Don't give the bird to drink tap water, tap water hidden germs source is too much, may now you drink it all right, but if someday suddenly the water quality deterioration, contains a lot of germs, the bird how to die all don't know! If you ask yourself to drink tap water every day, do you dare to do so? None of the internationally recognized breeding plants give tap water to the birds!
2. Feed
Type: Birds in the wild can eat more than 100 kinds of food, but by our artificial breeding down, in fact, few people to give the bird to eat more than 10 kinds of feed, so often have to supplement vitamins and other supplements, if you want the bird to be healthy, just like people, we need to have balanced nutrition!
Cleanliness: Many people think that the feed is freshly purchased from the market, and that there is no mold, disease or other problems, but in fact, how do you know how long they have been in the warehouse before they sell it to you? There are some molds and diseases that you can't even see with your naked eyes! Especially in humid weather, even if you just purchased the feed, it is best to use a bucket sealed up, placed in a dry place, as far as possible to avoid feed mold lesions, feed mold lesions, which in the Baidu search can be found in a lot of related information!
Feeding costs: many people buy birds are thousands of tens of thousands of dollars in the buy, but in the feed but can not afford to give too much expenditure, especially in the breeding of, and indeed feed is the key to the cost of a large, but think about it, if the bird can be healthy and successful reproduction, more than a young bird can give the bird to eat how long the feed? I think the answer cries out! You want the horse to run and you want the horse to not eat grass! The sky is the limit! Breeding birds for more than a decade, I do not dare to say long, but because of the relationship between the publication of books, I have visited many breeding households, under the observation of the birth of good people have a **** the same point ------ very willing to give the bird to eat well! In Taiwan, there is a university professor who has bred hundreds of pairs of monks, once told me a sentence: be nice to the bird, he will return you! Whether or not this saying makes sense, we all know in our own hearts!
3. Keeping environment
Often have to clean I think a lot of people know, but keep a lot of people will be lazy for a long time, the chassis may be a long time to brush once, the cups may be a long time to wash once, including water cups are also dirty, germs how to come? How are the germs transmitted? Cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies are all sources of infection! Fixed disinfection work is a must, to keep a good bird don't be lazy!
4. Light
Many people know the importance of sunlight, but how important is it? A lot of people can't figure it out! Slightly more detailed to analyze, sunlight can be subdivided into UVA, UVB, UVC three kinds of UVC is in the atmosphere directly most of the file off this will not be discussed! The existence of UVA can help the bird absorption and digestion of nutrients, UVB can help to generate Vitamin D3 to help calcium absorption. But this is not the point, many people think that the bird should be directly exposed to sunlight to be good, but in fact, not really, because the UV light will be reflected, as long as the room is not a room to go into the dark sky so enough, many people are specially to buy reptiles with the lamp to irradiate to make up for the lack of sunlight, but there are a lot of people do not know, in fact, this kind of simulation of sunlight ultraviolet lamps, in fact, the effective distance is really very short, usually reptiles in the use, the bird is the most important thing is to make up for the lack of sunlight. The reptile is in use, the bird room to place this lamp has no role to speak of!
5. Sickness
In fact, most of the diseases of birds have no cure at all, such as the familiar twin viruses: PBFD and APV, but in fact, this is not the most horrible disease, because at least he is tested before the bird is dead! Each species of bird has a different constitution and is susceptible to different diseases. For example, small parrots are most susceptible to eye disease, tigresses are most susceptible to E. coli, small grassland parrots are most susceptible to parasites, crossbills are susceptible to trichinosis, and grey parrots and Amazons are susceptible to Aspergillus infections due to long-distance transportation! Seriously, the mainland in the birds of this medical support is really very very lack of, want to find a hospital to see a doctor is difficult, often encountered bird friends ask questions about disease, speak of the situation, such as what the mental state of the bad, or else is to take a picture of the stool requesting help to determine what the disease, I would like to say one thing, if this can be accurately judged, then go to the medical school should go to death, not so magical things!
Taking diarrhea as an example, parasites can cause diarrhea, germs can cause diarrhea, molds can cause diarrhea, poisoning can cause diarrhea, too many reasons can cause diarrhea! Or it could be that the bird is mentally ill, fried or something like that, please! Who's in good spirits when they're sick? We can only say that he is sick but we can't tell what is wrong with him! It's hard to diagnose at all without specialized equipment! But what can we do? Return to the previous sentence, in fact, many bird diseases simply can not be treated, but can not be treated disease you want to break the head is useless, we can only think in the direction of can be treated, if it is me, I will first look at what species, think about whether there is a relatively easy to get the disease caused by, for example, parasites well, try to deworming medicines, eat two days and three days to see whether there is an improvement, if it is really symptomatic medication, I think! There will definitely be signs of improvement, but if not just try switching to another medicine like antibiotics or something like that!
Bird medicines are simply divided into three main categories: 1. antibiotics 2. deworming medicines 3. mycobacterial treatments
Most of the birds are sick everyone is given antibiotics, what oxytetracycline, gentamicin, Dutch ho pigeons respiratory and digestive two in one this kind of all is ....... Anyway, there is a vegetarian behind almost all antibiotics, just the potency of the strong and weak or not, can kill the germs are in fact similar, many people save money to buy human use, I can only say that the dose aspect of their own careful pinch, pinch the wrong, is to send the bird to meet the angels early just! Antibiotics are also the most common way to treat bird disease, if you do not know how your bird, is under the antibiotics, it is so simple, otherwise you want to break the head is useless, unless to find professional hospitals to help you to determine the laboratory, if you can't, don't bother to hurt the brain!
Deworming medicines are mainly divided into three kinds: 1. feather lice 2. invisible trichinella & coccidia 3. large parasites such as roundworm & hookworms! Feather lice this is our naked eye to see the feathers can be seen out of the bird whether to get, dispel feather lice and divided into internal and external use of two ways to see the bird friends how to choose their own medicine, and large parasites this is internal, many of which are sold everywhere, such as the Dutch porcupine in vivo and external worms can be dispelled this kind of with the feather lice in one, but basically, if I remember correctly, this kind of deworming medicines, the bird will reduce body temperature a little bit after taking If I remember correctly, this kind of deworming drugs, the bird after taking the body temperature will be lowered, so try not to use in the cold weather, some brands of this kind of deworming drugs contain a little toxin can not be overdosed, but in addition to feather lice, in fact, most of the parrots because of the small body size is also relatively rare to get the disease of this large parasites, a lot of people want to say that the deworming deworming, but simply can not figure out exactly what to expel the insects! In my humble opinion, the main thing we need to get rid of is Trichinella & Coccidia, which are invisible to the naked eye, this kind of parasites will be hidden in the feed or drinking water, and a lot of people ask how often to get rid of them? In fact, if you usually keep the water and feed very clean, the bird will not have infection problems, naturally no disease deworming why? Many people ask if they have dewormed their birds when they are sick, and they will answer: I dewormed my bird last month or a few weeks ago, but this doesn't mean that your bird won't get parasites now! To put it simply, if you had a cold last week and took medicine to get over it, does that mean you won't catch a cold recently? Or does the fact that you had diarrhea the day before yesterday and took medicine for it mean that you won't have diarrhea for the next few months?
Mold medicines, in fact, currently on the market are mostly antibiotic-based, but there are also enzymes and herbs and so on, mold diseases if they occur in the vegetative capsule or the digestive tract, in fact, that is okay to treat, but if it is to occur in the respiratory tract, then it is really difficult to deal with, such as just said Aspergillus infections, but also prone to respiratory, basically at all. There is no effective treatment for this, and it is usually only known after the bird is dead and autopsied. If you want to confirm the diagnosis, would you spend tens of thousands of dollars to have a diagnostic tomography scan or blood X-ray of the bird?
Any owner with a normal heart would not want the bird to get sick, can suggest is to give careful care to reduce the possibility of disease transmission, sound nutrition to enhance his own resistance, the do have done, if the bird is still sick try to treat, if the treatment is really ineffective, there is no need to blame yourself for the conscience on the line! (PS. Don't blame the seller of your medicine for not being effective, if you really want to confirm the diagnosis, spend tens of thousands of dollars for the bird to go to the hospital to do a full body checkup, if any disease can really be treated, then there will be no dead people under the sky! (Not to mention the bird!)