Are Closed Blind Rivets often used in medical machinery and equipment?

(KEST) Closed end blind rivets are a unique rivet body design, which has a solid core body tail construction that effectively prevents water vapor and liquids around the rivet body from passing through the rivet body. In addition, closed end rivets have a 20% higher tensile strength than open end rivets of the same size. It is also important to note that these closed end rivets are 100% head retention, a core function that allows them to be used in a wide range of electronic and electrical equipment. Kestrel Closed End Rivets are available in round and countersunk heads, and in a variety of combinations of aluminum/iron, aluminum/stainless steel, stainless steel/stainless steel, iron/iron, copper/iron, copper/stainless steel, and other materials.

Medical industry is still used more