What is the train ticket price from Tangshan to Changchun?

Tangshan to Changchun Train No.37 Train Time and Ticket Price Inquiry

Departure-arrival-departure time-and then run time reference fare

D23 Tangshan North-Changchun 16: 44-22: 4 1 5 hours 57 minutes second-class soft seat 2 15 first-class soft seat 264

T59 Tangshan North-Changchun 22: 39-06: 10 7 hours 3 1 minute hard sleeper 209 hard sleeper 20 1.

T124/t12/Tangshan-Changchun 2 1: 26-07: 04 9 hours and 38 minutes hard seat 1 16 hard sleeper 2 15.

K 5 16/K 5 17 Tangshan-Changchun 05: 37-17: 0510/hour 28-minute hard seat1kloc-0/6 hard sleeper 2/kloc.

K 126/K 127 Tangshan-Changchun 17: 44-05: 57 12 hours 13 minutes hard seat 125 hard sleeper 23 1.

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