Lenovo Qitian M8209 parameters

Specific parameters are as follows

Operating SystemWindows XP Chinese Home Edition

CPU SeriesIntel Core 2 Quad-Core

Number of Cores/ThreadsQuad-Core

Product TypeBusiness Computer

Case TypeVertical

Memory TypeDDR3

Hard disk capacity 500GB

Graphics card type discrete

Graphics chip ATI Radeon HD 4350

Graphics memory capacity 512MB

Memory capacity 4GB

Basic specifications

Product type commercial computer

Operating system Windows XP Chinese Home Edition

Motherboard chipset Intel Q45


CPU Series Intel Core 2 Quad Core

CPU Model Intel Core 2 Quad Core Q9500

CPU Frequency 2830GHz

Bus Specifications FSB 1333MHz

Core Codename Yorkfield

Number of Cores/Threads Quad Core

Processing 45nm

Storage Device

Memory Capacity 4GB

Memory Type DDR3

Hard Disk Capacity 500GB

Hard Disk Description 7200rpm SATA2

Optical drive type DVD burner

Graphics/sound card

Graphics card type discrete

Graphics chip ATI Radeon HD 4350

Graphics memory capacity 512MB


Monitor size 19-inch

Display description Widescreen LCD

Network Communication

Wired Network Card 1000Mbps Ethernet Card

Other Parameters

Case Type Vertical

Case Color Black