A physical gastroscope is a medical device that helps doctors examine a patient's digestive system. Typically, the doctor inserts a thin, camera-enabled tube through the patient's mouth or nose into the stomach, and with the help of images on a screen, the doctor can look inside the stomach to determine the presence of disease.
The physical gastroscope is typically used to check for lesions in the gastrointestinal tract, such as indigestion, stomach polyps, ulcer disease, stomach cancer and more. Through this test, doctors can detect potential problems early and take early treatment measures to greatly increase the cure rate of the disease. Although the procedure may not be very comfortable, it plays a very important role in your health.
The physical gastroscope is a safe, non-invasive test that takes a short time and is simple to perform. Moreover, the patient can be under mild anesthesia during the process to reduce discomfort. It should be reminded that before the physical examination gastroscopy, patients need to take appropriate preparatory measures according to the doctor's instructions, such as fasting, drinking water, medication and so on. Be sure to follow the doctor's instructions to avoid interference with the test results.