(I) Land
Chongqing Municipality has a total area of 8,226,900 hectares, of which the land area is 97.01% and the water area is 2.99%. The land composition is: agricultural land of 2,929,400 hectares, forest land of 2,973,900 hectares, settlements, industrial, mining and transportation land of 550,100 hectares, and 1,506,100 hectares of unutilized land, of which agricultural land and forest land account for a large proportion, and less than 20% of unutilized land. According to the dynamic data provided by the municipal land department, compared with 1997, the area of cultivated land, forest land and unutilized land decreased in 2000; while the area of garden land, settlement and industrial and mining land, transportation land and water area increased to varying degrees, with a significant increase in the area of settlement and industrial and mining land and transportation land.
1, arable land as of 2000, Chongqing City, the total area of arable land of 2,522,900 hectares, per capita arable land of only 0.082 hectares, lower than the national per capita level (0.106 hectares). Cultivated land with slopes of more than 15 degrees accounted for 48.2%, and cultivated land with slopes of more than 25 degrees accounted for 16.1%. Low- and medium-yield fields in Chongqing vary from 60% to 80% of the cultivated land, with most of the central, eastern and southeastern districts and counties accounting for about 80% of the total. The cultivated land reclamation index of Chongqing is 30.74%, and the reclamation index of Dazu and other 5 counties (municipalities) is more than 50%; the reclamation intensity of the western part of Chongqing is greater than that of the eastern part of Chongqing, and the western part of the city is more impoverished in terms of land reserve resources. Compared with 1997, there was a reduction of 18,400 hectares of arable land, and the area of arable land was reduced by 0.61 million hectares per year. Among the reduced arable land, the expansion of built-up areas to the periphery of towns and the occupation of good and fertile land by transportation construction are more prominent.
2, pastureland In 2000, Chongqing had 238,600 hectares of pastureland, and 342,700 hectares of wasteland in the unutilized land. Compared with 1997, the area of grassland in Chongqing increased by 0.04 million hectares. The return of farmland to forest and grassland and the degradation of forest land may be the important reasons for the increase of grassland area. The theoretical carrying capacity of Chongqing's pastureland is 6.7 million sheep units, while the actual carrying capacity of the pastureland in 1999 was 2.5 million sheep units, indicating that the city's animal husbandry as a whole still has potential for development. However, the ecological protection of grassland is relatively lagging behind, and the degraded area of grassland is close to 19% of the total area of grassland due to the influence of rodent pests and human activities.
3. Forestry In 2000, the area of forest land in Chongqing was 2,973,900 hectares, accounting for 36.53% of the total area. Among them, the forested land area was 1,779,200 hectares, accounting for 59.83% of the forested land area in Chongqing, and the forest coverage rate was 23.1%. The distribution of forest land is extremely uneven, mainly concentrated in the middle and low mountainous areas in the east and south, and parallel ridge and valley areas in the center. Compared with 1997, the area of forest land decreased by 0.02 million hectares. The main reasons for the decrease in forest land area are the occupation of forest land for village and transportation construction, deforestation, and the decline of forest land.
4, soil and water erosion In 1999, the soil and water erosion area of Chongqing Municipality was 52,130.27 square kilometers, accounting for 63.26% of the total area of Chongqing Municipality. Among them, 25.11% of light erosion, moderate erosion 48.42%, intensity of erosion 19.41%, extreme intensity of erosion 5.80%, severe erosion 0.26%. Average soil erosion modulus of 4261 tons per square kilometer per year, the total soil erosion in Chongqing is 222 million tons per year, the annual erosion of arable land thickness of about 7.5 millimeters, equivalent to the whole of Chongqing City, 2.3 millimeters of the surface layer has been eroded. Compared with 1987, the soil erosion area expanded by 3226.73 square kilometers, the erosion area rose by 3.78 percentage points, and the annual expansion rate was 0.42%. Due to the management of key watersheds, the area of intensity erosion decreased by 12.15 percentage points, the area of very intense erosion and intense erosion was effectively controlled, but the area of moderate erosion increased greatly, with a net increase of 11.62 percentage points.
5, mineral resources development According to a preliminary survey, Chongqing has 6474 various types of mining enterprises, mineral development over the years to destroy the total land area of 32,012 hectares, of which 102,246 hectares of forest land, 31,641 hectares of arable land, 135,851 hectares of grassland, other types of 50,274 hectares, resulting in 7,995 hectares of land polluted, the land was destroyed only 2.8% was restored.
(2) Water Environment
1. Water Resources The total water resources of all types in the country are 462.442 billion cubic meters, of which the amount of transit water resources is 398.132 billion cubic meters, and the average amount of local surface water resources for many years is 51.14 billion cubic meters. In terms of spatial distribution, water resources are relatively poor in the western hilly areas and relatively abundant in the southeastern mountains. In seasonal distribution, more in summer and fall, less in winter and spring, small and medium-sized rivers in the drought period and winter flow breaks occur from time to time.
2, surface water quality In 2000, in addition to the Huangcaoxia cross-section, the Yangtze River, Jialing River water quality are basically maintained at the 1995 level. 2001 February-March, the Wujiang River 220 kilometers of water quality has been a serious eutrophication phenomenon. Among the 68 secondary rivers and 160 water quality monitoring sections in Chongqing Municipality, 16.9% of the water quality is better than the functional requirements of watersheds, 20.0% meets the functional requirements of watersheds, and 63.1% does not meet the functional requirements of watersheds. The water quality of secondary rivers in Yongchuan, Dazu and other 8 districts (cities) and counties in the western region has been seriously polluted, unable to meet the functional requirements of watersheds, and the contradiction between the supply and demand of water resources has been aggravated, with serious water shortages occurring in some places.
3, surface aquaculture In 1999, Chongqing City, 54,750 hectares of aquaculture, accounting for 20.74% of the water area of Chongqing City. The area of reservoirs and ponds with serious pollution was 10,601 hectares, or 19.27% of the aquaculture area. The irrational development of fish farming in nets and pens has caused the increasingly serious problem of eutrophication in ponds, reservoirs and rivers. Since 1986, the area of serious pollution to expand at an annual rate of 20%, some reservoirs, rivers and water quality has been unable to meet the functional requirements of the watershed.
4. Wetland The wetland area*** within the city area is 1006469 hectares, with artificial wetland as the main body, accounting for 83.25% of the total wetland area.
(III) Biodiversity
1. Species There are 5 species of nationally protected plants, 22 species of nationally protected plants of the second level, and 25 species of nationally protected plants of the third level in the municipal area, which account for 62.5%, 4.1%, and 23.1% of the same kind in the country respectively. Rare and endangered plants are mainly distributed in Nanchuan, Jiangjin, Wuxi and Wushan, accounting for 85.4% of the number of rare plants in Chongqing. There are 56 species of wild animals under national key protection distributed in the city; among them, 13 species of wild animals under Grade I protection and 43 species of wild animals under Grade II protection. The terrestrial plant species affected by the Three Gorges Reservoir involve 120 families, 358 genera and 550 species. In terms of quantity, the most affected are Gramineae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae and Rosaceae. The relocation of immigrants in the Three Gorges reservoir area and the upward shift of human activity zones along the inundation line have increased land reclamation, and the habitats of some animals have been damaged.
2, nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks Chongqing has built 31 nature reserves, with a total area of 606,992.4 hectares, accounting for 7.32% of the area of Chongqing, of which 1 national nature reserves, provincial nature reserves 6. There are 42 scenic spots of various kinds, with a total area of 449,290 hectares, accounting for 5.46% of the total area of Chongqing Municipality, including 4 national scenic spots and 23 provincial scenic spots. There are 49 forest parks with a total area of 60,613 hectares, accounting for 0.74% of the total area of Chongqing.
(4) Agro-ecological Environment
1. Fertilizers In 1999, the level of fertilizer use in Chongqing was 445.5 kilograms per hectare, and the total amount of fertilizers used annually (in pure form) was 710,300 tons. From the 1980s, the use of inorganic fertilizers has risen linearly. The use of inorganic fertilizers increased by 90%, but the increase in grain yield was less than 30%, of which only about 9% of the increase in grain yield came from the contribution of fertilizers. Due to crop absorption and limited soil absorption, 176,300 tons of nitrogen and phosphorus were lost from farmland throughout the year, causing surface pollution.
2, pesticides In 1999, Chongqing City, the level of pesticide use 10.01 kg / ha, the total use of 7,361 tons, the equivalent of 2,544.6 tons.
3. Agricultural film In 1999, the total amount of plastic film used in Chongqing Municipality for agricultural purposes was 18,600 tons. Among them, the amount of film used was 12,800 tons, and the area used was 152,358 hectares, and the level of use was 84.01 kilograms per hectare.
4, livestock and poultry farming According to statistics, in 1999 produced 92.63 million tons of livestock and poultry manure. Among them, 153 large-scale livestock and poultry breeding enterprises or professional households produced 1.678 million tons of livestock and poultry manure annually. A large number of large-scale farms of livestock and poultry manure is discharged directly without treatment, the city's main suburbs of secondary rivers are polluted as the main source of pollution.
5, green food and organic food Part of the soil in the suburbs of the main city by Pb, Cd, Hg and other heavy metal pollution, caused by some food, vegetable products, heavy metal content exceeds the food hygiene standards. However, the farmland outside the suburbs has not been significantly contaminated, especially in the mountainous areas on the outskirts of the city has good conditions for the development of green food and organic food.
6, rural energy The main way of rural life energy is firewood and straw direct burning. From the survey on the composition of rural energy, direct burning of straw accounts for 37.22%, small coal kiln accounts for 31.78%, small hydropower accounts for 17.04%, fuel wood accounts for 12.32%, and bioenergy-biogas accounts for 1.63%.
II. Major Problems of the Ecological Environment
(I) Serious Soil and Water Erosion, Land Degradation, and River Siltation
Soil and water erosion is still serious. Compared with 1986, the total area of soil and water erosion is still increasing, the total amount of erosion is still increasing, and the speed of treatment can not catch up with the speed of expansion. By soil erosion caused by ecological problems are mainly manifested as follows: First, land degradation intensified. Soil erosion leads to erosion of top soil, thinning of soil layer, rock outcropping increases, and in serious places, the topsoil is washed away, and the phenomenon of "petrification" occurs, especially in the sloping arable land of more than 25°, which is the most prominent. The area of rocky desertification in Chongqing has reached 2903 square kilometers, accounting for 3.53% of the total area. Soil erosion accelerates the loss of soil nutrients, soil fertility decreases year by year, and the productivity of land decreases. For example, the organic matter content of soil in Fuling District has dropped from 2.0-5.0% in 1958 to 1.3% at present. Secondly, water conservancy projects are damaged and rivers are seriously silted up. Soil erosion shortens the life of water conservancy projects and reduces their effectiveness. Many rivers in our city are seriously silted up, causing the riverbed to be raised, the overflow section to be narrowed, the flood level to be raised, and the number of flood hazards to be increased.
(2) Decline in forest quality, uneven distribution of forested land, reduced ecological function
--Heavy construction is light on protection, and some of the results of ecological construction have been canceled out. Due to man-made destruction and other reasons, the rate of destruction and degradation of forest land is greater than the rate of afforestation, and the area of forest land is decreasing. The reverse succession from woodland→shrubland→grassland is an important symbol of the decline of ecological functions of some forest ecosystems.
--Forest cover is rising but of low quality. Since about 70% of the forest area in Chongqing is horsetail pine forest, and the forested land is dominated by middle-aged and young forests, although the city's forest coverage has been rising year by year, the quality of the forested land is not high, and the protective benefits and forest resilience are poor.
-- Uneven distribution of forest land. Forest land in Chongqing is relatively concentrated in low and middle mountainous areas above 500 meters above sea level, and the quality of the ecological environment varies greatly between regions. The areas surrounding densely populated cities (towns) have less forested land, which has a lower regulatory effect on the quality of the habitat.
(C) the secondary rivers are seriously polluted, the contradiction between supply and demand for water is prominent
The Yangtze River, Jialing River, Wujiang River water quality is basically stable, but the secondary rivers are seriously polluted, mainly to Ⅳ, Ⅴ water quality is mainly in part of the river section of the poor Ⅴ water quality, about 63% of the monitoring section does not meet the requirements of the waterside functions, resulting in the western part of the city's water supply and demand contradiction is constantly aggravating, and in some places, "water shortages "Frequent occurrence.
(IV) Wildlife-rich areas are reduced, and biodiversity is threatened
--With the growing population, a large number of forest resources have been destroyed due to serious deforestation and clearing of land, coupled with the long-term use of large quantities of pesticides and the discharge of pollutants into the environment, which threatens the species of ecologically fragile areas, and a number of resources are gradually in an endangered state or even disappeared and become extinct.
-- The quality of newly built nature reserves is not high. In recent years, as a natural ecosystem and biodiversity protection base, the city's rapid development of nature reserve construction, but approved but not built, built but do not care about the phenomenon is more common, the development of greater efforts, the construction and management of nature reserves is not high quality, the protection of biodiversity is threatened, a lot of resources are gradually in an endangered state or even disappeared extinct.
-Newly built nature reserves are of low quality. In recent years, as a natural ecosystem and biodiversity protection base, the city's rapid development of nature reserve construction, but the phenomenon of granting but not building, building but do not care about the phenomenon is more common, the development of greater efforts, the construction and management of nature reserves of low quality, the protection of biodiversity is threatened.
--The protection of endangered species in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area is progressing slowly. in 2003, the Three Gorges Project began to store water for power generation, and the relocation of rare and endangered species endemic to the reservoir area has not yet made substantial progress in the protection of the area, and a large number of endangered and progressively endangered species are still in a state of vulnerability to the intervention of human activities.
(E) rural surface pollution out of control
With the restructuring of the agricultural industry, the rapid development of aquaculture, large-scale livestock and poultry farming fecal matter directly discharged, become the city's main suburbs of the main rivers are polluted by the main source of pollution, aggravating the pollution of surface water and secondary rivers, livestock and poultry farming professionals and enterprises have gradually become a new pollution households. Especially the rapid development of aquaculture, due to a large number of nitrogen-rich, phosphorus-rich feed, fertilizers and animal manure to fertilize the fish, ponds, reservoirs, river pollution area was a high-speed development of the trend of surface water eutrophication is becoming increasingly serious. Due to the lack of proper guidance and poor supervision, the irrational use of agricultural chemicals, especially a large number of fertilizer loss of effective nutrients into the environment, aggravated the Three Gorges Reservoir area of water pollution, and so that some of the city's agricultural products are contaminated, but also affects the protection of biodiversity.
(F) irrational development of mineral resources, mining geological environment is damaged
Because of the irrational development of mineral resources, mining ecological damage is serious, resulting in surface instability, subsidence, cracking, collapse, groundwater level decline, wells, springs, ponds depleted, local residents of the water supply difficulties, water shortages in agricultural irrigation. A large amount of discharged mine pit water and coal washing water has caused the groundwater quality to exceed the standard, forming a vicious water cycle system in the local area. Soil erosion and mudslides, water and rock flows make large areas of exposed bedrock, rocky desertification phenomenon intensified, endangering the safe operation of railroads, highways and waterways.
Three, the consequences of ecological damage
Due to the destruction of vegetation, serious soil erosion, breeding pollution, mining resources development and destruction of ecological problems, resulting in Chongqing Municipality suffered from floods and droughts, landslides and collapses, pests and diseases and other natural disasters, and suffered huge economic losses. According to statistics, the direct economic losses due to natural disasters amounted to 3.943 billion yuan in 1999 and rose to 5.998 billion yuan in 2000, accounting for 2.64% and 3.77% of Chongqing's GNP in the same year, respectively. It should be noted that the above calculations do not include genes, species disappearance and many other difficult to measure indirect economic losses, while the direct economic losses are only a small part of the ecological damage. According to preliminary estimates, the city's ecological losses are comparable to the average level of the western region (13.07%). From the survey data available, it is clear that natural disasters have generally been on the rise since the 1950s. the area affected by floods increased significantly after the 1970s, and the upward trend in the area affected by droughts and pests was even more pronounced. At the same time, it shows that the economic cost of our resistance to natural disasters is also increasing, and serious natural disasters constrain sustainable socio-economic development.
Four, the causes of ecological damage analysis
(a) population on the ecological environment to form a heavy pressure
Chongqing City in 1999, the population density of 374 people / square kilometer, population density is located in the western region of the 12 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) the first. From the food level, over the past 15 years, Chongqing Municipality per capita has 346-385 kilograms of food, below the standard of food self-sufficiency (400 kilograms per capita), the existing population has exceeded the carrying capacity of the land. From the point of view of the carrying capacity of arable land (whose standard is a minimum arable land area of 0.048 hectares), due to the poor quality of arable land, it takes arable land area of 0.13-0.17 hectares to feed a rural population, and the actual population carrying capacity of arable land has exceeded its population capacity.
(2) Insufficient awareness of the importance of ecological protection, insufficient attention
1. Emphasis on resource development, light on ecological protection. A small number of localities, departments, units and individuals in the economic interests of the drive, borrowing the development of the economy, to protect food or poverty alleviation on the grounds of enrichment, in order to increase income is often biased in favor of resource development and utilization, or even high-intensity predatory development and utilization, ignoring the ecological protection and sustainable use of natural resources.
2, heavy ecological construction, light ecological protection. In dealing with the relationship between ecological protection and ecological construction, the lack of overall synergy to improve the quality of the ecological environment. In practice, ecological construction part of the project construction did not ecological elements, ecological environmental issues and improve the quality of the ecological environment organically combined; heavy ecological environment after the destruction of the restoration and reconstruction, light before the destruction of the protection and prevention, presenting the construction of the destruction of the situation; heavy project construction, light after the completion of the management of the project.
(3) Traditional Economic Development Model Increases Environmental Pressure
Metallurgy, building materials, extractive industries and other industries that are highly dependent on natural resources account for a large proportion of Chongqing's GDP, which not only increases the scarcity of natural resources, but also aggravates the pressure on the environment.
The energy consumption of Chongqing's 10,000-million-metric-point GDP was 2.20 tons of standard coal in 1999, which was higher than the national average level (1.93 tons of standard coal per 10,000-metric-point GDP). 1.93 tons of standard coal per ten thousand yuan, 1998), much larger than in economically developed regions such as Guangdong and Shanghai.
(4) Macro decision-making mechanism is not sound
Ecological protection is the implementation of the resource management system according to the environmental elements of the division of labor among the various departments, given the resource management and law enforcement is still integrated, the policy orientation of the various sectors is still focusing on the development of the light protection is not conducive to ecological protection, and it is difficult to implement an effective unified supervision and management of natural ecosystems with a strong organic wholeness. Due to the lack of institutional safeguards for ecological protection, the city still has many development and construction projects lack of ecological protection constraints. Decision-making period without ecological protection assessment, consultation, decision-making process does not fully consider ecological protection, decision-making implementation lack of ecological protection supervision, implementation of ecological protection audit or retrospective evaluation system.
(E) policies and regulations are not sound, lax law enforcement
China promulgated a series of resource laws are mostly for a particular element of the natural environment, did not take into account the organic wholeness of the natural environment and the interdependence of the elements of nature, and thus appeared in the development of one kind of resources, but the impact of the development of the other related resources and destruction, resulting in the phenomenon of the deterioration of the ecological environment as a whole.
In the period of transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, China has not yet established a policy system for sustainable development, and the existing ecological protection policy cannot meet the needs of practical management. China's lack of financial policies to encourage long-term investment in the protection of the ecological environment; has not established a policy system of ecological compensation, there are some provinces and municipalities have begun to collect ecological environment compensation fee, but the city still lacks specific collection, use of policy, not to mention the formation of an effective monitoring mechanism; lack of scientific and technological investment policy mechanism conducive to ecological protection; environmental protection laws and regulations on the destruction of the ecological environment of the legal person with a stronger Binding force, but for the individual binding force is weak, especially in the process of resource development and utilization of the phenomenon of contracting or subcontracting, once the ecological environment damage occurs, the responsible person easy to escape the punishment of the relevant laws and regulations.
In the ecological protection of law enforcement, there is a general lack of compliance with the law and the phenomenon of lax law enforcement, resulting in ecological damage to the illegal cases do not receive due punishment and sanctions. In many places, the phenomenon of fines instead of law enforcement is widespread, affecting the effectiveness of law enforcement and law enforcement supervision. Secondly, it is also manifested in the weak law enforcement force, backward means of law enforcement, law enforcement team of low quality, monitoring, evidence collection, detection technology can not adapt to the requirements of the protection work, as well as many cases of ecological damage due to the public prosecutor's low environmental awareness and can not be reasonably disposed of, and so on. At the same time, there is also a certain degree of administrative serious interference in ecological protection and law enforcement.
(F) Insufficient investment
The lack of financial investment guarantee for ecological protection in important ecological function areas, nature reserves and ecological demonstration zones is the key to the difficulty in effectively curbing the trend of ecological destruction.
V. Countermeasures and Suggestions
(1) Unify thinking, raise awareness, and solve ecological problems from the viewpoint of ecological systematics
We should fully understand the urgency, long-term and arduous nature of ecological environmental protection and construction, enhance the sense of ecological concern and crisis, and conscientiously implement the speeches made by General Secretary Jiang at the Central Population, Resource and Environment Work Symposium. The spirit of the State Council's "National Ecological Environmental Protection Program" as well as the municipal government's "Decision on Strengthening Ecological Environmental Protection and Construction", standing in the overall situation and long-term development of the strategic height of ecological environmental protection and construction of Chongqing Municipality must focus on solving major strategic issues, and properly handle the relationship between economic construction and ecological environmental protection.
The continued deterioration of the quality of the ecological environment is the result of heavy engineering construction (including ecological construction) and neglect of ecological protection. Therefore, to ideologically correct the destruction of construction and overcome the tendency to emphasize construction over protection, and seriously implement the State Council on "ecological construction and ecological protection" and "protection first, prevention first, prevention and treatment" policy guidelines and policies, to control the extent of ecological damage and the scope of the further expansion of the ecological damage is to curb the trend of ecological destruction of the key. Eco-protection mainly use the ecosystem science point of view, in order to maintain the ecosystem structure is reasonable, fully functional for the purpose, and can not rely only on engineering construction, can not simply pursue the vegetation coverage.
(2) Strengthening leadership, implementation of responsibility, the establishment of integrated decision-making mechanism for environment and development
Unified leadership in the municipal government, the implementation of division of labor, the establishment of departmental ecological protection and construction of the target responsibility system, and gradually formed by the coordination of decentralized management of the multi-sectoral to the unified supervision and management of the track. Each district and county (autonomous county, city) government to strengthen ecological protection, improve the quality of management personnel, the formation of municipal environmental protection, Planning Commission, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, land and other departments as well as districts and counties (autonomous counties, municipalities) government to grasp the **** management situation.
Establishment of environmental protection party and government "a hand" responsible system. Party and government "a hand" to be responsible for the quality of the ecological environment within the jurisdiction, the quality of the ecological environment as an important part of the performance appraisal of party and government leading cadres, assessment, rewards and punishments.
The implementation of major decision-making environmental impact assessment system, natural resources development and ecological construction and other non-polluting projects, must be carried out ecological environmental impact assessment. For projects that may cause damage to the ecological environment and the adverse effects of the project, must do ecological environmental protection and restoration measures and resource development and construction projects synchronized design, synchronized inspection and acceptance. Projects that may cause serious damage to the ecological environment should be strictly evaluated and resolutely prohibited.
(3) Strengthen the legal system, increase law enforcement, strengthen the supervision and management of ecological environment
Strengthen the legislation, as soon as possible, the development of "Chongqing Municipal Rural Surface Source Pollution Control Management Measures", "Chongqing Municipal Nature Reserve Management Regulations", "Chongqing Municipal Ecological Functional Areas of Ecological Environmental Protection Management Regulations" and other laws and regulations, to improve the ecological protection of the legal system. Develop corresponding ecological environment quality evaluation standards to make up for the inadequacy of ecological protection in the existing natural resources law.
Strictly enforce the law, increase the investigation and handling of major ecological damage cases in key areas and industries, especially increase the investigation and handling of rock-cutting and stone-taking that seriously affects the environmental quality of cities and scenic spots, and strictly control the fertilizing of large and medium-sized reservoirs in Chongqing Municipality for fish farming, so as to curb the trend of rapid expansion of eutrophication of the water body caused by aquaculture. According to the relevant national laws and regulations, the acquisition, sale and transportation of endangered animals and plants at the national level and wild animals and plants under municipal protection are strictly prohibited in Chongqing, and the illegal acts of poaching, selling and dumping of wild and rare animals and plants are severely cracked down.
(D) integrated planning, highlighting the key points, strengthening ecological protection and construction
As soon as possible to make a good ecological environment in Chongqing functional zoning, unified preparation of ecological environmental protection and construction planning in Chongqing and its supporting special planning. According to the important ecological function areas, key resource development zones and ecological environment in three different types of areas of ecological characteristics and protection requirements, the implementation of classification guidance, zoning, guidance for the development of natural resources and industrial layout, and promote the coordination of socio-economic and ecological environment protection, healthy development.
According to the principle of prevention first and protection priority, a number of no-mining and no-logging zones have been designated in phases and batches in ecologically fragile mining areas, forested areas and important ecological function areas to restrict unreasonable development activities. Strengthen the environmental management of tourism resources development, strictly prohibit the development of tourism that destroys the ecological environment, destroys biodiversity and pollutes the environment, strengthen the supervision of the environment of nature reserves, scenic spots and forest parks, and promote the creation of ISO14000 national demonstration zones in key scenic spots. In accordance with the principle of equal emphasis on development and protection, mining units and individuals shall take measures such as backfilling, reclaiming, planting trees and grasses to restore the damages caused by the development of mineral resources to arable land, grassland, woodland and soil and water conservation. Strengthen the environmental supervision of ecological damage caused by the construction of highways, railroads and other infrastructure.
Adhering to the principle of ecological protection and ecological construction, and strengthen the protection of natural forests and sloping arable land to forest (grass). Make full use of the city's rich conditions of water and heat resources, biological primary productivity advantages, focus on strengthening the ecological environment of serious damage to the region as well as important transportation arteries, bank, soil erosion key monitoring areas, major projects in the construction of the region to carry out key afforestation. At the same time, by strengthening ecological protection, restricting unreasonable man-made activities, making full use of the ecosystem's self-renewal ability to restore vegetation, reducing soil erosion, and restoring ecological functions as soon as possible with limited ecological construction funds to avoid the possible negative impacts of ecological construction projects.
Promoting the construction of ecological agriculture, rationally applying pesticides and fertilizers, and developing and popularizing biological control technology; strengthening the recycling and reuse of agricultural film, and actively promoting biodegradable mulch film; strengthening the supervision and management of aquaculture and livestock and poultry breeding, strictly controlling fish farming in fertilized water, and regulating pollutant emissions from farms; vigorously promoting rural biogas, small hydroelectric power, and other energy projects, and reducing the harvesting of new charcoal forests by life. Gradually reduce the pressure on the rural environment.
In regions where the ecological environment has deteriorated, the purely economic mode of poverty alleviation will be shifted to the organic combination of ecological migration and poverty alleviation, and the efforts of ecological migration will be increased to actively guide farmers into towns and cities to improve their living and production conditions, and to mitigate the destruction of the ecological environment caused by the production and living activities of human beings.
(V) Multi-channel fund-raising, the establishment of a sound long-term, stable investment guarantee mechanism
In accordance with the diversification of investment, the use of market mechanisms, multi-channel, multi-level raising of funds for the protection and construction of ecological environmental protection and construction of inputs, in particular, to solve the problem of ecological protection of inputs. Gradually increase its proportion of GDP in the same period, and establish a corresponding assessment and inspection system. Investments in ecological environmental protection and construction should be included in the budget, and special funds for ecological environmental protection and construction should be established. In addition to focusing on strengthening the natural forest protection project, it should also focus on strengthening the investment in nature reserves, important ecological function reserves, ecological demonstration zones and ecological monitoring.
Adhering to the principles of "who pollutes, who treats" and "who benefits, who compensates", a compensation mechanism for the ecological environment should be established, paid use of natural resources should be implemented, and compensation fees for resource development and ecological compensation in the development and utilization of natural resources such as land, water bodies, species, and so on, should be gradually levied, so that reasonable compensation can be made for the restoration of the ecosystems that have been damaged; a licensing system should be implemented for those who engage in collection and mining, and a resource development tax should be levied, so that reasonable compensation for the recovery of the ecological systems that have been destroyed can be applied. The government also imposes a resource development tax and applies the regulation of the law of value to limit the disorderly activities of resource development.
(F) Strengthening publicity and education, and raising the awareness of ecological environmental protection in the whole society
Widely carrying out publicity and education on ecological protection, paying attention to the supervisory role of the press and public opinion, and strengthening ecological environment warning education, and endeavoring to raise the awareness of ecological protection of the people of Chongqing Municipality, and really turning ecological environmental protection measures into the conscious actions of the masses. Fully rely on the supervision role of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference at all levels, enhance the sense of mission of the leaders at all levels, focusing on ecological protection, and targeting to do a good job in the protection of the work. To carry out in-depth education on the state of the environment and national policies, and to strengthen training in ecological environmental protection.
(VII) Strengthening International Cooperation and Exchanges
Actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation, timely preparation of ecological protection and construction project proposals, and make full use of foreign capital, technology, information, human resources and management advantages, to promote ecological environmental protection and construction in Chongqing, especially to strengthen the nature reserves, important ecological function reserves, ecological disaster prevention and control, and other aspects of cooperation.
(VIII) Ecological and Environmental Problems to be Focused on and Resolved
1. Strengthening Research on Ecological and Environmental Problems in the Reservoir Area. In view of the fact that after the storage of water in the Three Gorges Project in 2003, the biological resources and geographic environment of the submerged areas in the reservoir area will undergo significant changes, and the opportunity to collect basic data on the ecological environment of the submerged areas will be lost forever, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive survey, monitoring and rescue work as soon as possible, and to set up a comprehensive basic database on the current status of the ecological environment in the reservoir area, and at the same time, to strengthen the capacity of the aquatic environment after the reservoir has been established, and the permissible discharge of pollutants in the river sections of the reservoir, the water body Eutrophication, the impact of the reservoir on the atmospheric environment of the main city of Chongqing, the impact of the reservoir on the health of the population and other issues to focus on research. It is suggested that the state should focus on supporting the Three Gorges reservoir area to establish an ecological environment monitoring system as soon as possible, as well as studying the evolution of the ecological environment in the reservoir area.
2. Strengthen research on ecological and economic compensation policies in the reservoir area. Focus on the economic costs and ecological losses paid by the Chongqing reservoir area due to the construction of the Three Gorges Project. Suggested that the municipal government will reservoir area ecological and economic compensation policy research as a major research topics, by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Academy of Social Sciences, the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Immigration and other **** with the completion. According to the "polluter pays, developer compensation, destroyer restoration" principle, it is recommended that the state introduced the Three Gorges Project beneficiary areas as well as the Three Gorges Project power generation proceeds of ecological environmental protection in Chongqing economic compensation policy.
3. At present, the research on the vulnerability of the ecological environment of Chongqing Municipality and the economic losses caused by ecological damage are not in-depth enough, and the research on the current situation of the ecological environment, problems and countermeasures needs to be further carried out in depth, and it is necessary for the municipal departments to implement the funds to give support.