What are the uses of medical rfid silicone bracelets?

Medical wristbands are reflected in the following aspects in the medical process:

Use of emergency room operating rooms

The emergency room handles patients with various emergencies and is difficult to Well managed, under the pressure of a fast-paced job, problems such as specimens being mixed up often occur. Emergency rooms can be handled well with the help of barcoded medical wristbands and handheld devices that can scan barcodes. Also in the operating room, once a patient is anesthetized for surgery, it is difficult to regain consciousness and express themselves. With the help of barcode medical wristbands and handheld devices, patients' identities can be quickly confirmed and relevant information obtained.

Inpatient rounds

During inpatient rounds, the patient's wristband is read, patient information is read in, medical records and medical orders are retrieved, and physical data, such as body temperature and blood pressure, are also entered. etc.

Extraction of medication and blood transfusion samples

During medication, blood transfusion, test sample extraction and other treatments, read the patient information on the wristband to verify the identity, and then check the doctor's order to ensure the "five correct ".

Discharge Checkout

When you are discharged from the hospital, use the medical wristband to print out a notice with a barcode label at the nurse station for checkout. Due to the automatic recognition ability of the barcode, the processing is very fast and accurate. .

Patient access management

Identify and register inpatients entering and exiting the ward to facilitate patient management.

Meal management

Through the identification of the Bolanders silicone wristband, the patient's meal situation can be directly recorded, and the data can be recorded for checkout. The above applications are for reference only, and many functions still need to be discussed and explored. But there is no doubt that both barcode technology and patient identification products will soon be widely used in hospitals.

Most hospitals are probably using this. Personally, I think it smells really bad. Handwritten, the fonts tend to be blurred.

There is a QR code to scan patient information