I'm looking for the words of the first book of the eighth grade, from the People's Education Publishing House, please, it's urgent.

Eighth Grade Word List

Unit 1

how often How often

exercise Exercise; sport

skateboard Skateboard; participate in the sport of skateboarding

hardly Hardly ever; hardly ever

ever Ever; once

once Once

twice Twice

time Times; times

These are the words of the eighth grade. p>once once

twice twice

time 次;次数

surf 在...... surf;在激浪上駕(船)

Internet 网络;互联网

program (戏剧、广播、电视的)program;表演


hardly ever program; performance

high school (U.S.) high school; (U.K.) full secondary school

result result; outcome

active active; positive

for for; about; in terms of ......; with regard to ......

as for; with respect to

about almost; approximately

junk discarded old things; rags

junk food junk food

milk milk

coffee coffee







health; health

how many



junk food

milk milk


coffee habit habit

try try; attempt; endeavor

of course; naturally

look after take care of; look after

lifestyle lifestyle

grade score; achievement

better (comparative degree of good and well) better; improved

same same; identical

as like ......

different different

difference different; difference; distinction

unhealthy; unhealthy

yuck (indicating repugnance, aversion, etc.) yuck; spit

maybe perhaps; probably

although; even though; even though

for (indicating time, distance, quantity, etc.) up to; counting

grandpa grandfather; grandpas

a lot of; many

keep keep; to keep in a certain state

must must

less (comparative of little) smaller; smaller; less; fewer

Unit 2

matter thing; problem; error

have 得(病);患(病)

cold 受凉;感冒

have a cold 受凉;感冒


sore 疼痛的;酸痛的

back 背;背背

arm arm;胳膊

ear ear; ear

eye eye

foot foot; foot

hand hand

head head; head

leg leg; leg

mouth mouth; mouth; mouth

neck neck; neck

nose nose

stomach stomach; tummy; abdomen

tooth teeth

throat throat; pharynx

toothache toothache

fever fever; feverish

rest rest

honey honey

denist dentist

should should

headache headache

ago ago

so so; such

illness illness; ill health

advice counsel; advice; suggestion

thirsty thirsty; thirsty

stress pressurize ; to make nervous

(be) stressed out stressed; nervous

early early; ahead of time

problem problem; perplexing thing; difficult thing to deal with

way method; means; manner

traditional traditional; conventionally

believe believe; consider

balance equilibrium; equilibrium

yin yin

yang yang

weak weak; powerless

Dangshen (中草药)党参

Huangqi (中草药) Huangqi

herb herb; herb; herb

angry angry; furious

tofu bean curd

medicine medicine; drug (esp. for internal use)

western western; from the west

everybody everyone; everyone; each person

get to become

Dangshen (党参)


Huangqi(Huangqi 黄芪). get become

few few; hardly any

a few some; a few; a few

stay continue to be; keep; maintain

important important; significant

balanced balanced; well-balanced

diet diet; dieting

moment; moment

at the moment At the moment; now

until (=till) until ...... time; before ......

dear (expressing surprise

host family

hear hear; heard

Unit 3

babysit temporary care

camp camp camping; bivouac

plan plan; planning




til (=till ; before )

dear (to express surprise, distress, regret, etc.)

hike hiking; hiking

HongKong | Hong Kong

yeah; yes; good

away to a distance; away; in another direction

get back back

send send; send

postcard postcard

San Francisco San Francisco

Hawaii Hawaii

bike Bicycle; bicycle

ride Ride (ride) A journey

sightseeing Sightseeing; excursion

fishing Fishing

rent Rent rental

Italy Italy

famous Famous; famous

take a vacation

Greece Greece

Spain Spain

Europe Europe

something Something; a matter

lake lake; lakes

the Great Lakes

leave leave; depart

countryside rural; countryside

nature nature; nature

forget forget

a lot very; very; often

finish end; finish

Thailand Thailand

tourist traveler; tourist

Unit 4

subway subway; underground train

hey hey; feed

train train

forty forty

fifty fifty

sisty sixty

seventy seventy

eighty eighty

ninety ninety

hundred one hundred

minute minute

take take (time)

by means transportation, conveyance, etc.

by bus by bus

far far; distant

how far

kilometer kilometer

shower shower


bicycle bicycle; two-wheeled bicycle

early early; early

mile mile

stop station

transportation public **** transportation; transportation

north northern; northern

North America North America

northern; north

North American America North America

part area; region

depend on; rely on

depend on depending on ......; decide on

river river; river

boat 小船

by boat 乘小船

must (表示推测)一定

more (used to form part of the comparative of adjectives and adverbs) (than ......) more (地)更多的(地)大的(地)

than (used after the comparative of adjectives and adverbs) than

means method; means; tool

car 小汽车

town 小汽车


ill sick; unhealthy

worry 担心;担忧;焦虑

so (表示程度) so; then

much 十分;非常

Unit 5

lesson Lesson p>

lesson lesson; course

another another; again

concert concert

whom (object of who)

calendar calendar; schedule

tomorrow tomorrow; tomorrow

the day after tomorrow

The day after tomorrow. after tomorrow

weekday Any day from Monday to Friday

invitation; invitation

training; exercise; training

chemistry Chemistry

American American; the Americas

project (of a school); assignment; project

math competition; contest

whole whole; entire; complete

over from one side to the other

come over by the way

free free; available

till until .... . when; before

Unit 6

outgoing friendly; outgoing

twin twin; twins


calm sedate; calm

wild rash serious; solemn

athletic athletic; active; robust

note note; illustration

mean to express the meaning of; to explain

as in the manner of ... way; as...that

way a certain aspect

both two (both); both (both)

adj. both; both sides

hers her (all things); belonging to her

physics physics; physical science

however however

more than

in common public ownership; **** ownership

be good at; do well at

schoolwork schoolwork 學业;功课


for (表示对象、用途等)为;给;对

opposite 對對的;相反的

view 观点;看法


though although; even though; even though

necessary necessary; imperative; essential

beat defeat; overcome

care for; to be concerned about

friendship friendship

primary primary; elementary primary primary; elementary

information message; information

Review of units 1-6

wheel wheel

woman (pl women)woman

use with; use; utilize

cheese cheese; cheese

sick discomfort; illness

body body; body

begin with

begin with...

swimming pool swimming pool

excited excitement; euphoric

Harbin p>Harbin 哈尔滨

safe 安全的;可靠的

fast 快的(地);迅速的(地)

passenger 乘客;旅客

Unit 7

shake 奶昔

milk shake 奶昔

blender juice machine; blender

turn on turn on

cut cut; cut

up separate; into parts

cut up chopped up

peel peel; pare (the skin of a fruit, etc.)

pour pour; pour; pour

into to . in; into

yogurt yogurt; kefir

ingredient; ingredient; composition

cup a small teacup; a cup's worth

watermelon watermelon

teaspoon a teaspoon; a cup of watermelon

watermelon is a small cup of watermelon. teaspoon teaspoon

amount total; total number; quantity

instruction command; instruction; usage note

finally finally; finally

mix mix; mix up

mix up mix up

popcorn popcorn

popper popcorn maker

boil Boil; cook

salt Salt; table salt

add Add; increase; add to

add ... to ... put ... to . to ...

sandwich sandwich



relish seasoning; garnish

lettuce lettuce


slice slice

super; excellent

top top; upper

recipe recipe

check check; examine

green onion

green onion; scallion



pancake pancake; flapjack

roll roll; wrap

Unit 8

gift gift

shark shark


seal seal

hang stay; wander


hang out (slang) to loiter; hang out

souyenir a souvenir; a memento

win; win

autograph an autograph

prize a reward; a prize; a prize

visitor an interviewer; a visitor; a tourist

outdoor outdoor; in the open air

octopus octopus

end end; conclusion

monitor shift supervisor

Chicago Chicago

California California

sleep late to oversleep; to get up late

drive drive p>drive to drive; a driving trip

off to rest; not to work

day off (due to illness or holiday); not to work; not to go to school

rain to rain

DVD to digitize a video disc

yard to yard; patio

yard sale (a yard sale that takes place at the seller's home). yard sale (conducted on the spot at the seller's house)

luckily luckily

umbrella umbrella; umbrellas

raincoat raincoat

wet wet; damp

competition competition; race; contest

player athlete

future to come; future

again once more; again

Unit 9


born (past participle of bear) to be born; to come into existence

record to record; (esp. in a sport) the highest record

hiccup to hiccup

sneeze (to sneeze)

too ... to ... too ... to ...


Brazilian Brazilian; Brazilian

national National; national

achievement achievement; accomplishment

perform performance; show

gymnast gymnast

gold gold; gold adj gold

medal medal; medal

championship championship title; championships


become; become

call To call; to address; to name for

talented Gifted; talented

loving Loving

creative Creative; inventive

outstanding Outstanding; outstanding

kind Amiable; kind; friendly; gracious

unusual Unusual; rare; unique

grandson Grandchild; grandson

violinist violinist

skate skating; ice skating

ice skating skating

champion (in a contest) a person (animal, object, etc.) who comes in first place; a champion

tour a trip in...; a sightseeing tour; a visit

the U.S. (=the United States) United States of America; America

well-known Famous; famous; well known

pianist Pianist; pianist

could (past tense of can) can; could; might

hum Hum; hum

piece (of art, music) a page; a piece; a head


take part (in) to participate in...; to take part in...


alive live; alive

athlete sportsman; athlete

because of because; due to

Asia Asia

table tennis

university university

major to major in; to specialize in

major in major in; to specialize in

management management; operation

number number; number (used before a number as No. or no.)


ITTF (= International Table Tennis Federation) International Table Tennis Federation. Federation)

Unit 10

grow; grow up

grow up; grow up

programmer computer programmer; programmer

computer science computer science

engineer engineer

computer science (computer science) engineer engineer

pilot pilot; airplane pilot

professional professional; occupational

act perform; act

move move; carry

dream dream; dreams; fantasies

somewhere in; to somewhere

exhibition exhibition; fair

artist artist; painter

part-time part-time

save storage; savings

at the same time at the same time

hold hold; host

rich rich rich; affluent; bountiful

travel travel; a long journey

all over everywhere; everywhere

retire retire; retire

yet to this time; to this day

resolution resolve; determination to do something

instrument instrument; instrument; musical instrument

over (in number, value, degree, etc.) exceeds; above...

fax fax

reader reader

fit robust; healthy

communicate exchange; communication

lady; noblewoman; lady

foreign foreign; in a foreign country; outwardly

build build; construction

exchange exchange; interchange; communication

exchange student exchange student

Unit 11

chore a chore; a chore; ( (especially) ordinary daily work

dish dish; plate; dish

do the dishes wash the dishes

sweep sweep; sweep; clear

trash garbage; waste

take out remove

make one's bed (or make the bed). bed (or make the bed) make up the bed

fold fold; fold up

living room living room; parlor

meeting meeting; assembly

work on engage in; be busy with

hate hate; abhor

do chores handle chores; do housework

laundry; clothes to be washed or already washed

do the laundry laundry

snack Snack; fast food

teenager (13 to 19 years old)

borrow Borrow; lend; borrow

invite invite; plead

player turntable

care take care of; look after; care for

take care of look after; take care of

feed feed; raise

mine my (all things)

Unit 12

radio radio; radio broadcasting

radio station radio station

comfortable comfortable; restful

seat seat

screen screen; curtain; fluorescent screen

close near; close

service service; hospitality

quality quality; quality

theater theater; theatre

cinema cinema

clothing clothes

jeans jeans

trendy trendy; fashionable; popular

teen (=teenager) (of 13 to 19 years of age)

funky (slang) fashionable; excellent

easy Comfortable; at ease

FM (radio) frequency modulation

AM (radio) amplitude modulation

jazz Jazz

worse (comparative of bad and badly) Worse (ground) ; worse (ground)

worse (top level of bad and badly) worst (ground); worst (ground)

bargain bargain; bargain

meal meal; meal; a meal

positive positive; affirmative

negative negative; negativity

dull dull; boring; monotonous

loud loud; boisterous

talent talent show

performer actor; performer; performer

success success

act a performance; a short program; a performer

without without Without

together; **** together

musical musical

distance distance; journey

near near; near; close

farthest (the highest level of far)

southern southern; in the south

still still; still

15 degrees Celsius (= fifteen degrees Celsius) 15 degrees Celsius

lovely beautiful; lovely; delightful

northern northern; in the north

-10 degrees Celsius (=minus ten degrees Celsiu) minus 10 degrees Celsius

enough adequate; sufficient

Review of units 7-12

sea sea; ocean

DJ Music programmer

Los Angeles Los Angeles

central central

diner roadside diner; (food truck) small restaurant

curry curry; curry dish

deli (pl. delis) deli

leader leader; conductor

band pipe band

easy easy; effortless

piece piece; block; segment

brown bread

forbid forbid; forbidding

Forbidden City The Forbidden City

camel camel


(not) at all not at all; not at all; not at all

cow cow

ha (expressing surprise, joy, triumph, sulkiness, etc.)

seriously (used to show that what is being said is not a joke) to say seriously; solemnly

hen hen

lay lay (an egg)

It's all here, I don't know if you're happy with it?