Article 7 In addition to clinics, health centers, medical clinics and village health offices, all medical and health institutions and county (district and city) health bureaus are responsible for direct reporting.
The statistician (i.e., the person who fills out the form) of the direct reporting unit is the direct reporting officer.
Article VIII of the network direct reporting content is mainly for the "National Health Resources and Medical Services Survey System," the provisions of the four questionnaires, namely: health institutions questionnaire (WeiSu 1-1 form to WeiSu 1-8 form, WeiSu 1-schedule), basic information on the health manpower questionnaire (WeiSu 2 form), medical equipment questionnaire (WeiSu 3 form), and hospital discharged patients questionnaire (WeiSu 4 form).
Network direct reporting also includes other survey tasks assigned by the Ministry of Health, the local health administrative departments in accordance with the needs of the work to increase the survey project.
Article IX direct reporting time frame is divided into annual, quarterly and real-time reporting of three categories. Different questionnaires to implement different direct reporting time limit.
Annual and quarterly reports: health institutions questionnaire Wei Tong 1-1 form and Wei Tong 1-2 form for the annual and quarterly reports; Wei Tong 1-3 form to Wei Tong 1-8 form and Wei Tong 1-schedule, the hospital discharged patients questionnaire (Wei Tong 4 form) for the annual report. Annual reports are required to be completed by January 31 of the following year, and quarterly reports are required to be completed within one month after the quarter.
Real-time reporting: health care institutions in the transfer of personnel into or out of 1 month to report the increase or decrease in personnel information (Wei Tongji 2 form), approved by January 31 of the following year, all personnel changes in the unit information; health care institutions in the purchase, transfer, or scrapping of equipment within 1 month to report the increase or decrease in equipment information (Wei Tongji 3 form); county (district, city) Health Bureau in the new, cancellation, merger of health care institutions within 10 days to report information on institutional changes. Report within 10 days of the organization to change the information (Wei Tong 1 table in the "basic information").
Article X of the direct reporting of medical and health institutions to log on to the provincial direct reporting system to report the unit's data. Clinics, health centers, medical clinics and village health clinics in accordance with the principle of territorial management to the county (district, city) Health Bureau under the jurisdiction of the electronic or paper data submitted to the Health System 1-3 form and Health System 1-4 form, by the county (district, city) Health Bureau logged on to the provincial reporting system on behalf of the data.
Provincial health administrative departments will transmit the data of the region to the data center of the Ministry of Health.
Article XI of the network direct reporting methods can choose to fill in online or offline entry, online upload.
Article XII: The data centers at the Ministry and provincial levels use data exchange middleware to realize data exchange and synchronization. The provincial data center uploads quarterly and annual data on the 6th day of the reporting period, and uploads real-time information on the increase or decrease of directly reported users, health institutions, personnel and equipment.