In fact, I personally feel that the intensive care unit charges are really too expensive, but when asked whether it is reasonable this question, I think there is still so slightly can be adjusted downward space, but I do not deny its reasonableness, because since it is set so high prices, it must have its own reasoning, or else hospitals of this kind of behavior is certainly subject to the supervision of the community, and also It is certainly not possible to now still so expensive, so on the whole, there is also its reasonableness, right?
Some critically ill patients or newborn babies can be charged tens of thousands of dollars for a day in the intensive care unit, or at least several thousand dollars, which is indeed too expensive in the eyes of the average patient's family, and the cost of one night can top several months of a working family's salary, which is, I guess, the general public's view.
But let's not forget that if the patient's condition is not serious to a certain extent, if the patient is not likely to face death at any time, then they will not be pushed to the intensive care unit ah, this is a race against time, doctors and nurses are in the rescue of a real life, and human life compared to the cost of some of the money and what is not to be willing to do it.
The patient in the intensive care unit needs to have professional doctors and nurses to take care of twenty-four hours a day, once the patient's condition has any change, doctors and nurses need to be the first time to rush to the intensive care unit to save the patient's life, it can be imagined that they must be very hard, at that time, they are like in the fight with the devil warrior, always ready to put into this war with the god of death, they rest not dare to rest, eat not dare to eat, not dare to put into this war, and death. They don't dare to take a break, they don't dare to eat too far away from the guardianship room, sometimes a doctor can spend several days and nights doing a surgery, they are to save a life!
My grandfather basically did not have any disease before he was born, but three months before his death he suffered from an incurable disease - "organ failure disease", commonly known as the old death disease, that is, can only rely on the outside world to enter the nutrients to maintain vitality, his The internal organs of his body are no longer working, just like an old engine, from the nature is bad, no matter how you repair can not be repaired.
Later, my grandfather was placed in the intensive care unit of the First People's Hospital in our city, where he was already dying. He was taken care of by nurses on shifts every day, and specialists came to check on him every so often, both during the day and in the early hours of the night, and there were specialized staff to take care of him.
When my grandpa lost his temper, the nurse lady silently endured, they were like coaxing a child to coax my grandpa to eat, sleep, even my grandpa's urine and feces are their help, they also often wash my grandpa's feet, cut toenails, until the end of my grandpa's life they are seriously responsible for it!
So it is true that the cost of the ICU is expensive, but compared to the life of a person, I think money is nothing, it is more important to save the life of the person, right?