Is MR***Vibration really that expensive?

Taking Shanghai as an example, magnetic *** vibration plain scan 360+20=380 yuan (460 yuan for head or upper abdomen or MRU), plain scan + enhancement 360+80+20+160=620 yuan. For Medicare patients, the out-of-pocket cost is about $50 to $80, or $8 to $12, for appointments of 1 to 14 days. At this price and time frame, I'll lose if I find the second one in the world. The following calculations are based on 265 working days per year. There is usually no rush for MRI. The $20 of this is for film, which costs $19.0, $500,000 for a laser printer (10 year life), $30,000 for an annual warranty, and an average workday cost of $300. The $80 in enhancement is for special sequence scanning. 160 in enhancement is for contrast with zero spread. Take 1.5T nuclear magnetic to calculate, the former price 14 million, now about 7 million, the average take 10 million, life 10 years, 10 million 10-year loan calculation, annual depreciation of 1.2 million, the average working day depreciation of 4528 yuan. Annual maintenance cost 1 to 1.2 million, average workday amortization of $4,200. Technicians, nurses, reporting physicians, auditing physicians, the average working day labor costs, including the payment of money, about 2,000 yuan. Nuclear magnetic heat sink power 45 kilowatts, working 24 hours a day non-stop, the average working day electricity consumption of 1,500 yuan. Nuclear magnetic machine room, equipment room, office, waiting room, nurse workstation, etc. Total area of 200 square feet. The average working day property site is about 900 RMB (our hospital is within the inner ring road of Shanghai). Total weekday cost, $13,428. The scanning fee of 360 yuan for the net income, 13428 ÷ 360 is equal to about 37 people (times). That is to say, do 37 cases a day, the Shanghai hospital's NMR basic capital preservation, and a single machine, single shift, the NMR limit is 40 to 45 cases. Therefore, in Shanghai, there is no room for price reduction. Finally, to answer the question, if you want to be cheaper, waiting for technological innovation may be too slow, the best way is, come to Shanghai to do it. You guys think the welfare of the package postal district is only in Taobao? Wrong, the package postal area has the country's cheapest large medical equipment inspection costs, and the quality is very good.