What are the current radiotherapy machines that are self-funded
Total Body (Localized) Tomographic Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (TOMO). Whole-body (local) tomotherapy intensity-modulated radiotherapy (TOMO) is a new method applied to the radiotherapy of malignant tumors in recent years, and it is understood that this treatment has not yet been included in the scope of payment of medical insurance due to the independent pricing of this treatment program, the higher price of the treatment, and the exact efficacy of the program has not yet been sufficient data and comprehensive assessment. As our country is still in the primary stage of socialism, the economy is growing rapidly but the overall level is still not high, taking into account the affordability of the society, the level of financing of basic medical insurance, especially for the residents, is relatively low, and the per capita financing level of the urban and rural residents' medical insurance is only about 800 yuan at present. Therefore, from the current stage of the overall development of the health insurance system, the masses of disease treatment needs and health insurance fund financing level and anti-risk capacity, the current basic health insurance system is still mainly based on providing basic disease treatment for the masses of protection, to solve the medical burden of the masses of the whole body (local) tomotherapy intensity-modulated radiotherapy (TOMO) into the scope of payment of the health insurance is not yet mature conditions.