Under the operating conditions of the time, supply ships were required to supply not only fuel, but also a wide variety of consumables such as ammunition, food rations (chilled, frozen, and dried food), potable water, spare parts, and stores.
Aircraft carriers and surface "big ships" require specialized supplies of large quantities of aviation fuel and munitions, as they are indispensable resources for directing sustained operations. The near-air resupply sorties generated to support ground forces imply a staggering consumer cost, much higher than the likely budget for a sea-controlled military.
Replenishment ships also need to be regularly utilized to provide technical and logistical supplies to combat fighters, which means the availability of spares, special tools, workshops, and technicians. It also has to be able to provide medical assistance, which is attributed to the ship's ability to efficiently manufacture larger equipment and bunks that can effectively counter frigates and destroyers.
The breadth of replenishment requirements can be explained by the need to design for large capacity of available ship cargo, including the need to load special reserves such as frozen items or ammunition. For dry cargo (essentially everything except fuel and fresh water) special attention also needs to be paid to the continuous path and transfer points for moving from stowage to the ship's deck. The elevated rudder and fork-lift processes are extraordinary work for traditional naval designers and shipbuilding specialists, and are an effective design for the exterior of a supply ship.
The point being emphasized here is that large hulls have a direct positive impact on the overall effectiveness and cost-efficiency of a supply ship. Large storage capacity means longer periods of duty and less need to call out to the harbor to fill empty containers and storage. The large number of Replenishment at Sea (RAS) stations with special ship gear demonstrates the ability to provide a wide range of synchronized services such as fuel, storage, etc. Some supply stations have special tasks (e.g., heavy lifting or supplying potable water), so both are not always needed. More sea supply stations split the refueling/re-supply time equally, as two sea vessels can be located on each side at a time to receive supplies, while a large "guest" such as an aircraft carrier or surface assault ship, with an operational pipeline on each side, can greatly reduce the overall replenishment time. Although aft refueling is chosen, it is unique in that it is usually done only in very severe sea conditions, when the two ships are so close together that it is impossible to sail safely along parallel routes.
One of the special needs that has occurred in the past, but is becoming more common today, is the transportation/movement of different heavy loads in standard 20-foot or 40-foot containers. Available board space (lack of daily necessities) and heavy load cranes are a must at this point. Sometimes these containers can also be used to provide (or shore assemble) such things as hospitals or , Joint Command Centers, large mobile repair shops, small harbor buildings, etc. Some of the ship's board space can also be used to house small boats, landing craft and other barges.
Helicopter transportation equipment, including Operation Nighthawk flight decks and large aircraft repair hangars with refueling and maintenance capabilities, is also an important option. Most of the helicopters will be used for straight vertical replenishment to re-supply other ships with stores (especially ammunition). Vertical replenishment also reduces the overall replenishment time of the at-sea replenishment process by providing an additional replenishment line in addition to the at-sea replenishment station. Vertical replenishment eliminates the need to merge two ships together to move stores and/or personnel to other ships, although this can take sometimes-critical round-trip time.
Some armored cruisers are capable of operating a fixed number of helicopters, which can be used to forward-flight resupply fleet units when needed. During the Cold War, some supply units were even fitted with anti-submarine warfare weapons stores to supplement the operational performance of escort units.
In exceptional cases, the advent of massed equipment has even led to supply ships being recognized as command units. This fundamentally requires additional crew berths, as well as the installation of full broadband communications and military and commercial satellite frequency interfaces. Shipboard modular open-architecture networks allow access to many of the workstations that Multinational Commanders at Sea (MCCs) or Commander's Joint Task Forces (CJTFs) need to function. For example, three-quarters of the French Navy's DURANCE-class (DURANCE) ocean-going integrated supply ships are divided into BCRs (Command and Replenishment Ships) and perform dual missions. Similarly, the Italian Navy Etna-class (ETNA) integrated supply ships are qualified to take on the role of maritime multinational commander of the NATO Response Force (NRF) through NATO and are offered to China and India to use some cruisers as command ships.
U.S. Navy T-AKE Dry Cargo Ammunition Ship
When, as noted, it is for very many favorable reasons to design, build, and maneuver large (sometimes very large) supply units, high speed is another important factor. Weight displacement (e.g., large widths and) matching the appearance of large capacity requires powerful and valuable propulsion equipment to gain additional boat speed. Based on past experience, increasing the top speed from 18 knots to 22 knots requires twice as much power. These considerations usually force the required top speed to be limited to only 18-20 knots, sometimes even less. Indeed, 15-16 knots is a typical speed for transforming commercial cruisers.
The rare exceptions include the three Japanese TOWADA-class cruisers (23 knots) and the two newer gasoline turbine-powered MASHU-class supply ships (24 knots), as well as the four U.S. Navy SUPPLY-class supply ships (30 knots). These latter massive ships (230 meters, 49,000 tons) require a four-tank gasoline turbine power plant transmitting 100,000 hp to perform their amazing functions. the SUPPLY class supply ships are obviously not energy efficient, but on the other hand they are able to operate without restriction as Carrier Strike Groups (CSG) station ships operate at the limitations of the carrier strike group (CSG) in order to supply all the requirements (fuel, ammunition, spare parts, food) to the ships. Ammunition, Spare Parts, Food) to all Task Force ships providing a single station "point of embarkation" that can be utilized on a regular basis.
But even the U.S. Navy has apparently now come to regard such high speeds as an unaffordable luxury. These factors led to the abrupt cancellation in December 2005 of the long-term exploration of the TACE(X) program of four 26 knots, 5,000-ton supply ships that were expected to be ready for use in 2014, and to the sudden cancellation of the TACE(X) program of four 26 knots, 5,000-ton supply ships. Their future mission as CSG station ships will be to replace the SACRAMENTO class fast combat supply ships with a combination of T-ACs (KAISER class) and T-AKEs (LEWIS & CLARK class), and the T- AKEs (210 meters high, 42,000 tons, 20 nautical miles/hour speed) will also replace the ammunition ships (T-AE) and the combat stores ships (T-AFS), so for the first time supply is truly multi-store replenishment (dry cargo and ammunition) at the same time. Ten of the planned 14 ships are currently on standby, with the first three already commissioned.
As a well thought out design program, the T-AKE supply ship was built to commercial standards and so has a high degree of utility. Designing warships to commercial standards overcomes the bottlenecks of military standards and eliminates the need for builders to follow a set of procedures and requirements that are completely different from those of civilian shipbuilding. This approach minimizes the cost of shipbuilding. So the U.S. government is able to take full advantage of technological innovations in the civilian industry and the best methods of commercial manufacturing, which can reduce life-cycle costs and improve performance, while at the same time allowing shipbuilders to improve their civilian shipbuilding.
The T-AKE's primary mission will be to provide lift from supply sources, such as specially equipped merchant ships at Friendship Harbor or Sea Consolidation, which transfer cargo at sea (ammunition, food, limited quantities of fuel, repair parts, onboard stores, and consumer goods and raw materials) to station ships and other naval combat units, and, secondarily, the TAKE may be required as an alternate station ship alongside the KAISER class of tankers. TAKE, along with the KAISER-class tankers, may be required as alternate station ships to provide direct logistical support to the ships of the Carrier Combat Teams (CCTs). In the Maritime Forward Force (future), TAKE will be in full service to fulfill the Maritime Base mission.
The T-AKE Multi-Purpose Dry Cargo and Ammunition Ship will replenish supplies from friendly ports or merchant ships at sea, and resupply staging ships and ships involved in other military operations at sea. In other words, its primary mission is to provide the Navy with a constant supply of ammunition, parts, and necessities (dry, or frozen cargo) like a round-trip automobile.
The secondary mission of the T-AKE resupply ship is to work with a T-AO tanker, if the mission requires it, as a semi-replacement for an AOE-1 Sacramento-class tanker, or to act as a fast-operating logistical resupply ship for the AOE-6 class. If the T-AKE multifunctional replenishment ship is to be used for fuel delivery, it must be accompanied by at least one T-AO tanker to provide fuel for U.S. aircraft carriers and amphibious operations.
The AOE-6 class fast combat logistics supply ship is also a "staging area". It provides a one-stop-shopping mode of replenishment for naval ships by loading dry goods (food, consumables, spare parts), ammunition (bombs, missiles) and fuel (fuel oil, aviation kerosene). The replenishment of these supplies can be synchronized. Generally, round-trip ships only provide resupply efforts for AOE staging ships.
The Australian Navy's HMAS SIRIUS, which used to manage the Navy's standardized Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS), is the latest example of the successful transformation of a commercial tanker into a naval supply ship. Complex resupply efforts at sea include simultaneous bunkering and reloading transfers on both routes. Combined shipping containers or any assembly containers will boost production,
T-AKE is capable of carrying 6,700 tons of dry cargo (including refrigerated storage weighing 1,700 tons, 3,200 tons of fuel and 200 tons of potable water), four stowage stations on each side (three dry CONREP and one liquid) and VERTREP two MH-60 helicopter units. Of course the relatively limited amount of available fuel would require TAC fuel ships (42,000 tons displacement, 24,000 tons fuel capacity) also as part of the CSG's logistical resources, or other supply ships as round trip vessels to supply TAKE.
Eight cargo conveyors connect the main decks to the stacked cargo bays.
T-AKEs are the first all-electric freighters to generate double propulsion (two ALSTOM motors on each axle) with an integrated 6.6 kV distribution system. They were also the first naval supply ships to be built entirely to commercial standards with enhanced pollution enforcement measures, and TAKE was fitted with a double hull, which was not intended to prevent operational damage, but rather to comply with IMO regulations for pollution prevention and control (MAR-POL).The rear three cell sections of the KAISER class supply ships were also converted to double hulls, but this was apparently at a high construction cost and accounted for 17 percent of total fuel consumption.
Despite exempting government-owned non-commercial cargo ships, now known as Navy supply ships, MARPOL regulations require all single-hull tankers to be phased out by 2015. Despite the compensation, many of the world's most powerful navies have decided to apply the regulations only to new ships, and in some cases they even expect to replace all of their supply ships within the expected time frame.
MARPOL will have a profound effect on the supply inventories of most advanced navies. Today there are only a limited number of double-hulled resupply ships: two German BERLIN-class ACEs, two Japanese MASHU-class fast ACEs, the Venezuelan CIUAD BOL IVAR composite resupply ship, Australia's SIRIUS AC, two British WAVE-class ACRs, as well as Spain's CANTABRIA and the new Indian composite ship under construction. While it is likely to be a matter of adapting to the upcoming mass build, it appears that only the UK, Canada and Germany (in conjunction with Australia and eventually possibly France) are working on completing a future 100% MARPOL compliant replenishment ship, while all the other competing major powers around the world and most of the remaining navies will be **** building a hybrid ship that will not be available for many, many years to come, and thus may be in a position to face constraints in the outfitting process.
The U.S. Navy's long-range plan anticipates a 15-part requirement for future T-An(X)-class replenishment ships, which will replace the current KAISER-class replenishment ships between 2018-2022, and four TAOE(X)s between 2025-2029, which will replace the four SUPPLYs to become contributing station ships for the Carrier Strike Force.
UK MARS - Maritime Afloat Regions and Sustainment
To date, the world's major naval program in this particular area is undoubtedly the UK MARS, which will replace the majority of the current Royal Fleet Ancillary Services List. The program requirements include three main tasks designed to support the Royal Navy's much needed forces and enable the realization of joint value overseas.
-Supply of bulk consumables (fuel, ammunition, spares, food, water) to the Naval Warrior;
-Support and sustainment of the Inland Expeditionary Land Forces (UK note "sea bases"); and
-Provision of navigational and maintenance equipment for helicopters.
After passing the initial hurdle in mid-2005, the £2.5 billion ($3.8 billion) project is now in the valuation phase and is expected to pass the major hurdle in late 2008. Based on initial attempts to create an MoD with guided engineering integration and an inter-industry alliance, the acquisition strategy now foreshadows open competition for off-the-shelf acquisitions that exist among the fleet. There is also a real possibility that a very small proportion of MARS ships will be built outside the UK with a large European fleet aiming to reach a significant agreement.
Current plans identify eleven ships to be built under MARS, including six tankers (commissioned 2011-2018), three joint sea base logistics ships (2018-2021), and two storage ships (2017-2019). The latter are intended to support the upcoming carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, which also includes a ruggedized helicopter facility with the capability to operate and support six MERLIN-sized helicopters. According to some sources the six tanker ships are likely to be a derivative of the current WAVE class of integrated supply ships, while other claims are expecting differences. It is also possible that the existing FORT GEORGE and FORT VI CTORIA supply ships may not only be subject to an extended inspection as a gap filler, but it is now quite certain that the UK MoD will have to declare a temporary exemption from the MARPOL Act in order to maneuver some of today's single hull tankers after 2015.
In fact, the replacement of UK tanker ships is a matter of great urgency, with all four LEAFs and two ROVERs scheduled to be decommissioned in 2009-2010, and only two WAVEs and two temporary FORT GEORGEs now leaving.
Joint Sea Base Logistics ships could potentially include a large flying shipboard, ship's edge and stern ramps, or a stern dock (or a design like the LPH/LHD) to transfer cargo ashore in different ways. Replenishment requirements might include some sort of shore-based maintenance equipment and/or a combination of assembly supply resources.
Relating to the move, Rolls-Royce is developing a High Replenishment At Sea (HRAS) system that will allow loads weighing up to 6 tons to be transferred back and forth between the two ships, but is currently limited to 2-ton loads. A prototype is in production, to be realized in 2008, which simulates the vastness of the sea during the transfer operation. Demand has been expressed to achieve Class 6 sea state solids transfers with transfer speeds of 20-25 tons per hour and hull spacing of 80 m. The HRAS system is based on the experience of the outrigger winch and wire system and on the principle of electrically driven and automated transfers of all current RAS systems for assembly on FORT GEORGEs that can be securely controlled with multiple winch systems. In automatic mode, the system controls the acceleration, deceleration and stopping of the payload with a simple 'transport' or 'return' command from the operator.
Some of the fleet projects anticipated by the British company, though not formally reported, are being developed in response to MARS requirements. Combined Naval Supply Vessels NVC-14 (25,000 tons full load) and NVC-25 (40,000 tons), to be fitted with four (two on each side) double-capacity RAS rigging, 25-ton cranes for lifting and handling containers, flight decks and hangars for MERLIN helicopters. Total loading capacity is 9,000 tons or 2,000 tons of fuel, respectively, plus 4,000 cubic meters of spare parts and 1,000 cubic meters of supplies.
Another adventurous design is the BMTAEGIR series. This consists of the EGIR-10,-18 and -26, and these make up the three full load range from 20,000 to 40,000 tons with a speed of 18 knots (AOs), and the AEGIR-18R replenishment ship (AOR), capable of multi-product replenishment.
Despite the new acquisition strategies mentioned above, however, other European fleets with recent successes in this area may have a fair chance. In particular, Fincantieri, the Greek-selected derivative of the 145-meter ETNA design, won the Indian Navy competition in 2007 for a new supply ship with a 175-meter double-hull design. This was the first twin hull tanker ship of this size to be exported in the world.
Besides the MARS program, the U.K. is considering other supply requirements. The first and best project is the Joint Casualty Medical Treatment Ship (JCTS). Although originally conceived as a new supply ship or a derivative of the MARS design, it will be replaced by an upgraded RFA ARGUS until 2020. During the 2000-2001 inspection period, the ship was fixed with 100 medical beds and three operating theaters, as well as 100 possible accommodation beds, while retaining the ability to maneuver the large MEDEVAC helicopters on the flight deck.
The decision to retain the existing forward maintenance ship RFADILIGENCE until at least 2014 has led to the postponement of another project, the see-through Operational Maintenance Ship (OMAR).The OMAR may later be subject to measures to fit any of its combination of equipment to the existing ship or to use heavy cranes to move the yacht's equipment into the theater of operations.
MARS may also include an Expeditionary Equipment Hatch Facility (EDPI) to replace the aging and underperforming Mexe fiote pontoon system.