Components of a Surgical Robot

Robots were introduced into medicine because they allow for unprecedented precision control of surgical instruments in minimally invasive surgery. So far, these machines have been used to position endoscopes, perform gallbladder surgery, and correct heartburn and GERD. The ultimate goal in the field of robotic surgery is to design a robot that can be used to perform heart surgery without opening the chest. In the United States alone, robotic devices could be used in more than 3.5 million medical procedures annually, according to one manufacturer. Robot.

1, da Vinci Surgical System

2, ZEUS Robotic Surgical System

3, AESOP Robotic System

On July 11, 2000, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared the da Vinci Surgical System, making it the first U.S. robotic system that could be used in the operating room. Developed by Intuitive Surgical, the da Vinci system uses technology that allows surgeons to reach surgical points that are invisible to the naked eye so they can work more precisely than in traditional surgery. The $1 million da Vinci system consists of two main components:

1. Surgeon's Console: The lead surgeon sits in the console, located outside the sterile area of the operating room, and uses his hands (by operating two main controls) and feet (via foot pedals) to control instruments and a three-dimensional high-definition endoscope. As seen in the stereoscopic goggles, the surgical instrument tips move in synchronization with the surgeon's hands.

2, bedside robotic arm system: bedside robotic arm system (Patient Cart) is the operating component of the surgical robot, its main function is to provide support for the instrument arm and camera arm. The assistant doctor works beside the bedside robotic arm system in the sterile area and is responsible for replacing instruments and endoscopes and assisting the surgeon in completing the surgery. To ensure patient safety, the assistant surgeon has higher priority control over the movement of the bedside robotic arm system than the primary surgeon.

3, imaging system: imaging system (Video Cart) is equipped with the core processor of the surgical robot as well as image processing equipment, in the surgical process is located outside of the sterile area, can be operated by the visiting nurse, and can be placed in various types of auxiliary surgical equipment. The endoscope of the surgical robot is a high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) lens, with more than 10 times magnification of the surgical field of view, which can bring three-dimensional high-definition images of the patient's body cavity to the surgeon in charge, enabling the surgeon to better grasp the operating distance than in ordinary laparoscopic surgery, and better recognize the anatomical structure, which enhances the precision of the surgery.