Acceleration Program
WinXP's startup can have a lot of speed-affecting features, and even though ms says it's been optimized, there's still a lot of customization available for us. Here's how I usually do it.
1. Modify the run key in the registry to eliminate those few things that are not commonly used, such as Windows Messenger. Enable Registry Manager: Start→Run→Regedit→Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSMSGS" / BACKGROUND this key value, right-click → delete, the world is much more quiet, by the way, the few what cfmon are killed it.
2, modify the registry to reduce the pre-reading, reduce the progress bar waiting time, the effect is that the progress bar to run a circle on the login screen, start → run → regedit start registry editor, look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters, there is a key EnablePrefetcher to change its value to "1". In addition, if you don't change the hardware often, you can set the device type of the bus device to none in the system properties.
3. Turn off the special effects in System Properties, which is a simple and effective way to speed things up. Click Start → Control Panel → System → Advanced → Performance → Settings → In Visual Effects, set to adjust to the best performance → OK. This desktop will be very similar to Win2000, I still like XP's blue window, so in the "window and button on the use of visual styles" tick, so you can see the beautiful blue interface, but also to speed up.
4, I use Windows commadner + Winrar to manage files, Win XP's ZIP support for me even worse than the chicken ribs, because no matter whether I need, open the system to open a zip support, which has been idle less system resources and less than a point, click on the start ?ú Run, type: " regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" double quotes in the middle, and then enter to confirm that the sign of success is a prompt window, the content is roughly: zipfldr.dll in the Dll UnrgisterServer success.
5, quickly browse the local area network **** enjoy
Usually, Windows XP in connecting to other computers, will be a comprehensive check of each other's machine on all the scheduled tasks, this check will allow you to wait 30 seconds or more time. The way to get rid of it is Start→Run→Regedit→Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace in the registry. under this key value, there will be The key is {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}, delete it, restart the computer, Windows XP will no longer check the scheduled tasks, hoho ~ ~ ~ ~, the speed is obviously improved!
6, turn off the debugger Dr. Watson
I seem to be from the Win95 era, once also did not use this thing, you can cancel this way: open the table, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \CurrentVersion\ AeDebug sub-branch, double-click on the Auto key name under it, change its "value data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh the settings to take effect, thus canceling its operation. Along this line of thought, we can have all the debugging function of the option to cancel, such as blue screen memory.dmp, in the "My Computer → Properties → Advanced → Settings → Write Debugging Information → Select None" and so on.
c. Accelerate XP switching ***
Shorten the waiting time
Open the registry editor, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control,
will be WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 1000 or less. (
Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop key, change the WaitToKillAppTimeout in the right window to 1000,
(original setting: 20000) that is, only 1 second wait time when closing the program. WaitToKillAppTimeout Changing the HungAppTimeout value to :200 (original setting: 5000)
means that you wait 0.5 seconds for a program error.
Enable the system to automatically shut down programs that stop sending back. Open the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop key,
Set the AutoEndTasks value to 1. ( Original setting value: 0 )
6 "Let your hard disk faster, let the system faster and more stable
a, reasonable use of hard disk
What is the rational use of hard disk
What is the rational use of hard disk
What is the rational use of hard disk
What is the rational use of hard disk? What's the best way to use a hard disk? First we need to understand the physical structure of the hard disk platters. Partitioned and formatted hard disk but the sector as the basic unit, a partition is composed of a number of sectors. What is a sector? We all know that the disk is rotating at work, it is stored information is recorded in a series of concentric circles on its surface, each of which is called a concentric circle of a track, in Figure 1 we can see the distribution of magnetic tracks and sectors (of course, this is only a schematic, the physical than the figure much denser!) Many friends think that the red "big" is a sector, but the correct understanding of the yellow piece should be a sector. The size of a sector is 512 bytes, a whole circle for a track, a track has a number of sectors, so it is not difficult to see, the more * out of the track on a single sector of its volume, in other words, the smaller its density, because the hard disk is mechanically driven, so the head of the search for it, read, write the faster, the distribution of the partition is also from the outer circle to the inner circle, so the C disk is relatively to the D disk and so on! This is why we feel that the C drive is faster than the D, E, etc. partitions.
Understanding the above knowledge, we can use the hard disk wisely! Take a new hard disk with a capacity of 60GB as an example for illustration: divide the C disk into 3 to 5GB (depending on the operating system), adjust the D disk to 1GB, set the E disk to 10GB, and watch the setup of the saved ones (which can be divided in half into F and G disks) - there is no effect on the system speed.
How to use the partition is the most critical:
1, the operating system installed on the C disk and MwIE, Foxmail, ICQ, QQ, FlashGet, Super Rabbit, player software and some graphic software and other commonly used small software is also installed on the C disk. If you use large Microsoft software such as Office, you should also install it on the C drive. Of course, since we won't use all the functions, we have to customize the installation of those useful parts to save space on the C drive! Then set the virtual memory to the D drive (just temporarily ^_^) and then use the system's own disk defragmenter to tidy up the C drive.
2, use "micro Xiao registry optimizer" or other system modification software to "my documents", "Internet buffer", "Internet history", "favorites" and other often to write, delete the operation of the folder set to the D disk to try to avoid other partitions to produce disk fragmentation and reduce hard disk performance!
3, the various applications installed to the E disk, as for the game can be installed in the F disk, G disk used to store audio and video files.
4, the C disk defragmentation again, and then after the second major step below and then set the virtual memory to the C disk!
Second, the virtual memory settings
The virtual memory set to a fixed value has been a common "truth", and this is very correct, but the vast majority of people are set to the C disk outside the non-system on the partition, and the value of more than two to three times the physical memory. Most people think that the larger the value, the better the performance of the system, the faster it runs! But this is not the case, because the system is more dependent on the virtual memory - if the virtual memory is larger, the system will start using the virtual memory when there is still a lot of free space in the physical memory, and those things that are not used are still in the physical memory, which inevitably leads to a decline in the performance of the memory!
So I started with 32MB of RAM and tried 512MB of RAM, and found that the above mentioned fact is very correct, the virtual memory should be set to 0 to 1.5 times the physical memory (0 times is how much?). It's just disabled! ^_^) is good, and the larger the physical memory the smaller, not larger, the multiplier should be. When physical memory is equal to or greater than 512MB, most PCs can disable virtual memory and not use it, and that's when memory performance is at its highest! ^_^
As for how big your virtual memory should be, you have to try it yourself, because it is directly related to the amount and size of memory-resident software and the software you usually run, so I can't give you a suggested value. You can first set it to the physical memory and so on, and then run a few large-scale software, if there is no abnormal situation, then you set it to half of the physical memory and then run a few large-scale software, if there is anomaly, you have to appropriately increase the value of the virtual memory! And so on, when you find the best value, just set the value to the C drive!
Note: If you are using Windows ME and below, you can download "MagnaRAM 97" to optimize physical and virtual memory for better results! In addition, I recommend that you do not use those so-called optimization and memory management software!
Three, reasonably placed "shortcuts"
In most cases, we run the software is usually the software "shortcuts" to do, the hard disk is getting bigger and bigger, the installation of software is more and more, there are a lot of friends! like to put the shortcuts to the desktop, so not only do you dazzle, and system performance will be reduced, and will cause the system to take up too much resources and make the system become unstable, so we prefer to control the shortcuts on the desktop in 10 or so, the other shortcuts can be put all the way to the start menu and shortcut to the start bar, and all the software "Uninstall! and remove all software "uninstall" shortcuts to improve system performance. In addition, try not to have duplicate shortcuts.
Four, careful use of "security" software
The security software referred to here is the real-time anti-virus software and firewall. This type of software is very large occupation of system resources and CPU resources (some as high as 30% or more), if you do not often on the miscellaneous website, this type of software is completely unnecessary to use! It's much more practical and convenient than overclocking your CPU!
Fifth, reduce unnecessary random startup programs
This is a cliché, but many friends do not know what programs can be prohibited, what can not be prohibited, so many people do not carry out this step of the work. With Optimizer, this is much easier, and in Figure 2, "Boot Speed Optimization," Optimizer will show you what you can and can't disable!
The benefits of doing this include faster boot times and improved system stability!
Sixth, a reasonable set of "icon cache"
Often the system's default icon cache is relatively large, which is obviously a waste of feeling, so we have to make appropriate adjustments to its value, we can use "Windows Optimizer "To see how much the current system has used the icon cache, and then we will set its value to the actual size of about 2 times can be. Note: Some computers may not be able to use Optimizer to make changes, so you can use "Super Rabbit Magic Settings" to make changes!
Also, don't make your desktop background too complicated (we recommend setting it to "none"), and some of you have animated desktops, which is not a realistic approach, and doesn't do any good, except for bringing instability to your system. -After all, we only have very little time to face the desktop! ^_^
Seven, reasonable settings "disk cache"
System defaults are usually very conservative, so we have to make some changes, we can also be in the "Windows Optimizer" in the modification, but we have to manually enter the numbers. Only we have to manually enter the numbers, the minimum value of the disk cache can be set to 2048 (KB), the maximum value is set to 25% of the physical memory, the buffer read/write unit of 512.
Note: This practice will bring a lot of benefits to the stable operation of the multimedia software, in particular, do not set the minimum value is too low!
Eight, try to streamline the right-click menu
Many programs will be installed in the right-click menu to leave a body, many of which we can not be used, but it is a burden to our system. In order to do this, we can streamline the right-click menu in software such as Super Rabbit Magic Settings, and usually only keep the commonly used ones! In addition, it is better to remove the useless items rather than just removing the little checkmarks in front of them!
This can effectively reduce the "New" menu caused by the phenomenon of loss of response!
Nine, the appropriate monitor refresh rate and resolution
Some friends are always complaining that their graphics cards are too poor, some graphics cards are indeed poor, but in many cases because the monitor refresh rate is set too high due to the "illusion". Usually 15, 17-inch color display will be set to 75Hz refresh rate on the line (if the bandwidth is sufficient, of course, can also be higher), there is no need to force on too high. Resolution is the same reason, usually set to 800 × 600 or 1024 × 768 on the line, as long as enough to use, there is no need to play what "ultimate" and "ashes".
This is a much better way to speed up your graphics card than overclocking it!
All in all, once you've used the methods in this article, you'll find that your system is much faster than before! And much more stable too! ^_^ In addition to the content of this article, it doesn't hurt to make your system simpler after some optimization. It's useless to be flashy! If you try it, you'll see that the rest of the story is true.