The future development trend of pure water equipment?

Extreme security filtration:

Pure water equipment is to provide clean drinking water for our lives, to provide pure industrial water for industry, a device in the future pure water will continue to extreme filtration direction, purified water will be more pure, and in order to ensure that the filtration precision at the same time will also realize the instant filtration, instant drinking fresh water state. Let the output of the water to maintain the freshest state, to ensure that the drinking taste and industrial use effect.


Equipment in all aspects of antibacterial and antimicrobial direction, in the international lead-free brass is a kind of antibacterial and antimicrobial materials recognized by everyone, in Europe and the United States a few decades ago, has been the use of lead-free brass to do the water supply pipe, and the Beijing Olympic Water Cube drinking water pipeline is also the use of copper as a material, so in the future of the pure water equipment, all the pipeline will use copper. So in the future, all the pipelines will also use copper pipelines to ensure that the water through the pipeline water quality will not be contaminated, to achieve the whole process of anti-bacterial, anti-bacterial.

Environmental protection and energy saving:

Originally, pure water equipment is used as a kind of environmental protection equipment, water purification. If the equipment to add the label of energy saving that is more appropriate.

The above future development trend of pure water equipment provided by Nanjing Leifert, hope to be able to help you.