Urgent! What does this carton symbol mean?

According to the EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE),? Where in August 13, 2005 after the release of the EU market electrical and electronic products began to require the use of recycling icon. Now the EU design, the use of icon requirements are briefly introduced as follows.

I.? Scope of application

The provisions of the electrical and electronic equipment, the design and use of icons related to the EN standard prEN50419 will be electrical and electronic equipment is defined as the following products:

Designed for rated working voltage does not exceed 1000V AC or 1500V DC, relying on the current or electromagnetic field of normal operation of the equipment, or to generate, convert, measure such current and electromagnetic field equipment. The WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC lists such equipment in Appendix IA.

The standard also defines a producer, which

means any person who engages in the following activities. The defined producer also includes a person who merely sells the technology used, including by means of telecommunication, in accordance with Directive 97/7/EC of the EU Parliament of May 20, 1997 on the Directive on the Protection of Consumers by means of Remote (Electronic) Contracts:

a.? Manufacture and sale of electrical and electronic product equipment under their own brand name;

b.? Sellers of sellers manufactured by other suppliers but labeled with their own trademarks; a seller cannot be considered a producer if the producer's trademark appears on the product.

c.? Import or export of electrical and electronic equipment in the field of specialization to the Member States.

II, Requirements for the content of the icon

In order to mark the producer and to indicate that the equipment was placed on the market after August 13, 2005, the following content and markings should appear on the product:

1.? Unique identification of the producer; it can be a brand, trademark, company registration code or other similar means of indicating the producer; whichever way is chosen, according to the European Union 2002/96/EC (WEEE) Article 12, paragraph 1, the producer should be in the European Union member states have a record of the producer's registration.

2. Products placed on the market after August 13, 2005 shall bear one of the following two types of information:

2.1 The date of manufacture/placement on the market in accordance with the provisions of EN 28601, in non-coded text or other coded text

. The code shall be designed to be recognized by the processing equipment.

2.2?The use of the prescribed auxiliary icons, i.e., cross-hairs and garbage cans on wheels, see below, see also Article 12(3) and Appendix IV of 2002/96/EC (WEEE).

Note: The requirements of this Article do not restrict the use of both of the above methods at the same time.

3.? The icon should be located in a conspicuous place and should be resistant to abrasion and legible.?

Three, the design requirements of the icon

The auxiliary icon referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 2 shall consist of the following, a solid core bar with a height of h and a width of 1.2a, with a relationship between the height h and the width of 0.3a or 1mm; the solid core bar shall be coupled with the graphic of a crosshatch and a trash can with wheels; and there shall not be any text or information within the solid core bar. The interrelationship of the solid core strips with the cross-hatched and wheeled trash can graphics shall be in accordance with the diagram above.

Note: The dimensions and interrelationships of the cross-wire and bin with wheels graphics are the same as those defined and specified for the waste battery recycling graphic in IEC 61429 Supplement 11.

When designing the above icon graphics, graphic changes triggered by limitations or changes in the production process are permitted (e.g. changes in line thickness, rounded corners, combinations of lines, etc.) as long as the graphic does not appear to be subjectively deformed in any significant way.

Four, the quality of the icon

The quality of the icon should be in line with the specific product standards for the quality of the nameplate, if the product does not have a standard or standard does not provide for the quality of the icon, the following requirements should be met:

Hand-held water-soaked cotton cloth to wipe the icon 15S and hand-held gasoline-impregnated cotton cloth to wipe the icon 15S, to check the icon resistance to rubbing the conformity of the icon. At the end of this test, the icon shall remain legible and cannot be easily removed. If labeled nameplates are used, there shall be no curling of the edges.

Note: The aliphatic hydrocarbon hexane solvent of refined gasoline used for the rub resistance test has a maximum aromatic hydrocarbon content should be 0.1% by volume, shell turpentine butanol (dissolved solution) value of 29, the initial boiling point should be roughly 65 ° C, the dry point of 69 ° C or so, the mass per unit of volume of about 0.7 kg / L.

V. The selection of icon location

If the icon can not be labeled on the product due to product size or product functional characteristics, etc., then:

a)? Label the icon on a small flag on the power cord (if present); and

b)? Label the product instruction manual and warranty, if provided.

If none of the above applies, the icon shall be marked on the box. Whichever of the methods mentioned herein is used, the icon shall comply with the requirements of Articles 2, 3 and, if applicable, 4.