What is Deep Brain Stimulation?

Brain pacemaker, medically speaking, is "Deep Brain Stimulation", the English name is: Deep Brain Stimulation, extracted from its acronym, we are now well known as "DBS "

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS): Baidu the technology is the use of brain stereotactic surgery in the brain specific nerve nuclei (located in the deep part of the brain of the two sides of some similar function of the nerve cell aggregation) position implantation of electrodes, through the stimulation of inhibition or excitation of abnormal electrical activity of the neurons, so as to play a role in controlling the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, to restore the role of the ability of life and self-care. This weak electric current comes from a small electric pulse generator (commonly known as a battery) buried in the front of the chest, which passes through an extension lead (similar to a "wire") buried under the skin to two electrodes similar to the thickness of a pencil lead placed inside the nucleus accumbens in the head. Microcurrent from the chest "battery", through the subcutaneous "wire", conducted to the head of the "nucleus accumbens", for stimulation, to produce the effect (as shown in the figure).

After more than 30 years of development, brain pacemaker technology can now be used for a wide range of diseases, with Medtronic pacemakers being the first and most widely approved for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, idiopathic tremor, dystonia, epilepsy, and more. The best treatment for Parkinson's disease is deep brain electrical stimulation surgery, also known as the installation of a brain pacemaker. With the installation of a brain pacemaker, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, such as stiffness, shaking and slow movements, can be very well improved, significantly improving the quality of life. In patients with good results, you may not be able to tell that the person has Parkinson's disease.