Medical masks use higher-end and more delicate ingredients than ordinary masks. Because medical masks are researched, developed and produced by medical experts, their ingredients and formulas have been verified by scientific experiments and are more focused on effectiveness and safety. For example, medical masks will contain more nutrients, such as hyaluronic acid and collagen, which can nourish the skin and make it more elastic, hydrated and moisturized.
Medical masks have a higher brand reputation. Because medical masks are developed by medical professionals, their brands have a stronger influence and people trust their effectiveness more. Whereas the branding and effectiveness of regular masks can be relatively disparate.
Once again, medical masks are more widely used. Because the ingredients of medical masks are finer and safer, they are suitable for people of different ages, genders and skin types. Whereas ordinary masks are more limited in their choices, some may only be suitable for people of specific age groups and skin types.
Choosing a medical mask can be more targeted to your facial needs. Because medical masks can be personalized for different skin types and needs with different styles and ingredients, such as hydration, anti-wrinkle, whitening, and so on, you can choose to use them.
Medical masks are better than