Examination Syllabus
Jiangsu Personnel Examination Center
April 2008
Examination Syllabus for Human Resource Development and Management Proficiency Level 2008 in Jiangsu Province
I. The provincial human resource development and management proficiency level examination which will be started from September 2008 will be based on this syllabus. This syllabus shall prevail for the level examination of human resource development and management from September 2008. If there are any adjustments, please pay attention to the "Jiangsu Personnel Examination Website" (www.jsrsks.com.cn).
Second, the provincial human resources development and management level examination is computerized. The test paper consists of two parts: subjective and objective questions, the objective questions are answered on the computer, and the subjective part is answered on a special answer sheet.
Three, the specific test date by the city personnel examination center in the province to determine the time period.
Four, after passing the examination by the Jiangsu Provincial Personnel Department issued a certificate of competency.
I. Examination subjects, examination time limit and question type
(A) primary
1. Examination subjects: "Introduction to Human Resource Management", "Human Resource Management Practice", "Human Resource Management Related Regulations".
2. Examination time limit: all 90 minutes, out of 100 points.
3. Question types: single choice, multiple choice, case study and practical questions; all objective questions.
(B) Intermediate
1. Examination subjects: "Human Resources Development and Management", "Organizational Behavior", "Leadership Science".
2. Examination time limit: all 120 minutes, out of 100 points.
3. Types of questions: single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, case studies and practical questions; all objective questions.
(C) Advanced
1. Examination subjects: "Strategic Human Resource Management", "Leadership and Innovation", "Organization and Culture", "Comprehensive Knowledge of Management".
2. Examination time limit: all 120 minutes, out of 100 points.
3. Question type: single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions for objective questions; case study, practical questions subjective questions.
Second, the test and answer the question notes
Please pay attention to the following requirements:
1. Candidates lined up to take a picture, enter the examination room to the seat, in the computer to enter the number of the permit, will be placed in the upper left corner of the desk permit and identity documents, in order to check. After hearing the order to start the examination, the mouse clicks on the "Start Exam" button to answer the question.
2. Candidates enter the official examination interface, according to the content of the question stem to select the answer, answer the question after the examination interface click on the "next question" button to enter the next question to answer the question, the candidate can also be mouse clicked on the "selection" button for free selection of questions to answer the question, if the candidate feels that the current answer to the current answer, if you feel that the answer to the current answer to the question, the mouse click on the "selection" button to answer the question. If the candidates feel that the current answer to the question has doubts, the mouse can be clicked on the answer box under the "mark" button to mark, after the question can be selected through the button to re-select the question to answer.
3. machine failure to raise their hands to ask, not to deal with; if the illegal operation caused by the loss of test information, the consequences of their own; related equipment damage, should be compensated.
4. Early hand in can click the button "hand in", after the termination of the examination time, the examiner should be required to end the examination program, retreat from the examination room.
5. Examinees should take the test, should carry the subjective questions answering pen: 0.5mm black pen, 2B pencil and eraser, not to bring in addition to the provisions of the paper, pen. Subjective questions required to answer the draft paper issued by the exam room invigilators, the end of the examination, answer sheet and draft paper shall not be taken away. If you take away without authorization, the results of the examination will be canceled.
6. After entering the examination room must be united in the designated location of the examination room storage of unrelated items. Examinees are strictly prohibited from carrying cell phones and calculators with storage functions and other electronic communication tools to the seat, once found that the penalty for cheating.
7. In addition to the candidates and examination staff, other unrelated personnel are not allowed to enter the examination room.
8. Half an hour after the start of the examination, the candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room, as the abandonment of the examination. Early hand in the paper must wait until half an hour after the opening of the examination before handing in the paper to leave the field.
9. Candidates should fill in their personal information and answers on the answer sheet according to the specified requirements. When answering questions, please answer in the designated location, answer in other locations and beyond the answer area of the answer information is invalid. Revision should be clean with an eraser, no correction fluid or tape paper, must keep the paper surface neat and clean, no marking.
10. Folding the answer sheet is strictly prohibited.
Third, the examination bibliography
"Human Resource Development and Management" (primary, intermediate, senior) Zhao Yongle editors
Examination content
(a) Introduction to Human Resource Management
1. Overview of human resource management: human resources and human resource management connotation, characteristics, modern human resource management Difference with traditional personnel management, principle and content of human resource management, evolution of human resource management, human resource management in Chinese and foreign enterprises.
2. Human resource planning: the concept, classification, content and procedure of human resource planning, human resource situation analysis, human resource supply and demand forecasting, human resource strategy selection, countermeasure combination, implementation and control of human resource planning.
3. Job analysis and job design: the concept, methods and procedures of job analysis, the concept of organization and position, the implementation elements of job analysis, the application of the results, the concepts and methods related to job design.
4. Recruitment: basic concepts and processes of recruitment, staff recruitment, staff selection and hiring, selection and evaluation methods, recruitment assessment.
5. Training: basic concepts and procedures of training, training needs analysis, training program design, training evaluation, training trends and future forms of training.
6. Career planning and management: basic concepts of career, organizational and individual career planning, career management.
7. Performance Management: the meaning, characteristics and types of performance, the concept of performance management, the components of the performance management system, performance appraisal methods, the application of performance appraisal results, balanced scorecard.
8. Compensation and Benefits Management: overview of compensation and compensation management, payroll systems, bonus and incentive programs, employee benefits.
(2) Human Resource Management Practices
1. Job Analysis: The five stages of job analysis.
2. Recruitment: the basic process of recruiting personnel selection, evaluation methods interviews, the basic process of hiring and considerations, the training of new employees.
3. Training: training needs analysis steps, methods, training program design, training implementation, training evaluation.
4. Career planning and management: steps of organizational and individual career planning, succession planning, career management.
5. Performance management: the four stages of performance management work content, skills and considerations.
6. Compensation and Welfare Management: the process of compensation design, compensation management for various types of personnel, and employee welfare management.
7. Labor Relationship Management: Overview of labor relationship management, collective bargaining in labor contract management enterprises, collective contract management, and labor dispute management.
8. Social Insurance: Overview of social insurance, pension insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance. (C) Human Resource Management Related Laws and Regulations
1. General Theory of Labor Law: basic concepts, objects of adjustment, basic principles and contents of labor law, the emergence and development of labor law, the rights and obligations of both parties to the main body of the labor relationship, and labor legal relations.
2. Management of labor relations: management of labor contracts, management of collective contracts, handling of labor disputes, trade unions.
3. Labor and social security: labor safety and health, working hours and rest and vacation, labor remuneration, special protection for female workers and underage workers, social insurance.
4. Labor-related laws and regulations: Labor Law, Trade Union Law, Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants, Labor Contracts and Collective Contracts, Handling of Labor Disputes, Working Hours and Wages, Labor Protection, Social Insurance, Local Laws and Regulations of Jiangsu Province, and excerpts of other Laws, Laws and Regulations.
(I) Human Resource Management and Development
1. Introduction: basic concepts, human resource management and traditional personnel management, objectives and functions of human resource management, human resource management development.
2. Overview of human resources: concept, characteristics and types of human resources, connotation and characteristics of human capital, human capital and human resources, physical capital.
3. Human resource planning: human resource planning concept, content, principles and role, basic procedures, human resource forecasting, preparation and control of human resource planning.
4. Job analysis: basic concepts, meaning, procedures and methods of job analysis, preparation of job descriptions, job design.
5. Employee Recruitment: concepts and basic procedures of recruitment, personnel recruitment, personnel selection, personnel hiring and recruitment assessment.
6. Employee training: basic concepts, types and system model of training, training needs analysis, training programs, training methods, training budgets, training results of the transformation of the factors affecting the training, training effect assessment.
7. Career management: career, career development concept and role, career development theory, individual and organizational career planning, career management issues.
8. Performance Management: basic concepts of performance and performance management, performance management system process, the determination of performance evaluation indicators, the implementation of performance evaluation and the application of evaluation results, several major modes of performance management.
9. Compensation Management: basic concepts of compensation and its management, compensation equity theory, factors affecting compensation setting, compensation design principles and procedures, three kinds of wage system, bonuses, allowances, and benefits.
10. Labor Relationship Management: concept of labor relationship, labor relationship and labor service relationship, basic system of labor relationship management, labor contract management, concept and classification of labor disputes, handling of labor disputes.
11. Human Resource Management Related Laws and Regulations:
(1) Labor Law (July 5, 1994): Labor Contracts and Collective Contracts, Working Hours and Rest and Vacation, Wages, Labor Safety and Health, Special Protection for Female Workers and Minors, Social Insurance and Welfare, Labor Disputes.
(2) Trade Union Law (April 3, 1992): rights and obligations of trade unions, grassroots trade union organizations, etc.
(3) Provisional Regulations on State Civil Servants (August 14, 1993);
(4) Measures for Economic Compensation for Violation and Termination of Labor Contracts (December 3, 1994);
(5) Measures for Compensation for Violation of Provisions of the Labor Law Concerning Labor Contracts (May 10, 1995);
(6) Provisions on Collective Contracts (December 30, 2003);
(7) Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Handling of Labor Disputes among Enterprises (July 6, 1993);
(8) Provisions on Minimum Wages (November 24, 1993);
(9) Decision of the State Council on the Establishment of a Unified Basic Pension Insurance System for Enterprises and Employees (July 16, 1997);
(10) Decision of the State Council on the Establishment of a Unified Basic Pension Insurance System for Enterprises and Employees (July 16, 1997);
(10) Decision of the State Council on the Establishment of a Basic Medical Insurance System for Urban Workers (December 14, 1998);
(11) Regulations on Unemployment Insurance (January 22, 1999);
(12) Regulations on Work-Related Injury Insurance (April 16, 2003);
(13) Trial Measures for Maternity Insurance for Enterprise Employees (December 24, 1994);
(14) Regulations on Maternity Insurance for Enterprise Employees (December 24, 1994) Trial Measures (December 14, 1994);
(14) Regulations on Minimum Subsistence Security for Urban Residents (September 28, 1999)
(2) Organizational Behavior
1. Introduction: the concept of organizational behavior, development overview, research content and methods.
2. Personality and Individual Behavior: the concept and characteristics of personality, basic theories of personality, temperament, emotion, perception, attitude, learning and reinforcement.
3. Motivation: meaning, process and role of motivation, motivation theory, motivation mechanism and motivation methods.
4. Group formation and development: basic concepts of groups, five-stage model of group development, roles in groups, group norms, group cohesion, advantages and disadvantages of group decision-making, group decision-making techniques.
5. Team building and management: the concept and types of teams, the difference between teams and groups, and the construction of high-performance teams.
6. Conflict and Communication: concepts, types, causes and methods of conflict, basic concepts and types of negotiation, skills for effective negotiation, meaning, classification and process of communication, barriers to communication, skills for effective communication.
7. Power and Leadership: concept and basis of power, power and leadership, meaning and role of leadership, leadership and management, leadership theories.
8. Organizational Structure and Organizational Design: basic concepts and basic theories of organizations, concepts, elements and general forms of organizational structure, organizational design, relationship between organizational design and employee behavior.
9. Organizational Change and Organizational Development: concept, purpose, motivation and resistance of organizational change, types, modes and methods of organizational change, organizational development, management by objectives, trends in China's organizational development and characteristics of future organizations.
10. Organizational culture: concept, content, structure, influencing factors, role, classification of organizational culture, organizational culture construction, learning organization, five practices.
(3) Leadership Science
1. Leadership Theory: Leadership Trait Theory, Leadership Behavior Theory, Leadership Contingency Theory, the latest theories about leadership.
2. Overview of leadership: concept, characteristics, elements and nature of leadership, basic functions of leadership, contents, types and roles of leadership system, concept and types of leadership structure, difference and connection between leadership and management.
3. Subject of Leadership: concept and type of leader, triple prescriptive nature of leader, difference between leader and manager, concept, type and role of led, concept of subject of leadership, relationship between leader and led.
4. Corporate leadership environment: leadership environment, leadership ecosystem, categorization of leadership environment, four types of environments faced by corporations, methods for leaders to navigate the environment.
5. The role of the business leader: strategy maker, information communicator, crisis manager, creator, maintainer and changer of organizational culture, other roles of the leader.
6. Qualities of business leaders: the concept, characteristics, structure and content of the qualities of the leader, the concept, characteristics and content of the structure of the qualities of the leadership group.
7. Leadership Methods and Leadership Effectiveness: leadership principles, leadership methods, six leadership skills, the concept of leadership effectiveness, assessment indicators, assessment principles, assessment types and assessment methods.
8. Corporate leadership decision-making: the concept, types, principles and methods of decision-making, decision-making procedures of leaders, four parts of the structure of the modern decision-making system, the meaning, characteristics, functions and types of decision-making think-tank system, and the relationship between organizational leadership and think-tanks.
9. Leadership innovation: the essence of innovation and leadership innovation, the main points of leadership innovation, the innovation of leaders' thinking concepts, the significance of corporate leadership innovation.
(I) Strategic Human Resource Management
1. Overview of Human Resource Management: the concept of human resources, the concept of human resource management, the evolution and development of human resource management.
2. Strategic foundations: corporate strategy and human resource strategy, human resources and core competencies, human resources and competitive advantage.
3. Strategic Human Resource Management Theory: Overview of Strategic Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management Theory and Models.
4. Strategic human resource management: the concept of strategic human resource, the work design of strategic human resource, the incentive mechanism and check and balance mechanism of strategic human resource.
5. Strategic human resource management: strategic human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment, strategic human resource allocation and reallocation, training and development, performance management, compensation management, career management.
6. Sharing of responsibilities in human resource management: role positioning in human resource management, role transformation of human resource managers, sharing of responsibilities in human resource management.
(2) Comprehensive Knowledge of Management
1. Overview of Management: basic concepts and functions of management, the role of managers, the basic principles and basic methods of management.
2. The development of management theory: representative figures, representative theories, the main point of view.
3. Decision-making: characteristics, processes and methods of decision-making, factors affecting decision-making.
4. Planning: basic concepts of planning, preparation of plans, goal management.
5. Organization: basic concepts of organization, types of organizational structure, organizational integration, organizational rights.
6. Leadership: overview of leadership, communication, motivation.
7. Control: overview of control, control models, control processes and control methods.
(3) Organization and Culture
1. Overview of business organization: definition of organization, organization theory, organization design.
2. Organizational goals and structural design: organizational goals, organizational structure design.
3. Elements of organizational system design: external design elements of the organization, internal design elements of the organization, organizational culture.
4. Innovation and change in business organizations: organizational innovation, organizational change.
5. Dynamic management processes in organizations: organizational and individual decision-making, information communication, conflict, power and politics.
6. Corporate culture: basic concepts of corporate culture, types of corporate culture, construction of three levels of corporate culture, corporate culture and management culture, corporate image and marketing culture.
(IV) Leadership and Innovation
1. Leadership: basic concept of leadership, leadership theory, methods and art of leadership.
2. Leadership and strategy: the relationship between the two, the quality and ability of strategic leaders, leadership and strategic match.
3. Leading change: motivation, basic content, difficulties and solutions.
4. Innovative thinking of leaders: basic concepts, the cultivation of innovative mental models of leaders.
5. Leader innovation behavior and innovation incentives and constraints: leader innovation behavior and obstacles, leader innovation incentives and constraints.
6. The realization of leadership innovation in the organization: organizational culture innovation, organizational structure innovation, leadership method innovation.
Jiangsu Personnel Examination Center
April 2008
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