Seven industrial wonders of the world

1, the Great Eastern (The Great Ship): In 1851, Ethan Barkington Brunel dreamed of building the world's largest ship, but this Great Eastern will make him a failure. 2, Brooklyn Bridge (The Brooklyn Bridge): in the mid-19th century, New York was the world's fastest-growing city at the time, when some people plan to build the longest bridge ever, linking Manhattan and Brooklyn. 3, Bell lighthouse (Bell Rock Lighthouse): Scotland's life countless Bell reef, for centuries has been the graveyard of passing ships, young Rob Stevenson therefore proposed to build a lighthouse on it. 4, London sewers (The Sewer King): London since the Middle Ages has not improved the sanitary environment, Joseph Bassetjet but determined to build 1,300 miles of new sewers, the success of the end of the cholera epidemic era. 5, the Panama Canal (The Panama Canal): Ferdinand de Lesseps conceived, the Panama Canal is a miracle of engineering is also the result of man's triumph, and by the American John Stevens took over the project, and will be completed. 6, the Pacific Railroad (The Line): two industrial giants wonderful story, they compete with each other in a race, hoping to build a railroad as soon as possible, the United States east and west coasts linked together. 7, Hoover Dam (The Hoover Dam): In 1902, Arthur Bowie Davis conceived a plan to build a dam to intercept the dangerous and unpredictable power of the Colorado River.