If you have social security and Medicare, do you still need to buy commercial insurance? If so, what kind of commercial insurance?

Commercial insurance covers a much wider range of coverage than social insurance, so social insurance is certainly not a substitute for commercial insurance. For a detailed analysis of the relationship between the two, please see this article

Social insurance and commercial insurance both include a part of the medical insurance, so here, we will take the social medical insurance and commercial medical insurance to compare, briefly explain the differences between the two.

1, in the content of the protection of the embodiment

Social medical insurance coverage is not as rich as commercial medical insurance. For example, commercial medical insurance can cover the medical expenses for examinations and treatments using large-scale medical equipment such as positron emission tomography (PET) scanners and electron-beam CTs, but social medical insurance cannot do so.

As the chart below shows, the types of drugs that Social Security can reimburse are also very limited. Many of the "miracle drugs" for cancer, such as targeted drugs, are very effective in suppressing cancer cells, but they are also very expensive. For example, the average monthly cost of Koraida for lung cancer is more than 50,000 yuan. However, this kind of imported special drugs usually do not belong to the scope of social security, for cancer patients who do not have commercial health insurance as a supplement, at this time, they can only choose to take traditional anti-cancer drugs.

2, the amount of reimbursement is different

With the word "welfare", the price is usually low, and the content of the protection is also relatively basic, social health insurance is also the case, the premium is low, the reimbursement rate is also low. For off-site treatment, even if reimbursement is possible, the rate of reimbursement will have to be discounted again, whereas the rate of reimbursement for commercial health insurance does not usually change due to off-site treatment. In case of more serious illnesses with higher medical costs, social insurance alone is not enough. As shown in the chart, more than half of the medical expenses are reimbursed by social security at less than 50 percent.

If you want to know more about social security and commercial insurance, you can take another look at this article social security medical insurance how to use? An article that teaches you the process of applying for reimbursement!