In other words, from now on, at least until the end of March, inpatients in COVID-19 will receive free treatment!
Some people may ask, what about those who were hospitalized before? Although the notice did not say, I feel that it is very likely that the new notice will be followed. Because the first article of the notice says: Continue the policy of "Class B A management", and the hospitalization expenses will be fully guaranteed.
What about those who are not hospitalized? Article 2 of the "Notice" clarifies that outpatient reimbursement is 70%.
"In principle, there is no deductible line and capping line, and the reimbursement ratio is not less than 70%."
This is really good news.
As we all know, people who need hospitalization are critically ill patients or people with signs of critical illness. There are many people with basic diseases and many elderly people.
The rescue of critically ill patients costs a lot. Some people living in ICU use ventilators and ECOM (Extracorporeal artificial membrane Lung Machine). And the daily cost is probably tens of thousands or tens of thousands.
This is a good measure to effectively avoid the "poverty caused by illness" of critically ill patients and their families.