May I ask the guru: Are the various instruments and machines in so many factories now invented by highly educated intellectuals?

All kinds of equipment in factories are generally bought on the market. And this equipment is produced by specialized factories and offered for trading in the market.

As a professional manufacturer, the equipment produced by the construction of two ways: one is from the purchase of professional design institute design products (product drawings); one is the factory (such factories are relatively large) design department of their own design, and the production department for manufacturing.

Here is a reminder: invention and design are two different concepts. Invention is a kind of creation, the product is unique; general design and manufacturing does not have the uniqueness, therefore does not belong to the category of invention. Design must have a high degree of education or not have the ability to design (their own at home to put together something although it also contains the design and manufacture, but does not belong to the design and manufacture of products). Invention does not necessarily require a high degree of education, it is more with the help of the inventor's unique thinking. Often, the idea comes to mind and a prototype is built. Feel good, and then in-depth professional design to form a product (drawings), and finally delivered to manufacture. There are also directly to the prototype as a patented technology sold to the design capabilities of the professional production and manufacturing plants, the final formation of products by these manufacturers.