In the past, the good or bad taste of wine was generally assessed in person by veteran sommeliers. This way of evaluating wine is time-consuming, and the criteria for identifying wine are not always fair and objective. Recently, the U.S. physicist Peyatt invented a "tasting" wine laser device, which can not only taste the flavor of the wine, but also measure the brewing time of the wine.
Peyatt arrived at his conclusions by measuring the size and number of ions in the wine. He used a projected laser beam to penetrate a test tube containing wine, and the strength and direction of ion scattering in the wine was displayed on the image. Since each type of wine had different floating ions, the image formed a unique curve. Wines containing large ions that scatter a large amount of light and show a sharp upward and downward curve have a poor flavor. Good-tasting wines show a smooth curve, meaning that the size of the ions in the wine is uniform, and the wine tastes particularly mellow.
Laser smoking cessation
Foreign medics use lasers to irradiate smokers' ear points, and most of them are able to permanently kick the habit.
This laser smoking cessation, based on the theory of our traditional acupuncture therapy, has now obtained 80% success rate, two medical doctors in Singapore spent eight months to complete this trial. They are confident that they are the first doctors in the world who have succeeded in changing people's smoking habit by laser irradiating the outer ear area of smokers. Of the 40 smokers treated at a clinic in Singapore, only six failed to change their habit. More than 2,000 people have now registered at the clinic for the treatment.
Smoking gives a very strong stimulus to the production of self-hostile peptides, also known as self-morphine hormones. Once you stop smoking, the morphine hormone content index drops too low, and people tend to get restless, nervous, and even panic. Laser smoking cessation is through the control of the body's morphine hormone content, so that people in the quit smoking nerve relaxation, rather than too bad mood. Medical experts state that their therapy changes the smoker's taste for smoking, increases saliva and regulates their own morphine hormones. After two or three treatments, some of the treated smokers were disgusted by the taste of cigarettes, some began to feel the unbearable bitter taste of cigarettes, and some of them refused to taste cigarettes at all.
Laser smoking cessation, which is not only painless but also sensationless, is both safe and quick. The instrument they use is a standard low-power laser generator, along with some physical medical equipment, and smokers must undergo a 3-week treatment of 20 seconds once a week. The first thing a smoker needs is determination, and the second is a very low payment of 1 Singapore dollar, or 47 U.S. dollars, for each treatment.
Laser sewing
British scientists have recently succeeded in "sewing" a shirt using lasers instead of needles and threads, a move that poses a new challenge to the traditional clothing industry.
Scientists first a layer of infrared-absorbing liquid coated in the shirt to be "sewn" parts, and then folded the edges together, so that the liquid is sandwiched between the two layers of clothing to be "sewn"; and then the use of low-energy infrared laser light to irradiate the Low-energy infrared laser light is then used to illuminate this overlap, and the chemical fluid is heated to slightly melt the material, thus welding the parts to be "sewn" together. The clothes "sewn" using this technique are very strong and durable, and are suitable for woolen clothes, breathable clothes, and the currently popular elastic clothes. In the "sewing" waterproof clothing, this technology is particularly useful, because now sewing this kind of clothing, must be waterproof processing of the interface, but with the laser "sewing", after the completion of the interface has become watertight.
Laser fresh storage
Sand, ash, cellar ...... long ago people began to study the application of food preservation and storage methods. Until today, chemical fumigation method, cold storage method, biological sterilization method and even high-pressure discharge gas preservation method and so on, but there is no "method" can be compared to the laser radiation preservation and storage method.
Laser radiation preservation and storage technology, that is, high-energy rays and material effects produce physical and biological effects of the theory and technology based on the use of gamma rays, X-rays and electron rays on food irradiation, so as to achieve the insecticidal, sterilizable, improve the quality of food hygiene, to maintain or improve the nutritional quality of food and original flavor, as well as to extend the period of storage of food and the sales period of the purpose.
For example, grain, the global harvest of grain due to pests, microbial hazards, annual loss of about 20%, China in recent years, the loss rate of about 18%. Although chemical fumigation techniques have been widely applied, but these chemical pesticides have never been able to completely kill the presence of various pests and bacteria on the surface or inside the grain. Who has the use of ray radiation, can be expected to put them extinct and avoid losses.
Fruit preservation is even more difficult. The reason why the fruit will soon rot after picking, is due to the fruit carried by bacteria, mold, parasitic insects, and the best way to deal with them is only the best radiation. This is the natural storage in the United States mainland commercial period of only 3-6 days of strawberries, now can be new fresh fresh roam the world's mystery. Radiation, but also can inhibit the maturation of root crops germination, which makes those who have to be preserved for a long time to be the next year for the seed of potatoes, onions, etc., a long time to hide and not bad. Even those with the skin of the delicate berries can be eaten with the help of the power of radiation and fresh storage, not to mention those aquatic products, livestock and meat, vegetables, dry and miscellaneous mountain products and so on. Radiation technology preservation of almost all human food. Nowadays, its application even extends to the radiation processing of chemical materials, commodities, non-destructive sterilization, maintenance. Its unique effect and excellent performance, all the people scream.
Of course, human beings are most concerned about the primary issue is still: the use of radiation by the food safety?40 years of research results are happy: all food in the irradiation intensity of the order of magnitude of 103-105 rads within the scope of the radiation, human use of the safety is indisputable. Radiation fresh storage technology with its unparalleled superiority has been favored by mankind, the United Nations for this reason, the establishment of the International Radiation Preservation of Food Research Program. Today, even many developing countries are with unprecedented enthusiasm to study, promote the application of this technology.
Laser cultivation of vegetables
Tokai University in Japan has developed a semiconductor laser used in vegetable cultivation technology to improve the nutritional content of vegetables. The new technology uses the blue and red lasers used in DVDs to replace the sodium lamps now used in "plant factories" to irradiate vegetables cultivated in greenhouses, with the ratio of the two lasers at 10:1. After the adoption of the new technology, the vitamin C content of vegetables can be increased by 10 percent.