What is the reason that the laser cutting machine automatically wants to shift downward?

Downward shift is the Y drive part of the problem (pulley dirty, or motor shaft and pulley coupling between the loose)

Because of the laser machine guide transmission is by the pulley drag belt to realize, so when the machine with too long time, especially cut hot drilling, fabrics such as this, it is very easy to put the small dirt with the belt rolled into the pulley, resulting in the belt de-toothed, the pulley tooth grooves clogging shallow, the belt slipping, X guide skew... Slip, X to the guide rail skewed ...

The solution is: take a flashlight and shine it on the two gears behind the belt on the left and right sides of the Y direction, scrape the dirt from each tooth of the gears, and check whether the tooth grooves of the belt are also dirty (the X direction is shifted according to this method)

We call this kind of problem: misalignment

The main phenomena include: 1. The graphic of the array is shifted when cut to the second row, and there is a few millimeters of overlap with the first row. A few millimeters overlap with the first row, cutting bad graphics

2. Cutting circular interface does not close,

3. X-axis skewed, the optical path is biased

4. Size is not right, the diagonal has a large error

5. Cutting distortion ... And so on

Coupling judgment and solutions to another

(If you need to consult the detailed information can be seen in my user name information, TKS)