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Definition: Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease of the lungs caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, commonly known as "consumption". The main clinical manifestations are respiratory manifestations such as coughing and hemoptysis, and systemic symptoms such as low-grade fever, night sweats, and fatigue. The source of infection of tuberculosis is mainly the sputum of tuberculosis patients, and healthy people can cause lung infections by inhaling the bacterial droplets spewed out by patients when they cough or sneeze.

Diagnosis: In laboratory tests, finding tubercle bacilli in sputum is the main basis for confirming the diagnosis of tuberculosis, while chest X-ray examination can not only detect tuberculosis at an early stage, but also make a judgment on the location of foci, the nature of the lesion, the scope of the disease, the development of the disease and the effect of treatment. 1:10,000 tuberculin test (also known as the "OT" test) strong positive is often the case, and the test can be used to detect the disease. A strong positive 1:10,000 tuberculin test (also known as "OT" test) often indicates that there are active tuberculosis foci in the body. The blood sedimentation rate of patients with active TB often increases.

Treatment: Anti-TB drugs are effective in the treatment of TB, so the disease should receive anti-TB treatment as soon as it is diagnosed. At the same time, it can also be combined with traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and other therapies, and emotional, dietary, sports and other therapies have a certain degree of adjuvant therapy for this disease. For people with hemoptysis, they should go to the hospital immediately.

Chinese medicine prescription:

1. Scutellaria baicalensis anti-tuberculosis formula: {composition} 12 grams of Radix Scutellariae Radix Scutellariae Radix Scutellariae Charcoal 9 grams of oyster 12 grams of raw keel 12 grams of Agaricus Pearls 6 grams of Senna Cuspidatae 9 grams of Scorched Glycyrrhiza Glutinosa 3 grams of Scorched Aster 9 grams of Pseudostemonis Macrocephala 9 grams of orange-red 3 grams of Radix et Rhizoma Reticulatae 9 grams of Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9 grams of lily 10 grams of raw yam 12 grams of yam 9 grams of Dampiflora 6 grams. {Decoct twice for each dose, combine the medicinal juices and take it in two doses on an empty stomach. {Early stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. {Note} When taking the medicine, avoid smoking, alcohol and spicy food, avoid eating sweet, fatty and greasy food.

2. Purple lateral Gonglao formula: {composition} 60 grams of purple golden ox, 24 grams of lateral cypress leaves, 30 grams of ten great Gonglao leaves, 60 grams of five-fingered hairy peach, 18 grams of lily. {The formula is made by adding appropriate amount of honey and making it into honey pills. Take 2 pills three times a day. {Indications} Invasive pulmonary tuberculosis, or those who are unable to tolerate the effects of anti-TB drugs in the process of anti-TB.

3. Anti-Tuberculosis Fuzheng Fang:{Composition} 1 healthy pig lung, 30 grams of raw hyacinthina, 15 grams of Silybum marianum, 15 grams of Ophiopogonis, 15 grams of Phellodendron, 15 grams of Porphyromonas, 15 grams of Astragali, 15 grams of Sweet Almonds, 15 grams. {System and Methods} Grind the medicine, mix it with honey to make a thin paste and pour it into the pig's lungs, tie up the lungs and air ducts, cook and eat it, add a little salt, and finish it in two times, eat twice a day. {Attending} All stages of tuberculosis.

Dietary regulation:

Tuberculosis is a chronic, consumptive disease, and the most common symptoms include low fever, night sweats, loss of appetite, and lethargy and weakness. The appetite of TB patients is generally particularly bad, in order to compensate for the consumption caused by the disease and enhance the resistance, it is very important to strengthen the nutrition in the diet.

High protein and calories should be given. Any symptoms of tuberculosis will make the tissue protein and caloric energy serious consumption, so in the food protein and caloric energy supply, should be higher than normal, protein daily supply is 1.5 ~ 2.0g/kg, to milk, eggs, animal offal, fish and shrimp, lean meat, soybean products and other foods as a source of protein. Milk is rich in casein and calcium, which is a more ideal nutritional food for tuberculosis patients. Caloric energy supply to maintain the patient's normal body weight as a principle, can be 40 ~ 50 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight supply, carbohydrate staple food can be satisfied according to the amount of food supply, do not need to be restricted, but fat should not eat more, so as not to cause indigestion and obesity.

Vitamins and inorganic salts play a big role in promoting recovery from tuberculosis. Vitamin A, which has the effect of enhancing the body's ability to resist disease; vitamins B and C can improve the body's metabolic processes, enhance appetite, sound lungs and blood vessels and other tissue function; such as repeated hemoptysis patients, should also increase the supply of iron. Promote eating more green leafy vegetables, fruits, and miscellaneous grains.


1. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease, the treatment time is long, slow recovery, in work, life and other aspects of the patient and even the whole family will have a negative impact, the family should correctly treat these problems, the patient can not be disliked, we must give the patient psychological support, to create a good environment, so that it establishes the confidence to overcome the disease, rest at ease, and actively cooperate with the treatment, and finally to achieve a real cure.

2. Tuberculosis is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract, followed by intestinal infections caused by food or eating utensils contaminated with tuberculosis bacteria, so it is necessary to do a good job of disinfection and isolation of tuberculosis patients. ① patients coughing, sneezing and loud speech can not be straight to the bystanders, at the same time to cover the mouth and nose with hands or handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs should be sterilized by boiling. ② do not spit, do a good job of disinfection of the patient's sputum, spit on the paper and wipe the nasal and oral secretions of the paper together with the burning, or spit in the sputum cup with 2% coal phenol soap solution disinfected once a day. Food utensils used by patients should be sterilized by boiling after meals. (4) Disinfect the indoor air 1 to 2 times a day if possible, and expose the bedding and books used by the patient to sunlight for 2 hours a day, which can kill tuberculosis bacilli. ⑤ People who are in close contact with the patient should be vaccinated with BCG vaccine.

3. TB patients should rest in bed during the progress period, especially those with fever, hemoptysis and pulmonary compensatory insufficiency; those without obvious symptoms of toxicity can carry out general activities, but need to limit the amount of activity, to ensure sufficient rest time; the transition from the improvement period to the stabilization period should be gradual, increase the amount of activity, and can participate in a certain degree of labor, should not be overexerted, to reduce the recurrence of the disease.

4. Tuberculosis is a chronic consumptive disease, the progress of the patient is often very weak, the diet should increase nutrition, increase the intake of high-protein, high-calorie, high-vitamin food, strengthen the body, increase its immune system function.

5. Blood in sputum or a small amount of hemoptysis is a common symptom of tuberculosis, nursing should pay attention to the following points. ① To be concerned and patient explanation, keep calm, eliminate the patient tension, fear. ② The patient should rest quietly, preferably to the affected side of the lying position. (3) careful use of cough suppressants, sedatives, guide the patient to cough effectively, to ensure that the airway is clear. ④ Diet should be fluid or semi-liquid easily digestible food, each meal should be warm and cool and should not be too much, at the same time, pay attention to keep the bowel movement smooth. ⑤ If the patient suddenly suffers from chest tightness, irritability, dyspnea or hemoptysis during hemoptysis, the patient should be immediately picked up by the feet in an inverted position, patted on the back to facilitate the discharge of the blood clots, and the blood clots should be dug out or sucked out of the mouth and nose on the spot as soon as possible. Pharyngeal blood clots, while notifying the emergency center or community medical personnel as soon as possible, in situ for resuscitation, to be stable before moving or transferring.

6. Tuberculosis application of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment, the principle is early, regular, the whole process, combined and appropriate amount of drugs, treatment time is longer, generally 1 ~ 2 years, the key to the success of the treatment lies in the regular use of medication within the specified time, to avoid omissions and interruptions. Therefore, it is very important for patients to adhere to the prescribed program of treatment, family members should play a role in assisting and supervising, and at the same time pay attention to the side effects of drugs: isoniazid is prone to cause peripheral neuritis, can be taken to prevent vitamin B1, vitamin B6; streptomycin is prone to hearing and renal damage, and should pay attention to whether there are changes in the patient's hearing, and regular rechecking of renal function; rifampicin causes gastrointestinal reactions; ethambutol produces retrospective bulb optic neuritis. . In addition, almost all of the anti-tuberculosis drugs have different degrees of damage to the liver, during the treatment period should be regularly recheck the liver function, report to the doctor in detail the response to the drug, in order to adjust the medication in time to improve the effectiveness of the treatment.

7. TB patients have poor resistance, should maintain a happy mood, gradual physical exercise to enhance physical fitness, pay attention to personal protection, avoid respiratory tract infections.

8. Older people suffering from tuberculosis, the symptoms are often less typical than young adults, fever is not obvious, more than moderate fever less than 1/4, hemoptysis only accounted for 1 / 4, and cough, sputum, panic, chest tightness, shortness of breath, fatigue, anorexia, weakness, swelling and other symptoms and signs appear relatively more, easy to misdiagnosis. Recently, the proportion of tuberculosis in the elderly is increasing, and the mortality rate is also higher. Therefore, for the elderly who have suffered from tuberculosis, or whose family members or close contacts have tuberculosis, and who have suspicious symptoms such as low-grade fever, unexplained emaciation, coughing, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc., they should be alerted to tuberculosis, and take the initiative to go to the hospital for checkups. Once diagnosed should be in a timely manner under the guidance of the doctor, adhere to the regular, systematic treatment, must not think that the elderly do not need treatment, delay.


The prevention of tuberculosis focuses on the protection and enhancement of the body's resistance, and its specific measures are:

①Life is constant, that is, the rationalization of the way of life and regularity, prudent living, avoiding wind and cold, abstaining from smoking and alcohol, far away from sexual intercourse, and moderation in work and leisure.

2 diet, rich in nutrients, avoid spicy.

3 often breathe fresh air.

4 Keep optimistic mood, because bad mood can affect the body's resistance.

⑤ Regularly participate in sports, exercise and strengthen the body.

6 As the infection of tuberculosis bacillus is the direct cause of the disease, the contact with tuberculosis patients, especially active tuberculosis patients, should be minimized.