How much harm will the Ganhetan industrial park do to Xining?

Qinghai Province, Ganhe Beach area of the Western Mining Lead Industry Branch of the party Quanlin with his daughter party Xiaoqing to the Qinghai Women and Children's Hospital to check the body, found that the daughter's blood lead content exceeded the standard by more than 5 times, and from the end of last year, Huangzhong County, Qinghai Province, the Ganhe Beach Industrial Park continuous detection of children's blood lead content exceeded the standard, poisoning. It is understood that a large number of children's blood lead content exceeded the standard, is here a few lead smelting enterprises.  Physical examination students all blood lead content exceeded the standard Dang Xiaoqing after the news of lead poisoning, Ganhe Beach area, some parents take their children to the physical examination, the results are children's blood lead content exceeded the standard. Western Mining Company Gan He Tan Industrial Park kindergarten responsible person Yan Youxiang said, the kindergarten children's blood lead content reached a maximum of 444 micrograms / liter. From Huangzhong County environmental protection department staff in this kindergarten to collect the laboratory report, all children in the body of the lead content exceeds the standard. *** there are 322 students in Ganhe Middle School, a sample of 26 students test results, students without exception all exceeded the blood lead content, the highest for 466 micrograms / liter.  The cause of the children's blood lead levels exceeding the standard is several lead smelting enterprises here. These enterprises are expropriating the land of Yuanshaner Village in Ganheitan Township. Villagers told reporters that nearly 200 children in the village went to the hospital for checkups, and the result was also that all the children's blood lead levels exceeded the standard, with the highest reaching 502 micrograms per liter.  Some parents transfer their children to the field by the Qinghai Provincial Women and Children's Hospital printed by the prevention of lead poisoning pamphlet contains: human blood lead is greater than 50 micrograms / liter, is lead poisoning, 450 to 699 micrograms / liter for the severe poisoning, in 700 micrograms / liter or more for the extremely severe poisoning. Lead poisoning destroys the immune system and hematopoietic system, affects the growth and development of children and adolescents, and most importantly, affects the intellectual development of human beings: 100 micrograms of lead per liter of blood will result in a decrease of 6 to 8 points in the IQ of human beings, and extremely severe lead poisoning can also lead to death.  According to staff from the Qinghai Provincial Environmental Monitoring Station, who collected air samples in the area, children are more vulnerable because lead dust is free in the air about 1 meter above the ground. Villagers in Yuanshaner village told reporters that a villager got a grandson last September and grew only 500 grams in three months, far below the normal rate of development. Villagers also said that a large number of livestock in the village showed many symptoms of the disease, some have died. The milk and cattle and sheep produced by the family cannot be sold. The land here used to yield more than 300 kilograms per acre, but now it is only about 100 kilograms.  It is understood that some local parents have moved their children to Huangzhong County or abroad.  Medical personnel were ordered "not to make statements" in Ganhetan Industrial Zone, the reporter saw in about 2 square kilometers of ground concentrated in four lead smelting enterprises. It is understood that, under the intervention of superiors, the local government stopped the construction of new smelters, stopping the production of western lead industry Ganhetan crude lead plant. However, the Kardo Smelting Plant of the Lead Industry Branch of Western Mining Co. and the Ganhe Electric Lead Plant of Western Lead Industry are still continuing their production.  Local residents said that these are the two longest and largest production enterprises, which emit large amounts of dust and fumes every night.  At the time of the interview, the heads of local government agencies at all levels were tight-lipped about the pollution problem in Ganhe Beach. The person in charge of the Qinghai Women's and Children's Hospital also said: we have been notified that we cannot make statements to reporters.  Huangzhong County Deputy Governor Bai Qingguang is the only leader to accept the reporter's interview. Bai Qingguang believes that the current use of the United States standards, "the United States standards used in China, obviously not appropriate." But the deputy governor in the explanation of why there are enterprises in the continued production, said, because the two enterprises of the production program "in line with European standards", "in Europe can produce, of course, we can also be here." Interview with the reporter learned that the Ganhe Beach pollution incident came to light, the local government around the children under 12 years of age blood lead content census, but parents have not gotten the results of the test, the relevant departments have not announced to the local residents of the air pollution situation. Because of the pollution problem, Huanghuangzhong County, a deputy governor and the environmental protection bureau chief was removed from office.