How much does it cost to get cured of stroke hemiplegia?

There is still no definitive figure for the exact cost of medical treatment for stroke hemiplegia.

Depending on the time of onset, cause and severity of the disease, different treatment plans are needed. The cost of stroke hemiplegia also varies and is at least around $10,000 dollars.

Hemiplegia requires prevention of high blood pressure and emotional stress, regularity of life, moderation of food and drink, and the bowels should not be dry.

The main focus is to improve the movement of all joints throughout the body and residual muscle strength enhancement training, as well as balance and coordination of movements and position exchange and transfer movements (such as lying to sitting, flip hemiplegia generally need physical therapy and acupuncture, because functional electrical stimulation, biofeedback and acupuncture have a role in increasing sensory input, promoting functional recovery and motor control.