The role of anti-static flooring. Antistatic floor can make the static charge through the leakage to the ground, for computer and network equipment to provide security measures. Activities between the floor and the original ground space to facilitate the laying of electronic computer room systems cable, connection and maintenance, eliminating the cable exposed to the staff of the human body hazards. The space under the anti-static movable floor can be used as the static pressure air library of the air-conditioning system, so as to obtain the satisfactory airflow organization of the computer room. With the help of the adjustable support of the anti-static movable floor for leveling, to ensure the level of the floor of the machine room. As the anti-static movable floor is a whole assembly structure, the weight of the machine is on the whole floor structure, and it has anti-vibration effect. When expanding the equipment in the future, the machine is easy to rearrange, easy to relocate and save money. Protect the power supply, signal lines and connectors; configure the pipeline quickly and easily; to avoid staff tripping; so that the electronic computer room is neatly arranged, with a certain decorative effect. The movable floor is easy to replace. With the suction plate can be removed from any piece of flooring, maintenance and repair of piping and equipment under the floor is extremely convenient.