What are the brands of Batteries in Spain

Chnip Global Spain Battery Business Directory Database (electronic version), contains 118 Spain Battery enterprises (including Spain Battery buyers, companies, manufacturing, distribution and agency units, etc.) directory information. The database is based on the data of Spain's official trade organizations, and integrates the import and export statistics from China's Customs ports and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, etc. The database accurately extracts the 118 global Spanish battery enterprises' directory and related information that have records of trade business (not including Chinese enterprises) in recent years. Each enterprise information includes: country, Spain battery enterprise unit (organization, company) name, detailed address, postal code, industry or product category, founded time, number of employees, trade mode, the main products or services, business responsible person, position, contact phone, fax, email, business Web site and other basic information.

The latest date of data collation: April 20, 2010. By chnip through Exactdw (accurate customer data warehouse), Dialog and other basic database of the Spanish battery enterprises after supplementation, strict screening and repeated verification, using the unique classification cleaning technology, DM, SMS, fax, user feedback and other verification methods to verify one by one, to ensure that the entry of the The accuracy rate of Spain battery enterprise information is over 89.6%. High coverage and accuracy of the global Spanish battery enterprise information, adequate data fields and flexible ways to provide, with E-mail, network fax, direct marketing letters, telemarketing and other direct marketing tools, is to expand your Spanish battery export business, looking for international trade partners and important information and essential guide.

2010 Global Spain Battery Business Directory Database, integrated chnip2.0 business intelligence co-management software, and comes with value-added advanced network marketing tools. Provide Spain battery enterprise data online update, help you find more Spain battery buyers (importers) buyers source without limitations, and constantly expand new business opportunities, Spain battery export business growth.