How about the surrounding facilities of Binzhou Longcheng Mingjun Community?

Address of Longcheng Mingjun Community: Intersection of Longteng Sixth Road and Binbo Avenue, Binzhou High-tech Zone, Bincheng District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Xiaoying Central Primary School, High-tech Zone Middle School, Xiaoying Office, Xiaoying Office East, High-tech Zone, Xiaoying Hotel, Xiaowujia) and so on.

Educational resources within a straight line of 2KM 10 (Huamei Foreign Languages Institute (Xiaoying Branch), Tengfei Education, Jin Koucai Language Performance Training, Binzhou Ruidi Education School (Xiaoying Branch), Youcai Youxing Education, Shuangxin Art Calligraphy Education, Jinqiao Education (Xiaoying Branch), Starting Point Art Education, New Breakthrough Education Training School, Song River Music Education).

There are two medical resources around 2KM, among which Dongjia Orthopaedics is 242 meters away from the community, and the branch of Xiaoying Street Community Health Service Center is 1688 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around the famous county in Longcheng are: (Ai Shuren Bookstore, Royal Maternal and Infant, Liang Shu Glasses (Orfila Road Store), Candy and Fruit, Aucma, Sunshine Supermarket (Orfila Road Store), Chengcheng Vegetable Wholesale, Tian Tian Supermarket, Hualian Supermarket (Xiaoying Store) and Baihui Supermarket).

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