Economic and social development plan for the period up to 2025
Kamchatka Krai is the most peripheral and isolated region of the Far East with a unique potential for the development of natural resources. It is one of the least developed and economically underdeveloped constituent entities of the Federation in the Far East. The Krai covers an area of 472,300 square kilometers and has a population of 350,000 people. The gross regional product per capita is one of the most insignificant indicators. The mainstays of the economy of the Krai are fishing, trade, transport and communications. The only specialized industry is in fact fishing, which accounts for about 20% of the gross regional product.
One of the main features of the spatial structure of the Kamchatka Krai is the high concentration of population and production capacity in the Avacha Bay, which is convenient for the development of the port industry in the Avacha Bay. The Avacha urban sphere, including the cities of Kamchatka Petropavlovsk and Elizovo, as well as the neighboring settlements and airports, the Paratonsky recreation area, and also the Vilyuchinsk secret administrative district, is spread out here. The Avacha urban sphere forms a stable settlement system characterized by strong administrative, economic, human and cultural ties, while the city of Kamchatka Petropavlovsk acts as a center of commerce and trade, education and scientific research for nearby settlements. In this urban sphere is concentrated 2/3 of the population and economic and social potential of the Krai.
The rest of the Kamchatka Krai is sparsely populated. Settlements are located mainly in the estuaries of rivers and tributaries of the Kamchatka Peninsula and are not connected to each other. There are practically no roads in the northern part of the peninsula.
The prospects for the development of the Kamchatka Krai are based on the development of fisheries, mining, energy, and the tourism-leisure complex.
The economic potential of the Kamchatka Krai is limited mainly to the Avacha metropolitan area, the Western Kamchatka region, and the Koryak mining region, which are three areas of rapid economic development. The implementation of large-scale investment projects in these regions will diversify the economic structure of the Krai and also ensure the sustainable economic and social development of the Krai.
Based on its geographic location, the Avacha urban sphere is a base for securing Russia's geopolitical interests in the northern part of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as for expanding the integrated development of natural resources in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the eastern part of the Russian Arctic.
According to the long-term development of the Avacha urban sphere, it will form a center of biological resources and tourism-recreation.
On the basis of the traditional fishing and processing industries of the Krai, an integrated industry of biological resources will be formed. First of all it is necessary to expand the coastal fishing industry through public-private partnership as well as to establish self-regulatory organizations of fishermen, which will create conditions for modernization of coastal fishing enterprises and organization of commodity trade. The use of public-private partnership mechanisms for the development of the fish-processing industry will be expanded within the framework of investment and innovative projects for the further processing of aquatic biological resources.
A special economic zone of the port will be established in the city of Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, in the Avacha metropolitan area, where the main direction of development of the industry will be the processing of aquatic biological resources, as well as the transshipment of cargoes and the repair of small vessels.
The nature-recreation potential of the Kamchatka Peninsula will become the basis for a tourist-recreation center. A certain level of tourist-logistical activity and transit-customs infrastructure exists in the urban circle. Avacha city circle will be created as one of the centers for the development of recreation, leisure and fashionable tourism.
The West Kamchatka region is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula and includes adjacent waters and continental shelf. Specialized industries in this region are the extraction and processing of biological resources, as well as the integrated industry of mineral raw materials, including the processing industry.
The gas industry will become a new sector of Kamchatka's economy, and in 2010 the first phase of the Kamchatka Krai gas supply project will be implemented, namely the supply of gas to the gas-fired thermal power plant-2 in the city of Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka. The long-term plan is to gasify the region through gas pipeline lines. The extraction of gas from the Western Kamchatka Shelf is related to the long-term development of the Krai's gas sector. Based on the results of resource exploration, the Krai will build another LNG production center, which will be used to supply gas to Asia-Pacific countries.
By 2025, the majority of thermal power generation and housing public **** utility projects in Kamchatka will use locally produced energy.
The direction of professional development of the Koryak mining region is the formation of mining centers (gold, coal and non-ferrous metals). Within the framework of regional development, the exploitation of a number of mining areas, the construction of mining-metallurgical centers and the necessary infrastructure will be ensured.
Today, the stage of formation of mining industry centers in Kamchatka Krai is underway. In 2006, the mining of the Aginsk gold mine and the Sharnuch copper-nickel mine has begun. The mining sector of the Krai's economy generates 5% of the total share of exported products.
The Kamchatka Krai belongs to Russia's large reserves of nickel, gold, and platinum according to the forecast reserves of non-ferrous and precious metals.
The prospects for development lie in the industrial exploitation of a series of gold and silver mines in remote areas of Kamchatka. Additional exploration is planned for the Asacha gold region and its outskirts, as well as the exploitation of the Rodnikovoye and Mutnovsk gold mines. By 2015, six gold mines will be completed and mining will begin in the Krai. By 2018, the Krai's gold production will reach 18 tons and 3 tons of platinum per year. Total extraction at the Shanuch copper-nickel mine and the Kvinumkuvarogorskiy nickel deposit will amount to 10,000 tons per year. In the presence of prerequisites for copper-nickel smelting, it is planned to build and put into operation a metallurgical and concentrating complex for the further processing of titanium-bearing magnetite sands from Harakdresky.
Implementation of investment projects in areas of rapid economic development will promote the development of agricultural centers of the Kamchatka Krai, including open-air cultivation of vegetables and animal husbandry, mainly deer breeding. Priority objectives of the development of animal husbandry are to ensure children's institutions and institutions of local food production. The long-term direction of agribusiness development is the development of greenhouse cultivation with the use of geothermal heat to ensure that the population is supplied with vegetables from greenhouses throughout the year.
Development of the forestry center of the Kamchatka Krai necessitates the implementation of timber processing production projects.
There are four tourism-recreation pillar districts in the Kamchatka Krai: the Kamchatka Petropavlovsk, Elizovo, Bestinsky and Aleutsky districts. Each district has a different tourist program. The Kamchatka Petropavlovsk district specializes in cultural-historical and water tourism, the Elizovo district in ecological-scientific tourism, the Bestinsky district in ethnic tours, and the Aleutsky district in ethno-ecological, scientific, historical and sports tourism. It is planned to develop the infrastructure of special tourist routes in the Krai, including the Kamchatka Volcanic Complex, which is included in the UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage List. The promotion of the "Eastern Ring of Russia" water tourism program on the international market will be encouraged.
The sustainable development of the Kamchatka Krai requires: the development of traditional and non-traditional forms of employment for the indigenous minorities of the North; the formation of a network of hides and skins depots; the establishment of a network of enterprises engaged in hunting and reindeer breeding and the processing of products of the wild flora; the production of souvenirs and fur products; the creation of additional jobs for the indigenous minorities; the securing of traditional food for the indigenous minorities; the establishment of a network of consolidated purchasing points; the creation of comfortable living conditions; the improvement of medical and educational services; and the development of the quality of the environment. living conditions; improve the quality and accessibility of medical and educational services. The plan is to significantly improve the standard of living and quality of life of the indigenous minorities, gradually raising it to the average level of the Krai and, in the long term, to the average level of the Russian Federation. In view of these objectives, special subsidies will be developed and introduced for low-income persons belonging to the indigenous minorities of the North.
The basic directions of energy development in the Kamchatka Krai are the conversion of most of the electricity and heat to the use of local fuels, the maximization of the use of renewable sources of energy, the construction of high-voltage transmission lines (strengthening of isolated power plants) and the improvement of energy security.
Controlling the price of electricity, the long-term decrease in the cost of electricity will depend on the completion of the "Sobolevo-Kamchatka Petropavlovsk" gas pipeline and the long-term naturalization of boilers at the Kamchatka Thermal Power Plant and along the pipeline; the use of geothermal resources for the heating and cooling of settlements in the Krai; and the development of a new energy supply system for the Krai, which will be based on the use of renewable energy sources. The use of geothermal resources for the heating of settlements in the Krai; the creation of a multifunctional power technology system based on modern diesel power stations, wind turbines and small hydroelectric power stations, which will optimize local energy resources in the isolated power hubs of the Krai.
There is a huge potential for hydroelectric power generation (including small-scale) in Kamchatka. The implementation of hydroelectric projects will directly contribute to reducing the cost of electricity. More importantly, the conditions for the formation of a livable environment in the Avacha urban area will be improved.
Construction of a gas pipeline to the city of Dapetropavlovsk, Kamchatka, along with the construction of a road to the town of Sobolevo and the revitalization of the port industry, will give impetus to the development of the region. The development of the Kamchatka Peninsula will give impetus to the development of the eastern section of the Northern Sea Route. The level of specialization of the continental shelf as an important fishing area is a barrier to the implementation of the project.
Diversification of the energy and transportation infrastructure (reducing the economic and social isolation of the region) will play the most important role in the development of a livable environment.
In Kamchatka Krai, groundwater is the most widespread natural resource, used as industrial and drinking water, as well as in spa and thermal applications. Geothermal steam in Bavuzh, Multnovsk and Verkhnyaya Multnovsk is used for power generation. The installed capacity of existing geothermal power stations amounts to 70 MW. Fresh water from Kamchatka's mineral springs, known for its high quality, will be bottled and transported to areas with insufficient water supply.
The strategic direction for the development of the Kamchatka Krai's transport center is the renewal and improvement of the places where the means of transport can stop, the development of seaports and airports, as well as transport terminals, and the development of the road network.
In order to integrate the Kamchatka Krai into the unified economic-transportation system of Russia and to ensure the economic development of the fast-growing regions, the backbone of the road network in the meridian direction with access to the core of Russia's road network will be formed (across the Kamchatka corridor), and the following road reconstruction will be accomplished: "Kamchatka-Petrovsko-Pavlovsk-Seaport". Federal highway "Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Seaport" and the highway "Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Airport". In order to form a trans-Kamchatka corridor, it is planned to complete the reconstruction of the roads "Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Milkovo" and "Krapivnaya-Esso"; to build the following new roads: "Milkovo" and "Krapivnaya-Esso". The following highways will be constructed: "Milikovo-Klyuchi-Ust-Kamchatsk", "Parana-Lesnaya, Ossola-Temrat ", "Kamenskoye-Manire"; a new extension of the winter highway is also needed: "Anavgay-Parana", Lesnaya - Osora", "Temrat - Tikochki - Kamenskoye" and "Manire - Magadan region border". -Magadan oblast border".
It is planned to carry out the renovation of the port of Kamchatka Petropavlovsk, to establish a border post in Kamchatka Petropavlovsk, and to renovate the port facilities in Manire, Parana, Ust-Khairuzovo, Tilichki, Ossola, Pahachi, Tigil, Sobolevo, and Ozernovsk. In accordance with the development plan for the "Northern Sea Route" (an element of the International Transportation Corridor), the port of Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, will become the support point for the eastern section of the "Northern Sea Route". This will allow the resumption of the "Kamchatka Petropavlovsk-Vladivostok" route and regular passenger flights along the Kamchatka Peninsula. In the long term, the coastal transportation network will include the Thousand Islands of the Sakhalin Oblast.
The most important direction of infrastructure development in the Kamchatka Krai is the development of a network of fiber-optic communication lines. Fiber-optic communication lines from the center of the Krai will follow the tributaries of the Kamchatka River to Ust-Kamchatsk, along the coasts of both sides of the Kamchatka Peninsula to the town of Ozernovsk and the village of Sobolevo, and to the north of the Kamchatka Krai (to the villages of Tigir, Parana, Ust-Khairuzovo, Ossola, Tilichki, and Achavayam), and the continuation of the network is planned for the cities of Magadan and Anadar. Municipalities of Magadan and Anadyr. It is planned to form a network of transmitters and receivers of satellite communications in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug and to strengthen the utilization of the corresponding satellite resources in the Kamchatka Krai.
The development of the education system in Kamchatka Krai is a priority for economic and social development. In addition, access to and quality of education is a determining factor for migration, which can slow down the rate of population loss in the Krai.
The existing preschool institutions in Kamchatka Krai do not meet the needs of local children, and there is a significant shortage of places in kindergartens. On average, 129 children compete for every 100 places in urban preschools, and the waiting list for kindergarten enrollment totals thousands of children.
One of the priority directions for the development of education is the expansion of the network of preschool institutions. Twenty-five pre-school institutions are planned to be built in the settlements of the Krai, which will provide 6,800 additional places, and the new buildings will meet seismic requirements. In general education institutions, short-term classes, general development classes and preschools are planned.
The existing network of general education institutions in Kamchatka Krai is very insufficient in terms of diversity and multifunctionality and does not fully meet the needs of the population. More than 65% of the schools are located in premises that are not suitable for teaching or need major repairs. 36.4% of the schools have to be divided into two sections, and in the cities this percentage is 41.4%.
In order to create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the strategic goals of education, it is necessary to renovate and build new schools and kindergartens using modern design and technology, which ensures seismic resistance and energy efficiency. In the northern part of the Krai a network of educational institutions "kindergarten-school" and boarding schools will be formed. In rural areas, it is planned to build in each municipality an educational center with a modern material and technical base for teaching at the advanced level of general education.
In 15 per cent of the schools in areas inhabited by persons belonging to the national minorities of the North, conditions are being created for the study of their own languages, i.e., Koryak, Evensk and Itermaidan.
Twenty-five percent of the general education schools belong to small comprehensive schools, usually located in remote areas, with the number of students ranging from 2 to 80. These small schools are often the only schools in settlements, so they are unlikely to close even if the number of students decreases, which would add to the burden on local budgets.
One of the ways of ensuring the quality and accessibility of education under the current conditions is the development of distance education. In this framework, modern educational media will be created on the basis of the utilization of an integrated telecommunication system.
Development of primary and secondary vocational education in Kamchatka Krai is oriented to meet the needs of the labor market in the region. The regional mechanism of social cooperation in primary and secondary vocational education is gradually losing its role. The number of vocational disciplines is increased in accordance with the needs of the mainstay industries of the Krai.
Development of organizational-legal forms of educational institutions, introduction of a regulated per capita financial budget for schools, implementation of a system of incentives for outstanding teachers (one-time grants at the district and municipal levels) will facilitate the attraction of high-level professionals to the field of education.
Requires further improvement and development of social partnership. In the process of training high-level workers and talents will be the participation of business owners, forming schools with contractual relations between secondary educational institutions and potential business owners. Important directions for vocational education: development of the infrastructure of pedagogical-productive activity; increase in the total volume of supplementary educational services; reorientation of the school as an institution for training of technical personnel (first and foremost, mining specialization).
Today, the population of Kamchatka Krai has access to specialized medical care in 85 outpatient clinics and 46 hospitals. The regional healthcare system is characterized by a shortage of medical personnel, especially the lack of specialized doctors. The percentage of doctors on staff in the Krai's medical institutions is 90%, of which 94% are middle- and junior-level medical staff. The average salary of medical personnel is 14% lower than the average salary in the Krai.
In recent years, the population of the Krai has declined while the number of registered patients has continued to grow. In these years, the total morbidity rate of the population of Kamchatka Krai was 8-12% higher than the Russian average.
The level of damage to the buildings of the healthcare system is 64% on average. About 40% of the buildings need replacement of the cold water supply system, about 50% of the heating and hot water supply system, and about 60% of the electricity supply system.
Medical and other related equipment also needs to be safeguarded. The average operation of expensive medical equipment is 2 to 3 cycles, with an average loss of 44%, and downtime loss of 80%. The condition of the equipment does not meet modern requirements to ensure the quality of medical services.
The Krai hospital has 11 buildings constructed in the 1950s to 1970s, which are more than 60% damaged and are located in an area where earthquakes of magnitude 9 or higher may occur. Considering that Kamchatka is in an earthquake zone, all the buildings of the Krai hospital could be destroyed. For this reason, a new Kamchatka Krai hospital will be built.
The incidence of tuberculosis in Kamchatka Krai as a whole is comparable to the national average. However, the incidence of tuberculosis in the Koryak Autonomous Okrug is more than twice the average for Russia and the Krai. In order to combat tuberculosis in Kamchatka Krai, especially in the north, it is planned to build a Krai tuberculosis clinic on the outskirts of the city of Petropavlovsk (the Green Zone), and to construct a building for the Koryak tuberculosis clinic in the town of Parana, as well as to organize the implementation of preventive measures and to carry out a demographic survey in order to identify tuberculosis patients.
There is a steady increase in the number of registered patients with malignant tumors in Kamchatka Krai. In order to reduce the prevalence of the disease among the population, the reconstruction of the radiology department of the Krai Oncology Clinic is planned.
The incidence of mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction is high. The incidence of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis in the Krai is 1.8 times higher than the Russian average. In order to reduce the incidence of socially significant diseases, it is planned to establish institutions where patients can receive specialized medical care and rehabilitation.
The health of women during pregnancy continues to deteriorate, which is the cause of difficulties in childbirth. In 2007, only 21% of births were natural and 79% were difficult. In order to provide assistance to pregnant women, mothers and newborns, the Krai Children's Hospital and Perinatal Center will be established. Within the framework of the national priority project "Health", medical services for mothers and babies will continue to be improved through the issuance of birth certificates.
The shortage of medical facilities is a major problem, and in some places there are no district hospitals or clinics at all. Within the framework of the implementation of the development strategy, a number of necessary medical institutions will be built in all district centers of the Krai.
Kamchatka Krai has one of the highest rates of hematologic disorders in the Far East and Baikal (1.8 times higher than the average in the Far East). The sparse population of the region makes it impossible to build a large medical center for the treatment of hematologic diseases in Kamchatka, and patients are sent to large medical centers in Russia.
During the exploitation of minerals in Western Kamchatka and the Koryak region, a system of highly mobile mobile clinics and specialized medical services will be established.
In the centers of those areas, multifunctional medical centers will be established.
The modernization of health care will be directed towards improving the quality of medical services by upgrading the technological base, using modern technologies, implementing rational disease prevention and diagnostics, optimizing the number of beds, and raising the level of specialization of doctors in Russia's leading medical centers.
The main component of the health care system is primary health care services, the basic function of which is to improve and maintain the health of the population. In order to provide primary health care services in the areas inhabited by the indigenous minorities of the North, the reconstruction of the network of outpatient and obstetric points is planned, as well as the introduction of a system of general practitioners.
The efficiency of medical institutions will be improved through the introduction of day hospitals and hospitalization technologies. To improve the mechanism of medical services, medical staffing standards, medical-economic standards and financial payment standards adapted to northern conditions will be introduced.
In order to create a competitive environment and expand patients' freedom of choice, conditions will be created for the development of private medical institutions (with legal status equal to that of public institutions). The development of health insurance will increase the freedom of choice of health care clients and realize the principle of "funding follows the patient".
Measures are being taken to encourage citizens to live and work in regions with harsh climates, to attract highly qualified personnel, and to ensure the functioning of health-care institutions. The Kamchatka Medical School serves as a base for the training of middle- and junior-level medical personnel.
The goal of cultural development in the Kamchatka Krai is to realize the potential of regional culture. There are several libraries, two theaters, a number of cultural-leisure and educational institutions and museums in Kamchatka Krai.
The level of wear and tear in the buildings of cultural institutions is high - 40%, 10% of the buildings are in a dangerous state, and the level of technical equipment is low. Most of the artistic treasures are in storage due to the lack of exhibition space. The inhabitants of certain settlements do not have access to cultural services.
In order to ensure the improvement of the quality and expansion of the above-mentioned services in the Kamchatka Krai, the following plans will be implemented: construction of a building for the Kamchatka Center for Art and Folk Creation (including exhibition halls and concert halls); establishment of the Kamchatka Puppet Theater (Children's Theater), Kamchatka Academy of the Arts in the Kamchatka city of Petropavlovsk; construction of complex cultural facilities in the municipal districts of Tilichytsy, Olyutolsk, Pyninsk, and Aleutian; and construction of a cultural complex in the city of Tilichytsy. municipal districts to rebuild municipal cultural networks by building integrated cultural facilities.
A mobile system of services (including mobile clubs, libraries and theaters) will be built in small settlements with limited access to transportation.
The main directions for the development of physical culture and sport in Kamchatka Krai are to ensure sports equipment and facilities for general education schools and youth sports schools, to strengthen the material-technical base of mass sports, and to build sports infrastructure close to the periphery of residences, places of study and work. It is planned to build mountain skiing infrastructure, which can be used in the sports system and in tourism. It is planned to build sports centers in Kamchatka Petropavlovsk and Elizovo, to develop the skiing infrastructure on the basis of the Red Volcano and Egeliveys, to build ski slopes in Kamchatka Petropavlovsk, to build winter ski resorts with corresponding facilities and slopes, and to build a winter ski resort in Kamchatka Petropavlovsk. The construction of a ski slope in Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, and the construction of a biathlon complex with corresponding facilities and ski slopes.
The above measures will help to realize the advantages and possibilities of the Kamchatka Krai in the development of reserve sports teams and participation in international events in winter sports, including mountain skiing and snowboarding.
The per capita living space in Kamchatka Krai is 21.9 square meters, which is higher than the Russian average. However, most of the housing does not comply with current building standards and norms, including standards for auxiliary facilities, requirements for insulated structures, and requirements for seismic-resistant structures. By the beginning of 2009, the number of houses that had to be seismically strengthened amounted to 1,035. The 828 houses, built before 1973 and totaling 961,200 square meters, are grossly inadequate for seismic resistance.
Today, the annual construction capacity of housing construction enterprises in Kamchatka Krai is about 100,000 square meters. The non-metallic construction materials needed by these enterprises, such as concrete, wood products, polystyrene insulation and polyvinyl chloride products, are sufficiently ensured.
Most of the housing construction is planned to be carried out in the Kamchatka Petropavlovsk and Elizovo urban areas.
In order to increase the level of services of the engineering infrastructure and to strengthen the guarantee of housing-public utility services for the population, modern heating facilities will be reconstructed and built, as well as the energy of the boiler houses in the Kamchatka-Petropavlovsk metropolitan area will be changed to natural gas, modern pumping equipment, pumping stations and water supply networks will be reconstructed and built, modern sewage treatment plants, sewage treatment networks will be reconstructed and built, the water supply network will be improved. Modern sewage treatment plants, sewage networks, and other facilities to ensure the comfort of the population.