What does the barcode number represent?

Question 1: What does each digit of the barcode represent The meaning of the commodity barcode digits:

Take the barcode 6936983800013 for example

This barcode is divided into 4 parts, from left to right are:

1-3 digits: ***3 digits, corresponds to the 693 of this barcode, one of the country codes of China. (690--695 are all Chinese codes, assigned internationally)

Bits 4-8: ***5 bits, corresponding to 69838 of this barcode, represent the manufacturer's code, which is applied for by the manufacturer and assigned by the state

Bits 9-12: ***4 bits, corresponding to 0001 of this barcode, represent the in-plant commodity code, which is determined by the manufacturer

Bits 13: ***1 bits, corresponding to 0001 of this barcode, representing the in-plant commodity code, determined by the manufacturer

Bits 13: ***4 bits, corresponding to 693 of this barcode, which is one of China's country codes. The 13th bit: ***1 bit, corresponding to the 3 of the barcode, is the check digit, based on a certain algorithm, calculated from the previous 12 digits.

Algorithm for the 13th bit of the formula:

1: take out the odd bits of the sum, c1 = 6 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 0 + 0 = 21;

2: take out the even bits of the sum, c2 = 9 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 0 + 1 = 32;

3: add the odd bits of the sum and the "even bits of the sum of the three times. ".

4: Take out the resultant digit: 117 (117%10=7);

5: Subtract this digit from 10: 10-7=3;

6: Take another digit of the number obtained (to 10 to remainder) 3%10=3;

The barcode, or barcode (barcode), is a number of black stripes of varying widths and blanks. Barcode or barcode (barcode) is a graphical identifier of multiple black bars and blanks of unequal width, arranged according to certain coding rules to express a set of information. A common bar code is a pattern of parallel lines made up of black bars (referred to as bars) and white bars (referred to as blanks) of widely varying reflectivity. Barcode can mark the item's country of production, manufacturer, commodity name, date of production, book classification number, mail start and end locations, categories, dates and other information, and therefore in the distribution of goods, library management, postal management, banking system and many other areas have been widely used.

Question 2: What does the bar code represent? The meaning of the 13 digits in the bar code is: the first 3 digits show the region (country) where the product is produced. The next 4 digits indicate the trade name of the manufacturer, which is assigned to the trade name by the coding organization of the country (or region). And then the next 5 digits are individual goods number, by the manufacturer will first be divided into categories of products, and then coded one by one, the manufacturer of a **** can be 100,000 items of goods for coding. The last digit is the check digit, to facilitate the scanner to check the whole code, to avoid misreading. If you want to distinguish authenticity by barcode, you must first know, the manufacturer's barcode data, and then compare. Genuine products generally have authenticity query method, through short messages, telephone, or network, etc., these kinds of query is carried out through the manufacturer's database, you send a query request, the system will enter the database, take the barcode data you send with the data in the database for comparison, consistent with the real, not consistent with the fake, someone else's forgery. If you don't know anything, just from the bar code, is not distinguishable from the real, can only see a string of numbers or letters, and even what can not be seen (the data below the bar code can be hidden), only to see a black-and-white bar code, such a bar code only with a bar code scanner to be able to recognize the bar code corresponding to the numerical value. At present, the world's commonly used code system has ENA barcode, UPC barcode, two-five barcode, cross two-five barcode, Kudumba barcode, three-nine barcode and 128 barcode, etc., and the most commonly used on the commodity is the EAN commodity barcode. EAN commodity bar code, also known as the Universal Commodity Bar Code, developed by the International Article Numbering Association (IANSA), is commonly used around the world, and is currently the most widely used commodity bar code in the international arena. It is the most widely used commodity barcode in the world, and it is the same commodity barcode that is currently being used in China, and it is divided into two types: EAN-13 (standard version) and EAN-8 (shortened version). EAN-13 general merchandise bar code generally consists of prefix part, manufacturer code, commodity code and check code. Commodity bar code prefix code is used to identify the country or region of the code, the right to assign the code in the International Article Numbering Association, such as 00-09 on behalf of the United States, Canada, 45-49 on behalf of Japan, 690-692 on behalf of mainland China, 471 on behalf of Taiwan, 489 on behalf of Hong Kong SAR. Manufacturer code is empowered in each country or region of the article code organization, China by the National Article Coding Center to give the manufacturer code. Commodity code is used to identify the code of the goods, the right to assign the code by the product manufacturer to exercise their own, the manufacturer in accordance with the conditions of the provisions of their own decision on what kind of goods they use which *** numbers for the commodity bar code. Commodity bar code with a check digit at the end to check the correctness of the commodity bar code in the left from the first l-12 digital code. Commodity bar code code to follow the principle of uniqueness to ensure that the commodity bar code is not repeated throughout the world, that is, a commodity item can only have a code, or a code can only identify a commodity item. Commodities with different specifications, different packaging, different varieties, different prices and different colors can only use different commodity codes. The standard size of the commodity bar code is 37.29mm x 26.26mm, the magnification is 0.8-2.0, when the printing area allows, should choose 1.0 magnification of the bar code to meet the literacy requirements. The smaller the magnification of the bar code, the higher the printing accuracy requirements, when the printing accuracy can not meet the requirements, easy to cause bar code reading difficulties. As the bar code reading is through the bar code and empty color contrast to achieve, in general, as long as the contrast (PCS value) to meet the requirements of the color can be used. Usually light colors are used for the empty color, such as white, orange, yellow, etc., and dark colors are used for the bar color, such as black, dark green, dark brown, etc. The best color combination is black, white, and dark brown. The best color combination is black and white. According to the practical experience of barcode testing, red, gold, light yellow should not be used as the color of the bar, and transparent, gold can not be used as the empty color. EAN-8 commodity bar code refers to the commodity bar code used for identification of the digital code for the 8-digit commodity bar code, by 7-digit numerical representation of the commodity item code and 1-digit numerical representation of the check digit composition. The birth of commodity bar code greatly facilitates the circulation of commodities, modern society has been inseparable from the commodity bar code. According to statistics, at present, China has 500,000 kinds of products using the internationally recognized commodity bar code. After China's accession to the WTO, enterprises in the international arena will win more space for activities. To be in line with international practice, to adapt to the needs of international trade and commerce, ...... >>

Question 3: The first number of the bar code is 4 on behalf of what This is a lot of ah, you have to look at the first two or three to judge

400 ~ 440 Germany 450 ~ 459 490 ~ 499 Japan 460 ~ 469 Russia 470 Kyrgyzstan

471 China Taiwan 474 Estonia 475 Latvia 476 Azerbaijan 477 Lithuania 478 Uzbekistan

479 Sri Lanka 480 Philippines 481 Belarus 482 Ukraine 484 Moldova 485 Armenia 486 Georgia 487 Kazakhstan 489 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China

Basically, the ones that start with 4 are these, you can see if there are any you are looking for

--Tianjin Weibexu Barcode

Question 4: What is the meaning of the barcode number of the book? ISBN after a *** is 13 digits, divided into five groups.A-B-C-D-E

A is 978 or 979, is the International Article Numbering Association assigned to the books of the special prefix code.

B is the group number, our country is 7

C is the publisher's code, 2-6 bits

D is the serial number of the book, which is compiled by the publisher in the order of publication of the book.

E is the check digit, 1 bit. It is used to check whether the data is correct when the barcode is read by the machine.

Question 5: What is the meaning of the numbers on the food barcode? Take the barcode 6936983800013 as an example

This barcode is divided into 4 parts, from left to right are:

1-3: **** 3 bits, corresponding to the barcode 693, is one of the country code of China. (690--695 are all Chinese codes, assigned internationally);

Bits 4-8: ***5 bits, corresponding to the 69838 of the barcode, represent the manufacturer's code, which is applied for by the manufacturer and assigned by the state;

Bits 9-12: ***4 bits, corresponding to the 0001 of this barcode, represent the in-plant commodity code, which is determined by the manufacturer itself;

Bit 13: ***1 bit, corresponding to the 3 of the barcode, is the check digit, based on a certain algorithm, calculated from the previous 12 digits.

Question 6: Which country is represented by the beginning digits of the barcode Barcode Allocation Table for Countries in the World Prefix Code Country (Region) Prefix Code Country (Region) 00--13 USA and Canada 30--37 France 380 Bulgaria 383 Slovenia 385 Croatia 387 Bosnia and Herzegovina 400--440 Germany 45--49 ylmf 460--469 Russia 471 Taiwan, China 474 Estonia 475 Latvia 477 Lithuania 478 Uzbekistan 479 Sri Lanka 480 Philippines 481 Belarus 482 Ukraine 484 Moldova 485 Armenia 486 Georgia 487 Kazakhstan 489 Hong Kong, China 50 United Kingdom 520 Greece 528 Lebanon 529 Cyprus 531 Macedonia 535 Malta 539 Ireland 54 Belgium and Luxembourg 560 Portugal 569 Iceland 57 Denmark 590 Poland 594 Romania 599 Hungary 600--601 South Africa 609 Mauritius 611 Morocco 613 Algeria 619 Tunisia 621 Syria 622 Egypt 625 Jordan 626 Iran 64 Finland 690--693 China 70 Norway 729 Israel 73 Sweden 740 Guatemala 741 El Salvador 742 Honduras 743 Nicaragua 744 Costa Rica 745 Panama 746 Dominica 750 Mexico 759 Venezuela 76 Switzerland 770 Colombia 773 Uruguay 775 Peru 777 Bolivia 779 Argentina 780 Chile 784 Paraguay 786 Ecuador 789 Brazil 80--83 Italy 84 Spain 850 Cuba 858 Slovakia 859 Czech Republic 860 Yugoslavia 867 North Korea 869 Turkey 87 Netherlands 880 South Korea 885 Thailand 888 Singapore 890 India 893 Vietnam 899 Indonesia 90--91 Austria 93 Australia 94 New Zealand 955 Malaysia

Question 7: What are the barcode numbers? What does it stand for The first 3 digits are the country code, 690-695 for China. The next 5 digits are the manufacturer's code, is the country to your business code. The next 4 digits as the product code, different goods must use different 4 digits. The last digit is the check digit, which is automatically calculated based on the previous 12 digits.


This is the EAN-13 barcode, which belongs to the commodity barcode

But from the first 3 digits of 978, you can see the number of ISBN book code, that is, the code of the book.

The last 10 belong to the ISBN, which can be divided into three segments

7107190056 can be divided into three segments

The first segment of the number is the area code, consisting of 1 to 5 digits, 7 indicates that the Chinese publications

The second segment is the publisher's code, which is distributed by the national or regional ISBN center under which it belongs to and is permitted to take a range of 2 to 5 digits. The range of 2 to 5 digits. The larger the publisher and the more books it produces, the shorter the number.

The third paragraph of the third paragraph is the book serial number (Title Identifier) given by the publisher itself, and each publisher's book serial number is a fixed length. The shortest one, the longest six. The larger the size of the publisher, the more books, the longer the serial number.

The tenth bit is the check digit of the electronic computer (Check Digit). Fixed one, automatically generated from the first twelve.

Question 8: How to identify the digital meaning of the bar code Take the 13-bit bar code as an example, such as: 692 1245 87452 9

The first three bits are the country code, 690-695 said China's, 880 is South Korea's, 888 is Singapore's

After the four-bit is the enterprise code, which is the company's products,

The next five bits are the enterprise code, which indicates that

The next five bits are the company's products.

The next five bits are the internal code of the company, which means that the company itself defines the number of the product to be used, and the last bit is calculated by the computer (software) itself.

At present, because there are many enterprises in China, the enterprise code is now five. Older companies still have four digits.