What is a full body checkup?

To do a full body checkup hanging physical examination department.

The off-season for medical checkups is usually from January to March, and the peak season for medical checkups starts after April, so it is recommended that you choose to have a medical checkup in the spring to avoid the peak season for medical checkups. Moreover, it is recommended to choose the spring medical checkup to avoid the peak period of medical checkups. Moreover, the year's plan lies in the spring, when the winter is over and the spring is coming, heaven and earth are recovering, everything grows, and the human body enters into a new growth cycle, which is the time to check up on one's own body and make better health management.

1, good health, it is generally recommended to check once a year, the focus of the examination of the heart, lungs, liver, gallbladder, stomach, prostate, mammary gland, reproductive system and other important organs, as well as blood pressure, liver function, kidney function, blood sugar, hepatitis, tumor markers and other important indicators.

2, chronic diseases, family history of genetic diseases, in addition to a routine annual comprehensive systematic physical examination, should be carried out every 3-6 months for a special physical examination. For example, patients with high blood pressure should have a physical examination every 3-6 months for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system; those with a family history of lung cancer or long-term smoking should have a low-dose spiral CT examination every 3-6 months; those with hepatitis B and cirrhosis of the liver should have a blood test for liver function every 3-6 months.

3. People with elevated levels of certain specific indicators (such as tumor indicators) should review their physical exams once every one or two months if they are unable to identify the cause for the time being, in order to track the trend of the relevant indicators so as to make a correct diagnosis.

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