The air we breathe every day itself has a lot of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens floating in it, and these pathogens keep getting into our nasal passages through our breathing. However, the nasal cavity's own detoxification system is able to transport the germs to the nasopharynx within 15 to 30 minutes, where they are eventually digested in the stomach. At this point, the amount of virus always stays within the limits of what the nasal immune system can handle, so we don't get sick.
But when triggering factors such as cold, rain, physiological factors such as menstruation, pregnancy, etc. can reduce the detoxification function of the nasal cavity, the virus can stay in the nasal cavity for a long time. At this time the virus can reproduce the number of viruses that the nasal immune system can not withstand, the virus will invade the human body in a big way, and we also have a cold. (People with rhinitis are more likely to catch a cold.) A little later, the base of viruses in the nasal cavity is even larger, and the number of viruses grows even faster, so a large number of viruses begin to spread to other parts of the body, and this is when the systemic symptoms of colds begin to manifest themselves.
Therefore, in the case of a cold, the nose acts as a virus base camp. As long as we keep rinsing the nasal passages with warm salt water, a large number of viruses will be cleaned out of the nose and fewer and fewer viruses will invade the body. Eventually, the number of viruses in the nasal cavity can be reduced to a level that the nasal immune system can cope with. And at the same time, the body's immune system will quickly kill the viruses that enter the body.
So getting yourself a nasal wash and rinsing your nose with warm salt water more often when you have a cold and trying to keep your nasal passages as free of excess snot as possible can get to the root of the virus problem. Using this method can cure a cold in 2 to 4 days and without taking any medication. Washing your nose in the morning and evening on a regular basis can prevent colds to a great extent and greatly reduce the chances of catching a cold.
At the same time, because flu and cold make people sick in the same way, only the virus is different. So the method can also reduce flu symptoms and treat flu and prevent flu at the same time, for all kinds of flu are applicable.
After this method of curing the cold, the number of nasal wash is reduced to morning and evening wash, so that you can slowly condition the nose, the treatment of rhinitis.