause damage to the protective clothing in the work;

3, to pay extra attention to the precautions of the protective clothing. Protective clothing wear off the order of methods including protective clothing worn before the preparatory work, wear protective clothing when the place to choose, wear protective clothing and the method of taking off the protective clothing. Incorrect order of protective clothing may lead to toxic and hazardous substances such as gas, chemical solvents, viruses and germs on the skin of the operator injury.