trauma, or complication of traumatic shock. 10, acute coronary syndrome ACS : is in the development of coronary heart disease in the process of coronary atherosclerosis as the pathological basis for atherosclerotic plaque instability as the basic case characteristics. 11, heat stroke: also known as acute heat-related diseases, refers to the hot weather, humidity and windless high-temperature environment, due to dysfunction of the central thermoregulation center, sweat gland failure and excessive loss of water and electrolytes caused by central nervous and (or) cardiovascular dysfunction as the main manifestations of acute diseases. 12, heat cramps: strenuous labor in a hot environment, a lot of sweating after the muscle spasm, symmetrical and paroxysmal pain, lasting about 3 minutes and then relieved, often occurring after the cessation of activities. 13, heat exhaustion: mostly seen in the elderly, children and people with chronic diseases. In severe heat stress, due to excessive loss of body fluids and body sodium, insufficient supplementation caused. Manifestations are excessive sweating, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache and so on. Pregnant women and other heat regulation ability is poor, appear pale sweating, blood pressure drop, trance and so on. 14, pyrexia: a fatal emergency, mainly characterized by high fever (rectal temperature ≥ 41 ℃) and confusion. The organs affected early on are brain, liver, kidney and heart in that order. Clinically, according to the state of the patient at the onset of the disease and the pathogenesis is divided into labor-type pyrexia and non-labor-type pyrexia. Acute poisoning: It means that toxic chemical substances enter the human body for a short period of time or an excessive amount at one time, causing organic or functional damage to tissues and organs. The onset of acute poisoning is rapid, the symptoms are dangerous and the changes are rapid, if not treated in time, it is often life-threatening. 16, late-onset polyneuropathy: a few patients such as methamidophos, dichlorvos, lego, trichlorfon poisoning, in acute poisoning or severe poisoning symptoms disappear after 2 to 3 weeks, there can be sensory and motor polyneuropathy, mainly manifested as the end of the limb burning, pain and numbness, as well as weakness of the lower limbs, paralysis, limb muscular atrophy and so on.
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17, intermediate syndrome: refers to the acute poisoning of organophosphorus insecticides, such as methamidophos, dichlorvos, Rogaine, monocrotophos poisoning caused by a group of muscle weakness as a prominent manifestation of the syndrome. 18, after poisoning "rebound": some organic insecticides such as chlormequat chloride and malathion oral poisoning, the first aid clinical symptoms improve, can be in a few days to a week, the condition of the sudden sharp deterioration of the acute poisoning of organophosphorus pesticides again symptoms, and even the occurrence of coma, pulmonary edema or sudden death, which is the post poisoning This is the phenomenon of "rebound", and its mortality rate accounts for 7%~8% of acute organophosphorus insecticide poisoning. 19, systemic inflammatory response SIRS: refers to the systemic inflammatory response caused by human and pathogenic factors acting on the body. Four criteria: a. Increased respiration, respiratory rate >20 breaths/min, or PaCO2 <32mmHg. b. Increased heart rate >90 beats/min. c. Abnormal temperature, body temperature >38℃ or <36℃. d. Abnormal total number of leukocytes or classification of the peripheral blood, leukocyte count >12 times 10 times 9/L or <4 times 10 times 9/L, or immature granulocytes >10% The total number of leukocytes in the blood or the classification of leukocytes is abnormal. 20、Sepsis: systemic inflammatory reaction caused by infection, synonymous with systemic infection, its diagnostic criteria are in line with the diagnostic criteria of SIRS, and at the same time confirmed the presence of bacteria or a highly infectious foci. 21、Severe sepsis: refers to sepsis caused by tissue hypoperfusion or organ dysfunction, such as hypotension, lactic acidosis, oliguria or acute impaired consciousness. 22、Septic shock: also known as infectious shock, refers to persistent hypotension that cannot be corrected even after adequate fluid resuscitation is given to patients with severe sepsis, i.e., systolic blood pressure <90mmHg (12kPa) or blood pressure drops more than the basal value of 40mmHg (5.3kPa), accompanied by tissue hypoperfusion or organ dysfunction. 23、Multi-Organ Dysfunction Syndrome MODS: refers to the body in severe trauma, shock, infection and other acute injury factors under the blow of 24 hours at the same time or sequential occurrence of two or more than two or more with the original pathology damage or not directly related to the reversible functional failure of the system or organ.