Latest Hourly Wages for Scrap Metal Sorting in Japan

Japan Scrap Metal Sorting Latest Hourly Wages 2022 Japan's average minimum hourly wage of 961 yen.

This is an increase of 31 yen over last year's average of 930 yen, the minimum hourly wage for the Tokyo metropolitan area, and other areas have been adjusted to varying degrees.

The State of Japan (Japan), referred to as Japan, the capital city of Tokyo, is located on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, is an arc from northeast to southwest of the island country, including Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu four large islands and other more than 6,800 small islands, with a total area of 378,000 square kilometers, consisting of 1 metropolis, 1 province, 2 prefectures and 43 prefectures (provinces). As of May 2022, Japan has a total population of about 125.05 million, with the Yamato as the main ethnic group and about 16,000 Ainu in the Hokkaido area. The Japanese language is commonly spoken. The main religions are Shintoism and Buddhism.