Elements of a project plan

Essential elements of a project plan

A good project plan is characterized by: focus on the product, dare to compete, adequate market research, strong information to illustrate, show the course of action, show a good team, good financial projections and so on a few points, which will enable the partners will be more understanding of the project's overall situation and business model, but also allow investors to determine the profitability of the project. The following is the elements of the project plan I brought to you, welcome to read, I hope it will help you!

1, the project scope statement

The project scope statement describes the reasons for the project or the significance of the project, the formation of the basic framework of the project, so that the project owner or project manager can systematically and logically analyze the project's key issues and the project's formation of the interacting elements of the project, so that the project stakeholders in the project Before the start of the project or project-related documents to prepare, the basic content and structure of the project to reach agreement; project scope statement should form a checklist of project results, as the basis for project evaluation, after the termination of the project or the completion of the project's final report before the completion of the assessment, as the basis for evaluating the success or failure of the project; the scope statement can be used as a project throughout the life cycle of the project to monitor and assess the project implementation of the basis, and other relevant plans of the project. The scope statement can also be used as the basis for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the project throughout its lifecycle, and as the basis for other project-related programs.

2, the project schedule

Progress plan is to illustrate the order of work in the project, start time, completion time and interdependent relationship between the plan. Through the preparation of the progress plan, the project implementation to form an organic whole. Progress plan is the basis for progress control and management, can be divided into project progress control plan and project status report plan.

In the progress control plan, to determine what work should be supervised, when to supervise, supervise who is responsible for, with what kind of method to collect and process the project progress information, how to check the progress of work on time and what to take adjustment measures, and the time required for these control work and personnel, technology, material resources, etc., are included in the project master plan.

3, project quality plan

Quality plan for the specific project to be determined, the arrangement of quality control personnel and related resources, the provisions of the use of those systems, norms, procedures, standards. Project quality plan should include all activities related to ensuring and controlling the quality of the project. The purpose of the quality plan is to ensure that the quality objectives of the project are met. According to ISO9001 requirements and PMBOK2000, in order to achieve the quality objectives, the organization should follow the eight quality management principles of customer focus, leadership role, full participation, process approach, systems approach to management, continuous improvement, fact-based decision-making approach, and mutually beneficial supplier relationships.

4, the project resource plan

With the project scope plan and schedule plan, the resource plan is to decide what kind of resources (people, materials, equipment, information, funds, etc.) in each of the project work, how many resources to use at all stages. Project cost plan includes resource planning, cost estimation, cost budget.

5, the project communication plan

Communication plan is to develop the project process of information exchange between project stakeholders, the content of the scope of personnel, communication methods, communication time or frequency of communication requirements of the agreement.

6, risk response plan

Risk response plan is in order to reduce the damage of the project risk and analyze the risk, the development of risk response strategy program process, including the identification of risk, quantitative risk, the preparation of risk response strategy program process.

7, project procurement planning

The project procurement planning process is to identify which project needs should be met by purchasing products or equipment from outside the organization. In the case of procurement of software development work, i.e., outsourcing, a plan for monitoring progress and quality control of the outsourcing should be developed at the same time.

8, change control, configuration management plan

As the project plan can not guarantee that the beginning of the prediction is very accurate, in the process of the project can not guarantee the accurate and powerful control, resulting in the project plan and the actual project does not match the situation often occurs, so it must be effective in dealing with the project change. The change control plan is mainly to specify the steps and procedures for change, and the configuration management plan is to determine the configuration items and baseline of the project, control the changes of the configuration items, maintain the integrity of the baseline, and provide the project stakeholders with the accurate state of the configuration items and the current configuration data.

Expanding how to write a project plan

1. face page:

This is easy to ignore the part, there are many organizations believe that the content is more important than the form. In fact, the form can be a better representation of the content. In addition, the project plan is also a very important window for funding agencies to understand and recognize us, and the professionalism and rigor of the performance is definitely a plus.

The cover page can simply contain the name of the project and the date, but it can also contain the following information:

Name of the project

Applicant (executing) organization

Correspondence address

Phone, fax, e-mail

Contact (responsible) person

You can also include bank accounts, lawyers, auditing institutions, and other information. listed on the cover page. It is also a good idea to include a simple cover letter on the front if you are raising money from an organization. Since a project plan can be submitted to multiple funders, it is important to personalize the cover letter, starting with "Someone at an organization" to show that you value and respect their organization.

2. Program Summary (General)

This is the most important section, and it's the first one read by the reader. The Foundation's program managers receive a large number of requests every day, and they may not have enough time to "read" all the proposals, and the summary section will be the deciding factor in the "initial selection". Therefore, it is important to bring together all the information you consider important in the summary. The summary should generally include background information about the organization, its mission and purpose, the problem the project will solve and how it will solve it, and the applicant's capabilities and past successes. It is important to note that although the summary section is in the first half of the proposal, it is actually written after all the proposals have been written.

3. Project Background, Problems and Needs:

In this section, you need to detail the problems and why you are designing this project to solve them. To fully explain the seriousness and urgency of the problem, it is best to provide some data, so that not only can fully explain the problem, but also show that you understand this project. At the same time, you can also use some real, typical cases, in order to emotionally move the reader and then cause them to **** song. It is important to explain the cause of the project, the logical cause and effect relationship, the beneficiary group and the connection with other social issues.

In general, this section includes the following key information:

. Scope of the project (problems and events, beneficiary groups)

. Macro and social environment that led to the project

. Rationale and reasons for proposing the project

. Other long-term and strategic implications

4. Objectives and outputs:

After convincing the funding agency of the existence of the 'problem', clearly state your solution. Inter-agency collaboration is encouraged. If you have other institutional partners, make that clear. In this section you should describe in detail your project plan, the overall objectives of the project, the milestones and tasks, and the criteria for evaluating each objective. The overall goal is a long-term, macro, conceptual, and more abstract description. From the overall goal can be broken down into a series of specific, measurable, achievable milestones with clear time markers. For example, "Reduce illiteracy" is the overall goal, and "By October 20xx, enable 200 rural women to reach a literacy level of 1,000 words" is a specific goal. The statement of the objective must be very clear. Most importantly, set realistic goals. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Keep in mind that what funders want to see in the PCR is that the project actually achieved these stated goals.

5. Beneficiary groups:

In this section, you'll want to describe the beneficiary groups of the project in more detail, and, if necessary, divide the beneficiary groups into direct and indirect beneficiaries. For example, in the case of Enjoo's capacity building program, the direct beneficiaries are the NGO organization and NGO practitioners, but the indirect beneficiaries are the NGO's service recipients. This is because through capacity building, the NGO's service capacity and efficiency are improved, and it can provide better, more and better services to its clients. Another example is a service organization for the disabled, the direct beneficiary group is the disabled group, and the indirect beneficiary group is their families and even the whole society. Many funders want the beneficiary group to be involved in the project from the beginning to the end. This is especially important during the design phase of the project. You can list in an annex the activities of the beneficiary groups' participation in the project, including the seminars organized for the beneficiary groups to attend, the topics, the time, the participants, etc. You can also let the funders know that the beneficiary groups will be involved in the project. At the same time, you can let the funders know that your project is not only designed for the beneficiary groups, but also widely supported and recognized by them.

6. Solution and Implementation:

With the above section, you have clearly explained the problem and what you hope to accomplish. Now, it is necessary to describe how you will reach your goals and what methods and specific activities you will use to achieve them. When describing the methodology, you will want to make a point of explaining the superior characteristics of that methodology. You can also list other relevant methods and compare them, as well as cite expert opinions, other failures and successes, etc. In short, make it abundantly clear that the method you have chosen is the most scientific, effective and economical one. At the same time, it is also important to explain that there are certain risks and challenges in this area or in your organization in adopting this method. Also mention all those conditions and resources that are needed in order to implement this solution. Including: who? When? What kind of equipment will be used? What kinds of things will be done? What kind of competencies and skills are required of the people who will do these things, etc. It is best to attach a detailed description of the job requirements of the main jobs.

7. Project process plan: (schedule)

In this section, to describe in detail the sequence of tasks and the starting time, you can use a chart with a time stamp to indicate. This will tell the reader at a glance "When?" "What?" and the correlation and causation between the activities.

8. Project Organization:

This section describes what kind of executive team and management structure is needed to achieve the above goals. The executive team should include all project team members: volunteers, expert consultants, full-time staff, etc. The executive team should include all project team members: volunteers, expert consultants, full-time staff, etc. Their work experience, professional background, education, etc., relevant to this project are also very important. The experience and ability of the implementation team often determines the success or failure of the project to a large extent, which is also a great concern for funders. In addition, the management structure of the project should be clarified. The general project manager, the financial manager and other sub-project managers should be clearly spelled out. If two or more organizations are working together*** to complete a project, the division of labor among the organizations should also be indicated. The workflow should also be very clear, the sequence of work, logical relationship.

9. Costs, budgets and benefits:

This section must provide more than just a cost budget table (of course, the budget table is also very important, you can put it in an annex), but to describe and analyze the data in the budget table, the total cost of the total cost and the cost of each sub-costs, including: the cost of personnel, equipment, etc.. The personnel funding category can include salaries, benefits, and costs of consulting experts; the non-personnel subcategories can include travel, equipment, and communication costs, etc. If a portion of the funding source is already available, that should also be noted. And, make it obvious that you still need financial support totaling as much. The above mentioned are the inputs, and there is another very important part is the effectiveness of the outputs. Often many NGOs do not talk about benefits in their project plans, wrongly believing that NGO services are not about benefits. In fact, in addition to the reasonable NGO fees that are being promoted internationally, another major feature of NGO services is the generation of great 'social benefits. Although it is difficult to quantify the social benefits, you can still try to find some data to analyze the social benefits, even if it is just an estimate. For example, a service organization for drug addicts, although they are providing free services to drug addicts without any income. But they can still estimate that by serving a drug addict, they can reduce those aspects of social problems to calculate, can include: drug addicts' medical costs, unemployment, crime and other related costs to estimate. In short, the more clearly you can calculate the benefits that can be generated per unit cost of input, the more you can demonstrate the superiority of your methodology and the more you can get agreement from funders. Financial and audit methods should also be mentioned in this section.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring is a very important part of the project implementation process, and the monitoring organization and personnel (which can be the council, the funder, or other third-party organizations), as well as the tasks to be monitored, should be written in the project plan. Related to this is the project team's self-evaluation plan. The evaluation report during the project is more important than the evaluation at the end of the project. Evaluating at different stages of the project will enable you to identify problems in time and solve them as early as possible. At the same time, it will enable the funder to get the message that you have not only come up with a good plan, but also, that you can do a good job of realizing it. Please note that the method of implementation of the program is a very important factor for the funder to judge whether or not to award the grant. There are two types of monitoring and evaluation available. One is to measure outcomes and the other is to analyze the process. Either or both may be applicable to your project. The approach you choose will depend on the nature and goals of the program. Whichever approach you choose, you will need to describe how you intend to collect evaluation information and analyze the data. At those stages of the project, conduct a staged evaluation. The activities and timing of the evaluation should also be included in the timeline of the project implementation plan.

Both the monitoring report and the evaluation report should include the progress and completion of the project, a comparison of the original plan with reality, and a projection of the likelihood of achieving the plan in the future.

In addition to the overall evaluation report, a number of sub-evaluation reports should be provided. For example, an audit report at the mid-point of the program, etc.

11. Annexes:

Any documents that you think are important or too long to put in the main text, you can put them in the annexes. For example: the organization's introduction, annual report, financial and audit reports, lists, data, charts and so on. You can include in the annexes those parts of the text that would disturb the reader or divert their interest from the subject. But don't forget to mention in the text that for more details, please refer to the annex. In short, the purpose of attachments is to make the text compact and clean, and at the same time, if the reader is interested in the details of certain issues, he can also find what he needs in the attachment.
