What are the standards for good equipment?

Integrated equipment has the following requirements:

1, equipment performance is good, such as performance, output to meet the design standards, precision to meet the process requirements, operation without over-temperature, overpressure phenomenon.

2, equipment running normally, complete parts, no major defects, wear and tear corrosion within the prescribed limits, the main measuring instruments and lubrication system is normal.

3, raw materials, fuel, oil and other consumption is normal, no oil leakage, leakage of gas (steam), leakage phenomenon, the appearance of clean, neat.

Equipment intact rate

The so-called intact rate, is in the inspection period, the intact equipment and the proportion of the total number of units of equipment (equipment intact rate = the number of intact equipment/total number of units of equipment) many factories can reach the target of more than 95%. At the moment of inspection, if the equipment is running, no failure, it is considered intact, so this indicator is very good to see.

To this end, many companies have proposed reforming the definition of this indicator, for example, by checking three times a month on the 8th, 18th and 28th, and taking the average of their completion rates as the completion rate for the month. This is certainly better than checking once, but it is still a point reflection of the rate of completion.

Later it was proposed to complete the number of hours compared to the number of calendar hours, the number of hours is equal to the number of hours of calendar hours minus the total number of hours of faults and their repair. This indicator is much more realistic. Of course, it also encounters the increase in statistical workload and the authenticity of statistics, and encounters the controversy of preventive maintenance hours deducted or not.

Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - intact equipment