Nucleic acid test precautions
One, before the test: to do the nucleic acid test two hours before try to avoid eating, so as not to cause vomiting; 30 minutes before the sample to do not drink, do not smoke, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not drink, do not smoke, do not smoke, do not drink. Before collecting nasopharyngeal swabs, the person to be tested should inform the collector whether there is relevant past medical history or related matters. For example, a history of nasal surgery, septal curvature, blood disorders, pharyngeal diseases, or taking anticoagulants and other related risk factors; the test person needs to wear a mask correctly, remove the mask before the test, and put it back on immediately after the test, you can prepare a spare mask, it is convenient to replace it at any time after contamination.
Second, the test: in the collection of oropharyngeal swabs when the test subject head tilted back, open his mouth to make the "ah" sound, to help expose the pharynx, but the process will be irritating dry cough, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, the test subjects can cooperate with the collection of personnel to try to relax, take a deep breath; collection process may be the nose itchy sensation, stimulation of sneezing, can immediately cover with tissue or elbow.
Three, after the test: immediately after the collection to leave the collection site, to avoid spitting in the collection of sputum, vomiting around the site. Hand hygiene is required before and after the nucleic acid test, and hands can be wiped with a hand-free sanitizer or a hand-free alcohol wipe.