JinkoWare magnetized water

Through the magnetization can be eliminated Water is the basis of all life in nature, is the composition of human cells and tissues of the main components. The role of human health is very important, so people call water "source of life" health water - magnetized water magnetized water known as "God water" "magic water". Magic water" of the name, as early as 500 years ago, the Ming Dynasty, the great medical doctor Li Shizhen has found that the magnetized water has "dispel sores and fistulas, long skin," "often drink people have children, aphrodisiac," "suitable for wine! "and other efficacy (see" Compendium of Materia Medica "583-586 pages) can strengthen the body, treatment of a variety of diseases. Modern scientific experiments have proved that, compared with ordinary natural water, magnetized water has the following characteristics: magnetized water has strong osmotic solubility: the magnetized water, its osmotic solubility than natural water to improve the very high. In health care, drinking magnetized water can effectively prevent and control various kinds of stones. In daily life, washing face, hair and bathing with magnetized water can beautify the skin and hair; washing clothes with magnetized water can save washing water and detergent, and improve the washing rate of clothes; cooking with magnetized water is fragrant; decocting medicines with magnetized water doubles the effect of medicine, and magnetized water can remove the scale from household electrical appliances and thermal equipments. Magnetized water viscosity decreased: experiments have proved that the viscosity of water treated with magnetized water has decreased, drinking magnetized water is conducive to dilute blood, soften blood vessels, lowering blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, and effectively preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Magnetized water has obvious sterilizing effect: drinking magnetized water can effectively protect gastric mucosa, prevent and control stress for intestinal ulcer lesions, gargle magnetized water can treat periodontal disease, prevent oral diseases, effective treatment of itchy skin and foot fungus disease. Magnetized water is healthy water: the magnetized water treatment of water its dissolved oxygen, enzyme activity and permeability of biological membranes increased significantly, drinking magnetized water can be a comprehensive regulation of the body's blood circulation system, digestive system, endocrine system and mental functions, to enhance the body's ability to fight disease and anti-aging ability. Not only that, long-term experiments have proved that using magnetized water to soak seeds, raise seedlings, irrigate farmland, can significantly increase crop yields.