What is the difference between vxwork and linux, in terms of application programming difference, please expert guidance, thank you!

The main application areas of the embedded Vxworks system are as follows: 1. data networks: such as: Ethernet switches, routers, remote access servers, etc. 2. telecommunication: such as: telecommunication with the private packet switch and automatic call distributor, cellular telephone systems, etc. 3. medical equipment: such as: radiotherapy equipment 4. consumer electronics: such as: personal digital assistants, etc. 5. Transportation: e.g., navigation systems, high-speed train control systems, etc. 6. Industry: e.g., robotics 7. Aerospace: e.g., satellite tracking systems 8. Multimedia: e.g., videoconferencing equipment 9. Computer peripherals: e.g., X terminals, I/O systems, etc. In summary, the system architecture of VxWorks is a hierarchy of fairly small microkernels. The kernel provides only the multitasking environment, inter-process communication and synchronization functions. These functional modules are sufficient to support the requirements of the rich performance offered by VxWorks at higher levels.

2. Linux is a collective term for a class of Unix computer operating systems, and the kernel of the Linux operating system is also named "Linux"; the Linux operating system is also the best-known example of free software and open source development. Strictly speaking, the word Linux itself denotes only the Linux kernel, but in practice it has become customary to use the term Linux to describe the entire operating system based on the Linux kernel and using the various tools and databases of the GNU Project, which was named after computer hobbyist Linus Torvalds.