What are the business divisions of Zhengzhou BYD

Zhengzhou BYD has 23 business divisions. Battery business group under the division: the second division (mainly automotive power batteries, lithium-ion batteries), the Central Research Institute (responsible for the research and development of production equipment and production processes, research and development areas include: lithium-ion batteries and other types of batteries, chargers, electronic products, instruments, flexible circuit boards, hardware products, liquid crystal displays, cell phone parts and accessories, molds, plastic products, etc.). Electronics business group under the division: the first division (nickel-metal hydride nickel-cadmium batteries, 3D glass, precision metal, precision ceramics and so on are produced by this business), the third business unit, the fifth business unit, the eighth business unit, the ninth business unit. Passenger Vehicle Business Group under the Division: Automotive Engineering Research Institute (mainly research and development of BYD passenger cars, including interior and exterior design, exterior design, product development, etc.), eleven business units (stamping, welding, painting, assembly of the four major processes), automotive sales, automotive mold center and other business units. The business divisions under the rail transportation business group are: Rail I, II, III Division, XXI/XXII/XXIII Division, and some functional units, which are known to be divided into business divisions by area. Commercial Vehicle Business Group under the Division are: Commercial Vehicle Research Institute (mainly on the bus category for product development), Truck Research Institute (mainly on the truck for product development), the nineteenth Division (equivalent to the four major processes of buses or trucks production-type business units), and there is the Commercial Vehicle Sales Division.